NCT Lichfield & Tamworth Branch Nearly New Sale
Seller Essentials
Sunday 12th March 2017
- Registration is via the NCT online registration system – link will be posted on the Branch Facebook page or can be obtained by emailing A deposit of £5 will be charged, refundable to all sellers who attend. If you sold at our March/June and November 2016 sales, you will retain your seller number.
- Photos and info of sale items for advanced marketing should be sent to by Monday 27th February 2017. Items will be advertised on the Branch Facebook page on Friday 10th March 2017.
- Please contact us if you would like to be a volunteer at the sale. Sellers who volunteer all day attract a reduced commission charge of 25% rather than 30%. Volunteers also have access to the sale before it opens to NCT members.
- Please bring your sale items to the sale in a box or large bag (e.g. sturdy bag for life style) with your seller number and name clearly marked on it, on all sides in marker pen or a large A4 sign to Nether Stowe School hall at 9am. Make sure you sign in to register your attendance. If you are able, please help us to set out your sale items – the sale is completely run by volunteers.
- Please collect any unsold items by 2.30pm. If you are able to arrive earlier to help us clear up after the sale, this would be much appreciated.
- All items presented for sale must be;
- clean,
- safe and comply with requirements as set out in the seller info pack
- relevant to an NCT sale i.e. maternity, baby and young children
- good, nearly new quality
- packaged and labelled correctly (see seller info pack for further details)
- With clothing, we only have space for 20 hangers per seller
- We reserve the right to remove any items from sale that do not meet our quality and safety standards. We will put a red cross through the sale label and on collection, we will provide an explanation to you as to why the item was removed from the sale.
- Whilst every care will be taken with the security of your property, we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to your property or to item labels before, during or after the sale. All items are left at the owner’s risk.
- Seller ticket stubs will not be issued on the day, if you wish to receive these after the sale we will post them to you and deduct £1 from your £5 deposit to cover administration costs. We will email you within 48 hours of the sale to inform you of your seller totals and commission charges.
- Refund of your deposit and transfer your sale proceeds will be made as soon as possible after the sale day. If you have not received your deposit or proceeds within two weeks of the sale, please contact