Mercè Pujol-Ferran

Residence: Work:

792 Columbus Avenue, # 9H Department of Language and Cognition, B 512

New York, NY 10025-5122 Hostos Community College, CUNY

Phone: (212) 678-8559 500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451

Phone: (718) 518-6843/ 6602


1993 - Ed. D. Applied Linguistics, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York

(Dissertation on the use of multimedia computer technology to teach ESL)

1991 - Ed. M. Applied Linguistics, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York

1990 - M. A. TESOL, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York

1986 - B. A. Filologia Anglo-germànica, Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona, Spain


2010 - Certified Reader, of the CUNY Assessment Test in Writing (CAT-W), CUNY, New York

2004 - Certified ACT Reader, CUNY, New York

2000 - Certified Online Facilitator, Socrates Distance Learning, Inc

1998 - Certificat de Français Commercial et Economique, Chambre de Commerce et d'

Industrie, Paris, France

LANGUAGES: Proficient in Catalan, Spanish, & French


2010 – present Professor, Department of Language and Cognition, Hostos Community College, CUNY, Bronx, New York (Sabbatical leave, Fall 2014- Spring 2015)

Spring 2010 - Spring 2015 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Human

& Spring 2007 Development: Cognitive Studies in Education and Developmental Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York (only Spring semesters)

2001 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Language and Cognition, Hostos Community College, CUNY, Bronx, New York (Sabbatical leave, Fall 2007-Spring 2008)

1999 - 2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Cognition, Hostos Community College, CUNY, Bronx, New York

1993 - 1998 Assistant Professor, Department of English, Hostos Community College, CUNY, Bronx, New York (Granted tenure in 1997)

1997 - 2001 Part-time Spanish Instructor, Instituto Cervantes, New York

Summer 96 Adjunct Assistant Professor, International Education, Trenton State College, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

1990 - 1993 Adjunct/ Substitute Instructor, The Bilingual/ ESL Program, Lehman College, CUNY, Bronx, New York


·  During my last sabbatical leave and since then, I have reviewed current research on neurolinguistics: how the brain processes one language, but mainly how the brain processes a second language and how the brain monitors two or more languages (bilingualism and multilingualism) on a regular basis. I am interested in the implications of this research for language teaching and learning.

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·  I have also investigated the semantic and syntactic connections (and cross-linguistic influences) between English and Spanish. Understanding these connections can be a great resource for bilingual and ESL teachers and learners.

·  I continue to be interested in female contributions to Catalan Renaissance and the legacy of female pioneers in Catalan poetry. I have only studied one poet in depth (see book publication in 2009), but I am aware of many others who have been neglected and need study and recognition.


Books, Articles, Reviews, Proceedings

·  “Exploring Plurilingual Pedagogies Across the College Curriculum” (in the science, humanities, education, and linguistics courses.) Canadian Modern Language Review (Principal author, with J. DiSanto, N. Núñez-Rodríguez, & A. Morales) (Forthcoming)

·  “Educating international and immigrant Students in U.S. Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges.” In A. Doiz, D. Lasagabaster, & J. M. Serra (eds.) English-medium instruction at Universities Worldwide: Challenges and Ways Forward. Bristol/ Buffalo/ Toronto: Multilingual Matters, Ltd. 2013. (pp. 174-195) (With O. García & P. Reddy)

·  El Més Bell Rebrot de l’Esbart de Vic: Obra Poètica Completa de Mercè Font i Codina (1867-1900). Vic, Barcelona: Patronat d’Estudis Osonencs, 2009. (Sèrie Monografies # 26, pp. 296) (Book written in Catalan)

·  Educating English Language Learners: A Synthesis of Research Evidence by Fred Genesee, Kathryn Lindholm-Leary, William M. Saunders, & Donna Christian. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Teaching English in the Two-Year College (National Council of Teachers of English), 36, 1, (September 2008): 89-92. (Review)

·  “The Scope of my Multilingualism.” Language Learner, National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), (September-October 2006): 5-9, 24.

·  “Integrating Writing into the Accounting Curriculum: Practical Exercises.” The Business Education Forum, National Business Education Association, 58. 4 (April 2004): 27-30. (With M. Santos & H. López)

§  “Core Academic Literacy Principles versus Culture-specific Practices: A Multi-case Study of Academic Achievement.” English for Specific Purposes, 22 (Spring 2003): 45-71. (With M. Newman & M. Trenchs)

§  “Taking a Close Look at the Current State of Academic ESL Programs at CUNY.” Idiom, a New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages Newsletter, 32. 4 (Winter 2002- 2003): 6-7. (With J. Carroll)

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Books, Articles, Reviews, Proceedings (Cont’d)

§  "La Pragmática Académica en el Contexto Universitario Norteamericano: Comparación entre Alumnos Hispano Hablantes y Alumnos Nativos." IV Congreso Nacional de Lingüística Aplicada (Asociación Mexicana de Lingüística Aplicada- Universidad Veracruzana- Octubre 15-17, 1997, Mexico) proceedings, (October 1997): 92-94. (With M. Newman)

·  "Community Exploration," A CD Rom package for language learning, Conter Software (1994). TESOL Journal, 5. 4 (Summer 1996): 44. (With H. Wu) (Review)

·  "Towards an ESOL Literature." TESL -EJ, 2.1 (March 1996) (25 pages). (With M. Newman)

§  "ESL Interactions around the Computer.” CAELL Journal (Computer- Assisted Language Learning Journal), 6. 4 (Winter 1995/ 96): 2-12.

§  Points of Contention: A Workbook in Comprehension, Composition, & Revision. New York: McGraw Hill, 1995. (pp. 185) (With M. O’ Riordan)

·  On Track: Readers for Adult Students: a series of four books: Valentina; Antonio; Julio; and Mrs.Lau, by Penny Cameron, Heinle & Heinle (1992). TESOL Journal 4. 4 (Summer 1995): 42. (Review)

§  "Evaluation of a HyperCard-based Application to Enhance ESL Interactions." ED- Media 94 World Conference (June 25- 30, Vancouver, Canada) proceedings, Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual, (1994): 677.

§  "HyperCard Teaching EFL/ ESL through the Communicative Approach." European Conference about Information Technology and Education, (November 3-6, 1992, Barcelona) proceedings, T.I.E. Tecnologia, Informació, Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, (1992): 240.

Reports, Newsletter Articles, Editorial Letters

§  “Brain and Language: The Neural Basis of Bilinguals’ Discourse Comprehension.” Teaching and Learning Newsletter. Hostos Community College, CUNY, New York. (Spring 2017) (Article) (Forthcoming)

§  “ Brain and Language: The Neural Basis of Monolinguals’ Discourse Comprehension.” Teaching and Learning Newsletter. Hostos Community College, CUNY, New York. (Volume 3, Fall 2016) (Article) (Forthcoming)

§  “Linguistics Committee Report “ Department of Language and Cognition, Hostos Community College, CUNY, NY. (Spring 2011-Spring 2015) (With P. Korsko) (Report)

§  “Position Statement on the Linguistics Initiative” Department of Language and Cognition, Hostos Community College, CUNY, NY. (Fall 2010) (With G. August, P. Frenz-Belkin, P. Korsko, M. Rabry, & L. Watkins- Goffman) (Report)

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Reports, Newsletter Articles, Editorial Letters (Cont’ d)

§  “Math/ ESL Lesson Lab Research Project.” Region One’s ELL Outlook. New York City Department of Education Newsletter, (March 2007): 1-2. (With E. Teano) (Report)

§  “Ensenyar en Anglès” in response to the article“Los Maestros Suspenden en Inglés” (July 24, 2006: p 25). La Vanguardia, Periódico de Barcelona - Spain. (July 28, 2006: 22) (Editorial Letter)

§  On Spanish terrorist attacks and national elections (March 11-14, 2004). The New York Times (March 16, 2004) (Editorial Letter)

§  "El Problema de Tomar Apuntes" in response to the article " Prosa de Apuntes," by Lorenzo Gomis. La Vanguardia, Periódico de Barcelona, Spain. (July 4, 1997) (Editorial Letter)

§  "Non-Native ESL Teachers: What are the issues?" TC TESOL Newsletter, 3 (April 1995): 6-7 (With R. Arias & I. Modrcin)

§  "Multi & Hyper: A Media Report. " CUNY Matters, a Newsletter for the City University of New York. (Fall 1994) (Report)


Conference Papers, Demonstrations, Panels

·  “Sabbatical Leave (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) Research: Bilingualism and the Brain.” Department of Language and Cognition, Hostos Community College, CUNY, NY. (April 14, 2016) (Demonstration)

·  “How Bilingual Exposure Shapes the Neural Bases of Children’s Language Development.” Mathematics Day: Living Mathematics. Hostos Community College, CUNY, NY. (April 5, 2016) (Invited speaker)

·  “Early Bilingualism and the Brain: A Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Experience.” Student-Research Expo 2016. Hostos Community College, CUNY, NY. (April 1, 2016) (With 3 Undergraduate students: D. Pimentel, A. Rivera, & A. Ferreira) (Faculty Mentor with Librarian Assistance, L. Tappeiner,) (Poster Presentation)

·  “How Bilingual Exposure Shapes the Neural Bases of Children’s Language Development.” Hostos Research Day 2016. Hostos Community College, CUNY, NY. (March 18, 2016) (With 3 undergraduate students: A. Ferreira, D. Pimentel, & A. Rivera) (Poster Presentation)

·  “Faculty-Student Research: Inside a High Impact Practice at Hostos Community College.” Fifth Annual Tri-State Best Practices Conference: Cultivating Leadership in Climates of Change: Roles of Educators and Expectations for Learning. Bergen Community College, NJ. (March 5, 2016) (With S. Brennan, J. DiSanto, S. Reyes, L. Tappeiner, K Burrell, & A. Varelas) (Panelist)

·  “Language, Inequality, Education.” Second Hostos English Language Forum, Hostos Community College, CUNY., NY. (April 20, 2012) (with Dr. David Kirkland, Dr. Satadru Sen & Dr. Virginia M. Tong.) (Invited panelist in response to keynote speaker Dr. Arthur Spears.)

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Conference Papers, Demonstrations, Panels (Cont’d)

·  “The Role of Language Acquisition across Disciplines: The Role of Content in Multilingual Development.” Center for Teaching and Learning Series. Hostos Community College, CUNY. (April 18, 2012) (with Dr.Robert Cohen) (Presenter)

·  “Multilingual Pedagogical Strategies at Hostos: Thinking, Conversing, Performing, Controlling.” Multilingual Seminar Series: Seminar Topic: Pedagogical Best Practices. Hostos Community College, Bronx, New York. (December 9, 2011) (With N. Núñez-Rodríguez, J. DiSanto, & A. Morales) (Panelist)

·  “Female Pioneers in Catalan Poetry: The Legacy of Mercè Font i Codina (Vic 1867-1900).” XIII International Colloquium of the North American Catalan Society, Temple University, Philadelphia. (May 6, 2010)

·  “Female Contributions to The Catalan Renaissance: The Legacy of Mercè Font i Codina (Vic 1867-1900).” The Seventh Biennial Conference on Spanish and Spanish-American Cultural Studies, Florida International University, Miami, Florida. (April 3, 2010)

·  “How do Adult Hispanic English Language Learners Use Cognates when Reading Academic English?” The 39th Annual International Bilingual Education Conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education, Denver, Colorado. (February 6, 2010)

·  “Strengthening ESL Teaching: A Balanced Instructional Approach.” The 39th Annual Conference of New York State TESOL, White Plains, New York. (November 13, 2009)

·  “Strategies for Adult Hispanic ELLs: Understanding the Connections between Spanish and English Morphology and Syntax.” Oxford Round Table on Bilingualism and ESL, Pembroke College, The University of Oxford, United Kingdom. (March 22, 2007)

·  “The Scope of my Multilingualism.” Casa Abierta, La Unidad de Lenguas Modernas, Hostos Community College, Bronx, New York. (September 28, 2006)

·  “The Scope of my Multilingualism.” Second Bilingual Conference, Hostos Community College and Lehman College, Bronx, New York. (September 15, 2006)

·  “Empowering Hispanic College Students to Take Charge of their English with Contrastive Analysis Strategies.” Oxford Round Table on Bilingualism and ESL, Lincoln College, The University of Oxford, United Kingdom. (March 21, 2006)

·  “Language and Cognition Content-based ESL Curriculum: Putting Theory into Practice.” Educating English Language Learners K-16: Challenges and Options in the Era of No Child Left Behind, a Bilingual Education Conference, Hostos Community College with Lehman College, CUNY, Bronx, New York. (September 16, 2005) (With G. August, R. Cohen, M. Rabry, & K. Sanabria) (Presenter)

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Conference Papers, Demonstrations, Panels (Cont’d)

§  “Language Skills, Content Knowledge and Academic Preparedness: The Hostos Model.“ 5th

International Conference on Spanish in Contact with other Languages, The University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois. (March 26, 2005) (With M. Correa, k. Sanabria, & C. Sanabria) (Presenter)

§  “Contrastive Analysis (Spanish and English) Strategies for Hispanic College Students.” Sixteenth Annual Teaching Academic Survival Skills (TASS) Conference, The University of Cincinnati, West Palm Beach, Florida. (March 22, 2005)

§  “How to Empower Hispanic First-year College Students with Contrastive Analysis Strategies.”

Seventeenth International Conference on the First-Year Experience, Maui, Hawaii. (June 15,

2004) (Poster Presentation)

§  “A Current Comparison of Academic ESL Programs across CUNY.” The Bilingual ESL Learner, 25th Applied Linguistics Winter Conference, La Guardia Community College, CUNY, New York. (February 22, 2003) (With J Carroll)

§  “Examining Challenges Facing ESL Programs throughout CUNY.“ Entering the Race: Making

Every Student a Winner, NY State TESOL 32nd Annual Conference, Sheraton Hotel and City

Center, Saratoga Springs, New York. (November 10, 2002) (With J. Carroll)

§  “Current ESL Issues at CUNY.” Applied Linguistics Winter Conference, La Guardia Community College, CUNY, New York. (February 23, 2002) (With J.Carroll, L. Fox, & S. Di Remo) (Panelist)

§  “Learning to Create an Online Course on Blackboard. ” Cyber Space Technology

Institute, The 31st Annual NY State TESOL Conference, Language Testing Matters…

Make It Count! - Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook, New York. (October 19, 2001) (Demonstration)

·  “Dual Language Model for Higher Education at Hostos Community College. ” Seventh Annual Community College Showcase, Ocean City, Maryland. (November 9, 2000) (With R. Benedetto and W. Rada) (Presenter)

·  “Progress towards a Shared Methodology: Content-based ESL/ Language Enhanced Content.” ESL Students at CUNY: Staying in College, 27th Annual CUNY ESL Council Conference, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, New York. (May 13, 2000) (With R. Arrufat, W. Baker, G. Meyer, M. Rabry, & V. Roe) (Panelist)

§  “Dual Language Model for Higher Education at Hostos Community College.” A Transformative Process on Globalization toward Student Empowerment, 23rd Annual Conference on Bilingual Education, Melville, Long Island. (March 31, 2000) (With Dean Bird-Forteza, R. Benedetto, & W. Rada) (Presenter)

§  “ Developing Mathematical Literacy in the ESL Classroom.” NYState TESOL Applied Linguistics Winter Conference, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, New York. (February 5, 2000)

§  "Learning Strategies to Enhance an ESL/Math College Link.” NYState Applied Linguistics Winter Conference, Herbert Lehman College, CUNY, New York. (January 23, 1999) (With W. Baker)

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