Speaker: Francois van Niekerk
I trust this message will encourage you to dedicate yourself to live a fruitful, God glorifying life.
1. Slide 2 Priority of the message.
It was part of the last message of Jesus before His crucifixion.
If you would have the opportunity to share something with those you love before you die, what would you say?
Jesus shared about fruitfulness. This is His guideline to live fruitful and bring maximum glory to God.
Slide 3 John 15:8 NKJV
** By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
Remember the theology behind fruit bearing is not effort but abiding! It is doing what you were destined to do as a child of God! (Illustration of fruit trees and grunting with effort)
2. Slide 4 Primary purpose.
Bearing fruit is a primary purpose in your life and one to which God appoints every believer. Every step of obedience and application of God’s Word is counted as being fruitful!
Slide 5 John 15:16 NKJV
You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
Slide 6 We have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit to His glory.
· Slide 7 Inward fruit: Christlike quality. The fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:20
· ** Outward fruit: Good works that God values because it glorifies Him and draws people to Him. 2Corinthians 9:8; Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:14
Fruitfulness is not optional for the child of God but part of a life goal and mission to glorify God! We are called to bring God glory by bearing fruit. Fruitfulness brings Him glory.
3. Slide 8 Progress is a must!
Slide 9 Scripture indicates different levels of fruit bearing we can find ourselves on.
- No fruit. John 15:2
- Fruit.
- More fruit.
- Much fruit. John 15:5
Where would you pitch yourself?
Fruitfulness is based on right relationship. You and I as the branches cannot bear fruit unless we are rightly aligned to and flowing with the Vine. A branch that are in opposition with the vine or go against the flow of the vine cannot be productive. Being in a right relationship with Jesus and abiding in Him will result in being fruitful in an eternal way.
Settle it forever that Slide 10 you were BORN, BUILT AND BLESSED TO BEAR FRUIT for God and bless those around you.
4. Slide 11 The difference between DISCIPLINE AND PRUNING. John 15:2
Discipline is for those who bear no fruit. Pruning is for the purpose of increase. Discipline is to deal with sin. Pruning is to deal with self. John 12:23-27
Paul left us an outstanding example of that. (Philippians 3:7,8,13-15) Discipline is to cleanse. Slide 12 Pruning is to prepare. God disciplines out of love. Deuteronomy 8:5; Hebrews 12:5,6
Discipline will continue as long as we persist in sin. God will use rebuke, chastening and finally scourging if necessary.
The best response to discipline is not to rationalise or justify sin BUT to repent! The best response to pruning is to humbly comply with God to complete His work.
Pruning is about challenges and changes to priorities, commitments and values. Pruning is not about taking away but making room for more.
Confusion in Christians about discipline and pruning has led to wrong responses resulting in unfruitfulness because of anger and bitterness toward God.
Where is it hurting or uncomfortable? Ask the Lord to show you if it is due to discipline or pruning and be sure to take the appropriate action.
Not every unpleasant experience you are facing is the result of pruning yet it can present an opportunity for God to work for abundance in your life.
Invite Him to do just that and remember His promise to make all things work together for good for those who love Him. Romans 8:28
5. Slide 13 The effect of fruit.
Fruit gives energy! (Illustration of half time in rugby game)
Apart from blessing other people, being fruitful for God leads to joy!
Slide 14 John 15:11 NKJV
These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.
Fruitful people are energetic people! The joy we experience from bearing fruit gives us strength and energy! It is a divine cycle! The more fruit you bear, the more joy you have and the more joy you have the more godly energy you have to live fruitful for Him!
Focus on relationship with Jesus! Obey what He says! Accept pruning. Enjoy the joy and live to bring Him glory!
Slide 15 Closing slide
9 October 2016