AUSTRIA Feb 2008

Listof issues relevant for adding mixtures of waste to Annex IIIA

This list is based on recital 39 of Regulation No. 1013/2006. The information marked by an asterisk (*)is to be provided. The other information is indicative.

Proposed wording for the entry in Annex IIIA*:
Waste of copper and copper alloys in dispersible form (B1070) mixed with slags from precious metals and copper processing (GB040) and wastes of refractory linings, including crucibles, originating from copper smelting (limited B1100)
A. Properties of the Mixture of waste
1. Usual description*:Copper and precious metal bearing scrap in dispersible form
2. Waste identification:*
European Community list of wastes:10 06 01 slags from primary and secondary production (Cu- metallurgy)
10 06 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production, 10 06 04 other particulates and dust
10 07 01 slags from primary and secondary production (Ag, Au and Pt-metallurgy), 12 01 03 non-ferrous metal filings and turnings, 12 01 04 non-ferrous metal dust and particles, 12 01 15 machining sludges other than those mentioned in 12 01 14*, 10 08 09 other slags (other non ferrous metallurgy), 10 10 03 furnace slag (non ferrous metallurgy), 16 11 04 other linings and refractories from metallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 16 11 03*, 19 02 03 premixed wastes composed only of non-hazardous wastes
19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of wastes other than those
mentioned in 19 12 11*
BaselLists: B1070 + GB040 + B1100 [limited to “waste of refractory linings”only]
B1070Waste of copper and copper alloys in dispersible form, unless they contain Annex I constituents to an extent that they exhibit Annex III characteristics + GB040 Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining + B1100 limited to: Wastes of refractory linings, including crucibles, originating from copper smelting
3. Physical characteristics*:
powdery/powder solid viscous/pasty sludgy liquid gaseous other (specify)
4. Chemical characteristics:
Composition may vary; See ISRI Specification – Guideline for non-ferrous metals classification (ATTACHMENT 1): commercial name “Drove”
5. Potential forcontamination*:
Normally none. In any case none of the components of the mixture must be hazardous waste due to hazardous characteristics. (e.g. content of heavy metals). The mixture shall be free of insulated wires; copper chlorides; pyrophoric material; asbestos brake linings; furnace bottoms; high lead materials; graphite crucibles; and noxious and explosive materials.
6. Information on the process(es) by which the mixture of waste is produced*:
The unintentionally produced waste mixture results from maintenance operations of furnaces (e.g. in case of leakages of furnaces) in the copper metallurgical industry.
B. Management aspects
1. Technological capacity
Estimated capacity for recovery in the EU in tonnes: no data available
Estimated amount of facilitiesfor recovery in the EU:
1 2-10 >10-100 >100-1000 >1000
2. Packaging types
 Drum  Wooden barrel  Jerrican  Box  Bag  Composite packaging  Pressure receptacle XBulk X Other (specify): container
Mixtures of scraps with or in dispersible form should be transported in covered trucks and/or incontainers
3. Storage:
Methods of storage at the recovery facility (if appropriate):covered storage
4. Trade aspects
Amount of waste shipped within the EU (rough indication): no data available
Amount of waste export from the EU or import to the EU from third countries (rough indication):no data
5. Recovery operation(s) for the mixture of waste*:
R12 Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the operations numbered R 1 to R 11
R 4 Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds
6. Description of recovery operation(s)*:
Indicate the technologies employed for the non-interim recovery operation(s):
The waste mixture may be recovered by means of pre-treatment (e.g. physical separation of copper powder etc.) followed by subsequent recovery of the fractions or may be directly recovered in a shaft furnace (=blast furnace), as it is a mixture of lower-grade copper quality. In case of presence of high amounts of brass or copper in dispersible form in the waste mixture, it can be fed to a converter. The use of flash smelter technology instead of a shaft furnace or converter is also possible. Flash smelting is suitable and profitable for lower-grade concentrates. Flash smelting is a closed process, which can achieve up to 99% capture of the sulphur-rich gases from the smelting furnace for the production of sulphuric acid.
Impurity metals with high vapour pressures (e.g. Pb, Cd, Zn) volatilize and are collected in the zinc-rich dust. Fe reacts with silica flux to form a silicate slag. Depending on the processes, metals like zinc, lead, iron etc. as impurities of the copper are separated from the copper (e.g. in the flue dust and the slag) and further recovered/refined (recycling of lead, zinc etc in special installations.
7. Use of recovered materials(e.g. compliance with technical/industrial quality standards):
New pure copper, zinc, lead etc. (depending on the input scrap)
The fayalite slag (Iron silicate slag) is further treated in conformity with international standards in order to get a product which is used for sandblasting
8. Recovery quota(rough indication)*
Amount of recovered material in relation to non-recoverable waste:almost 100% of the copper content is recycled; almost all other metals are recycled in a multi-step-process (from dusts, slags)
Non-recoverablefraction (list typical fractions and their major constituents):-----
Typical method of disposal (operation) for the non-recoverable fraction:-----
C. Environmental benefits
Overall environmental benefits of the recovery of the mixture of waste*:
X Virgin material conservation X Energy conservation  Emission reduction (e.g. reduction of greenhouse gas emissions)
X Reduction of the amount of waste destined to disposal  other (please describe)
Possible methods for the control of compliance of the mixture of waste with the proposed entry for Annex IIIA by enforcement officers (e.g. simple tests)*:
The same way as for each pure fraction. It is advisable to carry along analyses, proofs of non-hazardous characteristics of the waste mixture or of any of the fractions; indication of the appropriate industrial specifications (ISRI).