Fan Fiction Assignment
In Fan Fiction, a writer uses a well-known movie or book as his or her inspiration. The writer can:
- Re-write a scene from a different point of view.
- Write a scene that takes place before/ after the time period in the book/movie.
- Write a scene that we only hear about but don't see.
- Use the characters to create a brand new story.
Is my scene clear, focused and interesting?
Does it have details and language that create strong images?
Have I included thoughts and emotions to make it more interesting?
Have I correctly used dialogue to add interest?
Have I artfully included any necessary exposition (i.e. background info)?
Have I used a variety of effective literary devices (metaphor, simile, etc)?
Is it organized so that it is easy to follow?
Are my paragraphs all good lengths?
Have I “hooked” my reader’s interest with a good lead?
Have I ended with a strong conclusion (a twist, grand finale, epiphany, etc.)?
Have I asked for and used feedback from several people to thoroughly revise my piece?
Have I thoroughly edited so that my spelling and grammar are correct?
Have I made sure that my sentence lengths vary?
Have I chosen words that are precise?
Have I been writing consistently when Mr. McKergow gives us time to do so?
DUE DATE: ______
ELA 9 Fan Fiction Rubric
4Exemplary / 3
Strong / 3
Proficient / 2
Developing / 1
Ideas and Content
8.3 / -Exceptionally clear, focused and engaging.
-Full of details that create strong images.
-Effective inclusion of thoughts and emotions.
-Effective use of dialogue.
-Effective use of a variety of literary devices. / -Clear, focused and interesting.
-Has appropriate details that create images.
-Includes thoughts and emotions.
-Has appropriate use of dialogue throughout.
-Appropriate use of a variety of literary devices. / -Mostly clear and focused.
-Has some general details that create a few images.
-Includes some thoughts and emotions.
-Has some dialogue.
-Clear use of a literary device. / -Needs to be focused on one moment.
-Parts are unclear.
-Details are told rather than shown.
-Has many irrelevant details.
- Needs thoughts and emotions.
- Needs dialogue.
-Needs a literary device. / -Needs central idea.
-Development is minimal or non-existent.
9.2 / -Effectively organized.
-Creative and engaging lead and ending. / -Well organized.
-Inviting lead and satisfying ending. / -Organization is fairly good but needs work in places.
-Attempt at lead and ending. / -Some paragraphs are too long.
-Some paragraphs are too short.
-Lead and ending not developed.
-Needsstructure. / -Confusing.
-No paragraphs.
Seeks Feedback
9.3 / -Seeks and uses feedback from multiple sources. / -Seeks and uses feedback. / -Uses some feedback. / -May not have evidence of using feedback. / -No feedback used.
10.1 / -Evidence of extensive revision and editing. / -Evidence of thorough revision / editing. / -Has some revision / editing. / -Has very little revision or editing. / -No revision or editing.
Word Choice and Sentence Fluency
10.2 / -Exceptionally strong control of conventions.
-Precise, carefully chosen words create strong, fresh images.
-Effective variation in sentences. / -Strong control. Errors are few and minor.
-Sentences in control but may lack variety. / -Control of most conventions.
-Language is functional and appropriate.
-Some awkward sentence constructions. / -Frequent errors do not interfere with meaning.
-Sentences often run-on or choppy.
-Repetitive use of words.
-Many awkward sentence constructions. / -Frequent significant errors interfere with meaning.
-Sentences are difficult to follow.
Commit-ment to Craft
10.4 / -Demonstrates strong commitment to writing. / - Demonstrates commitment to writing. / - Demonstrates some commitment to writing. / -Writing has been sporadic. / -Very little writing.