August 2015, working draft*

Criteria / Does not meet grant guidelines
(0 points) / Insufficient information or Limited project impact
(1 point) / Meets basic requirements
(2 points) / Demonstrates Potential
(3 points) / Demonstrates Exemplary
(4 points) / Score
Compelling need
Challenge is clearly defined / Problem to be solved is absent or unclear / Problem to be solved is not fully developed or not realistic given timeline or other restraints / Basic problem/challenge is defined and fits scope of project / …AND, if addressed, has potential for positive impact on students most at-risk / most in need / …AND the problem or challenge is recognized by multiple stakeholders in the school
Alignment | SLPS Transformation Plan / Proposal does not align with SLPS Transformation Plan / Connection to District goals are not clearly defined or proposal lacks full alignment with SLPS Transformation Plan / Proposal draws basic connections to SLPS Transformation Plan / …AND project’s approach reflects Transformation Plan guiding beliefs (aka principles) / …AND project demonstrates innovative work that could support student achievement /Transformation Plan goals on a broader scale
Proposed Activities / Proposed activities are not clearly described / Proposed activities are described but are not feasible / Proposed activities are described and address problem/challenge described / …AND they reflect ideas of multiple stakeholders in building / …AND there is research/other evidence of their effectiveness
Criteria / Does not meet grant guidelines
(0 points) / Insufficient information or Limited project impact
(1 point) / Meets basic requirements
(2 points) / Demonstrates Potential
(3 points) / Demonstrates Exemplary
(4 points) / Score
Anticipated Outcomes / No method for measuring student learning outcomes is provided / Method for measuring student learning outcomes is not fully developed and/or not clearly defined / Method for measuring student outcomes is provided / …AND anticipated outcomes fit the scale & scope of the project / …AND anticipated outcomes promise to have positive impact for substantial number of students and/or for students most in need
Viability of Timeline
Can project/initiative work be executed within proposed timeline? / No timeline is provided / Timeline is not clearly defined, is incomplete, or does not align well to scale & scope of project/initiative / A basic timeline is provided that reflects steps of project/initiative / …AND the timeline accurately reflects capacity to execute project/initiative / …AND appropriate staff are assigned responsibilities they can execute
Does the project/initiative foster meaningful collaboration and joint ‘ownership’ in planning, execution, and/or outcomes? / No meaningful opportunity for collaboration is included in project/initiative / Limited opportunities for collaboration and/or no shared responsibility for execution & outcomes / Collaborative opportunities exist in project/initiative execution and outcome(s) / …AND project/initiative clearly fosters collaboration between staff members / …AND project/initiative clearly fosters meaningful collaboration with students, and/or school community members
Scope of Impact
How many students will directly benefit from this project/initiative? / Scope of project/initiative impact is not defined / Scope of project/initiative impact is not clearly defined, does not appear to be realistic, or is too limited for innovation grant / Scope of project/initiative impact is clear and includes a well-defined student population / …AND impact is significant enough to positively improve overall school culture/performance / …AND impact effects students most in need
Does the project/initiative demonstrate an innovative approach to enhancing student learning & success? / No innovation is evident / Innovation is minimal, not clearly defined, or not clearly tied to enhancing student learning / Innovative elements are described and clearly tied to student learning / …AND innovation goes beyond simply “more/new material” in classrooms but also involves a change in teaching or leadership approach… / …. AND innovation has potential for being replicable across schools
Does the proposed budget reflect a favorable cost/benefit ratio? / No budget outline is provided / Budget outline is incomplete and/or expenses do not seem to align with value/impact on student learning / Budget is clear and complete / …AND conveys value of investment / …AND includes some other building resources (i.e., an in-kind staff person)
Is there a plan to continue project if/when external funding ceases / No evidence of plan for sustainability / Plan for sustainability depends entirely on continued, external funding / Proposal demonstrates a commitment to embedding costs into overall school budget / …AND indicates school leadership willingness to evaluate and consider future of project / ...AND indicates willingness to make new project, if successful, a budget priority in future years

* Any additional rubric updates will be communicated at information sessions and newer version will be posted online