Bulliet: Chapters 12 and 13 Practice Test

On your answer document, indicate the best response to each of the following questions or prompts.

1. / The Mongol way of life was
A) / hunting and gathering.
B) / agricultural.
C) / based on procurement.
D) / pastoral.
E) / urbanized.
2. / The Mongol leader, the khan,
A) / had absolute power in decision making.
B) / had his decisions ratified by a council.
C) / was a figurehead only.
D) / had no power to make decisions but retained a veto.
E) / deferred to the Mongol Parliament.
3. / The religion of the Central Asian nomads was
A) / worship of the divine khan.
B) / limited to shamanism.
C) / a diverse mixture of various religions.
D) / atheistic.
E) / strict monotheism.
4. / As a means of continuing to spread the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan used all except which of the following means to expand and control his territories?
A) / Incorporation of non-Mongol armies
B) / Use of subordinate generals
C) / Horses and iron weaponry
D) / Collection of tribute
E) / Diplomatic negotiation
5. / The first Mongol conquests under Genghis Khan were in
A) / Central Asia, the Middle East, and Russia.
B) / Japan and Korea.
C) / China.
D) / Egypt.
E) / Annam.
6. / To maintain control of vast areas, the Mongols formed different khanates. The Golden Horde ruled over
A) / Russia.
B) / Japan.
C) / China.
D) / India.
E) / Korea.
7. / In 1265, major divisions emerged between the Mongol khans because
A) / many branches refused to accept Khubilai as Great Khan.
B) / Jagadai did not accept Shamanism.
C) / Batu and Khubilai teamed up against Jagadai.
D) / some refused to accept an alliance with the Mamluks.
E) / Yuan defied tribual consensus to attack central Europe.
8. / Narratives such as Marco Polo's created a European
A) / isolationist mentality.
B) / image of Mongol poverty.
C) / ambition to find easier routes to Asia.
D) / fear of Mongol contact.
E) / aversion to all things from Asia.
9. / Which of the following was not used by the Mongols in warfare?
A) / Horses
B) / Flaming projectiles
C) / Maces, lances, and swords
D) / Poison arrows
E) / Catapults
10. / The conflict between the Il-khans and the Golden Horde originated in
A) / economic differences.
B) / religious differences.
C) / cultural differences.
D) / philosophical differences.
E) / political differences.
11. / In 1295, the Il-khan ruler Ghazan converted to which religion?
A) / Islam
B) / Judaism
C) / Christianity
D) / Buddhism
E) / Shinto
12. / Tax farming is
A) / the payment of taxes solely by farmers.
B) / the sale of tax-collecting contracts to small corporations.
C) / the exemption granted to farmers from taxation.
D) / the growth of a new cash crop.
E) / the raising of crops on government land to pay for government expenses.
13. / Apparently envisioning himself as a new Genghis Khan, this ruler attacked the Muslim sultanate of Delhi in 1398:
A) / Jagadai
B) / Ghazan
C) / Timur
D) / Juvaini
E) / Hülegü
14. / Why was there a cultural flowering in Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia under the Timurids?
A) / The European style of the Renaissance reached Central Asia.
B) / The Dutch tulip was a cultural catalyst between the two societies.
C) / The Timurids were schooled in art in Italy.
D) / Egyptian artisans migrated throughout Central Asia and the Middle East.
E) / Iran and China shared artistic trends and political ideas.
15. / Who attempted to write the first world history?
A) / The Abbasid caliph
B) / Marco Polo
C) / Ibn Battuta
D) / Ivan III
E) / Rashid al-Din
16. / The significant scientific discoveries of Islamic scholars were translated by
A) / Arabic scholars.
B) / Byzantine monks into Greek.
C) / Christian scholars in Spain.
D) / Indian scholars in Delhi.
E) / all of these.
17. / The Timurids supported advances in astronomical observation, particularly
A) / the likelihood of a sun-centered universe.
B) / the possibility of life on Mars.
C) / the rings of Saturn.
D) / the moons of Jupiter.
E) / methods for predicting eclipses.
18. / How did the Mongols affect Russia’s Orthodox church?
A) / They destroyed it.
B) / They granted it special privileges.
C) / They converted to its practices.
D) / They ignored it.
E) / They modified their practices to include the Roman Catholic eucharist.
19. / The battle in which the Russians fought against the Teutonic Knights to prevent being assimilated by Catholic Crusaders was led by the Russian hero
A) / Alexander Nevskii.
B) / Dmitri Donskoi.
C) / Ivan III.
D) / Vladimir the Viking.
E) / Grigorii Preobrazhenskii.
20. / Which Russian ruler was the first to use the term “tsar”?
A) / Alexander Nevskii.
B) / Peter the Great.
C) / Ivan III.
D) / Ivan IV.
E) / Catherine the Great.
21. / Stephen Dushan took advantage of weakening Byzantine influence and proclaimed himself tsar of
A) / the Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Slavs.
B) / the Greeks, Byzantines, Bulgarians, and Sicilians.
C) / the Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Macedonians.
D) / the Macedonians, Albanians, Slavs, and Serbs.
E) / the Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Albanians.
22. / Mongol armies often consisted of
A) / a multinational force with Mongol leaders.
B) / ethnic Mongols only.
C) / both male and female soldiers.
D) / Chinese mercenaries.
E) / Uighurs only.
23. / Which of the following did the Europeans not learn about from the Mongols?
A) / Porcelain
B) / Movable type and bronze cannon
C) / Gunpowder and high-temperature metallurgy
D) / Coal mining and higher mathematics
E) / Diplomatic passports
24. / In 1453, the Ottomans conquered which important Christian city?
A) / Kiev
B) / Vienna
C) / Paris
D) / Budapest
E) / Constantinople
25. / Mongol rulers in China were increasingly influenced by religious leaders from
A) / Tibet.
B) / Korea.
C) / Vietnam.
D) / India.
E) / Japan.
26. / What was the most lasting impact of the Mongols on China?
A) / The Mongols introduced Buddhism to China.
B) / The Mongols permanently reunited China after a prolonged period of political fragmentation.
C) / The Chinese government system was invented by the Mongols.
D) / The Mongols brought silk and porcelain production to China.
E) / The Mongols built the Great Wall.
27. / The Yuan tax administration relied on
A) / Persian, Arab, and Uighur administrators.
B) / Mongol administrators.
C) / Chinese administrators.
D) / Korean administrators.
E) / Muslim administrators.
28. / Which group held the lowest social rank in Yuan China?
A) / Southern Chinese
B) / Northern Chinese
C) / Middle Easterners
D) / Central Asians
E) / Mongols
29. / To solve the problem of credit in Yuan China, the Mongols provided
A) / no leadership to improve the situation.
B) / laws protecting banks and moneylenders.
C) / government bonds.
D) / tax rebates to the rich.
E) / paper money and copper coins.
30. / One effect of the rise of cities in Yuan China was
A) / the increasing influence of Mandarin.
B) / the rise of a class of educated holy men.
C) / the decline of the prestige of the warrior class.
D) / improved nutrition of the urban population.
E) / an interest in trade for the first time in China.
31. / Which of the following events happened last?
A) / Mongols conquer Korea
B) / Ming Empire founded
C) / Mongols sack Baghdad
D) / Ottomans capture Constantinople
E) / Death of Genghis Khan
32. / Chinese medicine under the Yuan benefited from the arrival of medical texts from
A) / Persia.
B) / Russia.
C) / Europe.
D) / Egypt.
E) / Japan.
33. / In 1368, the Yuan Empire was overthrown and replaced by the
A) / Manchu Empire.
B) / Yi Kingdom.
C) / Ming Empire.
D) / Song Empire.
E) / Tang Empire.
34. / To demonstrate their rejection of the Mongols, the Ming emperors
A) / severed relations with the Middle East and Central Asia and closed the borders to foreigners.
B) / built the Great Wall of China and deported all Mongols.
C) / changed the official language from Mongolian to Chinese.
D) / marched all the Mongols to the Korean border.
E) / formed close ties with the Manchu instead.
35. / The emperor Yongle improved the imperial complex built by the Mongols called the
A) / Imperial House.
B) / Forbidden City.
C) / Heavenly Gates.
D) / Dragon's Court.
E) / Red Square.
36. / Because Mongols controlled access to the Silk Road after the overthrow of the Yuan, the emperor Yongle put an emphasis on
A) / trade by ships.
B) / overland trade through India and Arabia.
C) / trade through Buddhist monasteries.
D) / trans-Pacific exploration.
E) / none of these; trade decreased because people could not afford to travel by Silk Road and pay Mongol tariffs.
37. / Zheng He's primary accomplishment was
A) / converting barbarians to Islam.
B) / discovering new lands in the East.
C) / bringing wealth to China.
D) / acquiring Ming tributary states.
E) / discovering the Philippines.
38. / Why didn't Ming China develop seafaring for commercial and military gain?
A) / The emperor feared outside contacts and influence.
B) / The peasantry were a strong voting lobby and refused to support it.
C) / The merchants were opposed to losing their domestic markets.
D) / The Mongol threat from the north took priority over seafaring.
E) / The Japanese merchants undercut the market and stole China's trading partners.
39. / Which of the following was not a reason for economic decline in China after the death of Yongle?
A) / Decreased production of metal
B) / Lack of commercial development
C) / Reemphasis of the classic examination system, rather than commercialism
D) / A switch to growing staple crops instead of commercial crops
E) / Resurgence of the bubonic plague
40. / Water Margin and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms are examples of
A) / Ming literature.
B) / Ming racehorses.
C) / Ming silk tapestry designs.
D) / Ming wallpaper.
E) / famous Ming sailing vessels.
41. / The Ming produced one of the most prized commercial products of Eurasia:
A) / green or ginseng ink.
B) / teakwood clocks.
C) / porcelain.
D) / lightweight cannon.
E) / wool.
42. / Which of the following areas were not under Mongol domination?
A) / Japan
B) / Korea
C) / China
D) / Vietnam
E) / Russia
43. / The relationship between the leading family in Korea, the Koryo family, and the Mongols was that
A) / they were mutually hostile.
B) / the Koryo family became attached and loyal to the Mongols.
C) / the Koryo family revolted against the Mongols and expelled them from Korea.
D) / the Mongols considered the Koryo family and all Koreans “barbarians.”
E) / of parents and children, with the Koryo family as the parents.
44. / Two main areas of mechanized production in Yi Korea were in
A) / celadon pottery and cannon.
B) / cotton and movable-type font.
C) / glass and metal.
D) / silk and pottery.
E) / porcelain and gunpowder.
45. / The rise of literacy in Korea resulted from the
A) / combination of an improved printing system and the han'gul writing system.
B) / institution of a university system.
C) / spread of woodblock printing from China and the Mongol writing system.
D) / imposition of Japanese rule, which forced the formation of public schools.
E) / popularity of Islam, which required that all Muslims read the Quran.
46. / Unlike in Ming China, the development of agriculture in the Yi kingdom was based on what cash crop?
A) / Wheat
B) / Rice
C) / Sugar
D) / Cotton
E) / Tobacco
47. / What military techniques or innovations made the Yi military a formidable defensive force?
A) / cannon with gunpowder-driven arrow launchers.
B) / compound bows and chain mail.
C) / battering rams and Trojan horses.
D) / phalanxes of soldiers deployed by rota.
E) / the development of poison gas canisters.
48. / What prevented the Mongols from invading Japan?
A) / The Mongols feared the samurai military prowess.
B) / The jungle heat prevented their horses from continuing.
C) / A storm prevented them from establishing a base.
D) / Mongol tactics were no match for the Japanese military technology.
E) / The Japanese launched a surprise attack on the Mongol naval base.
49. / How did the threat of Mongol invasion affect Japan?
A) / Japanese clans took political control of their regions.
B) / Japanese merchants lost huge sums of money in the Mongolian markets.
C) / Japanese monks were held hostage.
D) / The Japanese military government spent a lot of time building coastal defenses, hoping to consolidate the warrior class.
E) / Japan reinstated direct imperial rule.
50. / Kamikaze means
A) / suicide.
B) / triumphant death.
C) / wind of the gods.
D) / honorable death.
E) / wisdom of the gods.
51. / The ancestor of modern Vietnam was formed when Annam
A) / annexed Champa.
B) / defeated Mongol forces.
C) / was defeated by China.
D) / was annexed by Korea.
E) / signed the Treaty of Amur with Russia.
52. / The tropics are warm all year round. The center of the tropical zone is marked by the
A) / polar caps.
B) / Gulf Stream.
C) / equator.
D) / Sahara Desert.
E) / none of these.
53. / The rainy and dry seasons in the Indian Ocean reflect the influence of
A) / the monsoons.
B) / the jet stream.
C) / the Gulf Stream.
D) / “El Niño”.
E) / the Himalayas.
54. / By 1200 human migrations had spread many useful plants and animals around the tropics, including
A) / bananas, yams, and coffee.