Class Evaluation

Please circle or place a tick mark beside the item that best describes your views of this class.

1. How does this class compare to other classes you are taking at this school?

Among the best
Better than average
Below average
Among the worst

2. Overall how does the teacher handle your class in terms of a learning environment?


3. Please rate the level you agree with the following statements about the teacher:

Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
Shows strong interest in the subject matter / / / / /
Shows a strong understanding of the subject material / / / / /
Is interested in the progress of the students / / / / /
Is approachable for assistance / / / / /
Shows respect for the viewpoints of the students / / / / /
Uses lots of different ways to teach / / / / /

4. How would you rate the teacher’s ability in helping you understand difficult subject matter?

Excellent / Good / Neutral / Fair / Poor

5. How would you rate the teacher’s ability to keep you interested in the subject matter?

Excellent / Good / Neutral / Fair / Poor

6. How challenging is the teacher?

Too challenging
Appropriately challenging
Not challenging enough

7. Would you enrol in another class taught by this teacher?

Not Sure

8. Will you recommend this class to other students?

Not Sure

9. Do you enjoy working in an online class?

Not Sure

10. Are you enjoying this subject more this year than in previous years?

Not Sure

11. Does the class meet your expectations?

Exceeds my expectations
Meets my expectations
Fails to meet my expectations

12. What are the strongest features of this class?

13. What are the weakest features of this class?

14. How would you like to see this class changed in the future?