SATEC @ WA Porter C.I.

Scarborough Academy for Technology, Environment & Computers

Student Responsibilities Contract

Surname (Please Print) / First Name / Student Number

As a student at SATEC, I agree to adhere to the following conditions as the basis for my participation into the regular day school program and accept responsibility for:

Agree to read and follow TDSB Safe Schools policies which are presented in writing to all students each fall in the Student Agenda and conduct assemblies.

Agree to read and follow TDSB’s On-Line code of conduct. I understand the rules and agree to follow them. I understand that if I break the On-Line code of conduct, my computer access privilege may be suspended, and that further disciplinary or appropriate legal action may be taken. (

Agree to achieve personal academic excellence by preparing for tests and examinations, submitting assignments on time, and seeking extra help whenever necessary.

Agree to continue to become a socially responsible community member, by demonstrating exemplary behaviour, attendance and punctuality and adherence to school uniform rule.

Develop my leadership and interpersonal skills by participating in, and contributing willingly to mentoring, and special activities days and environmental projects or initiatives.

Contribute my time and demonstrate the above mentioned skills to complete the diploma requirement for 40 hours of community service.

Use and maintain school materials, facilities and equipment appropriately.

Student Declaration and Agreement to Terms:

I understand my continued enrolment at SATEC @ WA Porter depends on my adherence to the terms of this agreement, and that this agreement will remain in effect as long as I attend SATEC @ WA Porter.

Date / Student Signature

Parent Declaration and Agreement to Terms:

I understand my child is expected to demonstrate co-operation in following this agreement and that s/he will be using the Internet at school for educational purposes. I agree to support the policies of the TDSB regarding student behaviour and the completion of academic course work.

Date / Parent Name / Parent Signature

40 Fairfax Crescent, Scarborough, Ontario, M1L 1Z9

Phone: (416) 396-3365 Fax: (416) 396-3371

A08(Registration/StudentContract.doc) 2009