Commonly asked questions concerning eBoxTops earned through The Box Tops Marketplace at

Box Tops Marketplace®

What is the Box Tops for Education Marketplace?

The Box Tops Marketplace allows school supporters to earn cash for your school when they shop online. First, they must start at the Box Tops Marketplace at When they click on a link to an online store, the school supporter will be sent to that store’s website, where he or she can shop as they normally would. These stores have agreed to automatically donate a portion of each qualifying purchase to your school.

How does it work?

To shop at the Marketplace, you need to first sign up online and designate a school to support. Once you’ve signed up, simply start your online shopping at the Marketplace, and you can earn up to 15 eBoxTops for your school with every $10 you spend. Finally, be sure that "cookies" are enabled on your Internet browser. Cookies are necessary to accurately track your purchases from participating stores. If you set your Internet browser to disable or reject cookies, we will not be able to track and confirm your purchases and make the proper donation to your school. By default, cookies are enabled in major Internet browsers, including Microsoft® Internet Explorer, Mozilla®, Firefox and AOL®. For more information about cookies, consult the "Help" function of your Internet browser.

Do school supporters need to start at the Box Tops Marketplace every time they shop in order to earn cash for out school?

Yes. In order to ensure that all of your purchases are credited to your school, you must start at the Box Tops Marketplace before making a purchase. If they don't start at the Box Tops Marketplace, your school will not receive credit for your purchase.

Do school supporters pay more for purchases made through the Box Tops Marketplace?

No. There are no extra fees when school supporters shop through the Box Tops Marketplace. Prices are set by the individual stores and are the same whether you make your purchase through the Box Tops Marketplace or directly from store web sites. They'll have access to sale prices, promotions and deals just like any online shopper. In addition, many stores may offer special sales and promotions just for Box Tops supporters on the Deals & Discounts page.

Are there any types of purchases that won't result in a donation to our school?

eBoxTops donations and qualifiers for purchases made at Box Tops Marketplace vary by store and are clearly listed. Donations are most often calculated excluding sales taxes, shipping costs, gift certificates, packaging or handling fees, gift-wrapping fees, governmental fees and certain other charges. If you have questions regarding the restrictions at a particular store, click on its logo at the Marketplace and then click on “see restrictions” to see details specific to that store. Additionally, once your school exceeds its yearly maximum of $20,000, purchases will no longer result in a donation for that year.

What if a school supporter return something purchased through the Box Tops Marketplace?

Each store has different rules regarding merchandise returns. However, when a school supporter purchases an item and your school receives a donation based on that purchase, that donation will be deducted from a future payment to your school if the item is returned.

Some families have children who attend different schools. Can I support multiple schools with the Box Tops Marketplace?

School supporters can only designate one school at a time to receive the donations from any given purchase. However, they can easily change their designated school whenever they wish. To change their school, have them click on Your Profile at the top of any page, and then click on Change School and follow the instructions. Thereafter, their newly designated school will receive donations based on their qualifying purchases. To shop for another school, or to switch back to the previous school, they need only follow the above steps and switch to the school they prefer to receive the donation before they make their next purchase.

Using this method, they can rotate between two or more schools as often as they like, but they cannot shop for different schools at the same time—that is, a single purchase cannot be split between schools.

Some school supporters have relatives in another state. Can they earn cash for our school through the Marketplace?

Yes! This is actually one of the easiest ways to get others to help make a difference for your school. Friends, relatives or even businesses can shop to support any school, whether it's in the next state or across the country. All they need to do is sign up online at the Box Tops website with your school's name and state or ZIP code. Once registered, every qualifying purchase they make through the Box Tops Market will earn cash for your school.

What if school supporters would like to shop at a store not listed in the Box Tops Marketplace?

We hope that you'll find your favorite stores at the Box Tops Marketplace, but there are some that don't participate. Purchases made at stores outside the Box Tops Marketplace will not benefit your school. Encourage school supporters to shop at stores that are part of the Box Tops Marketplace so that their purchases will benefit your designated school.

Box Tops Reading Room

What is the Box Tops for Education Reading Room?

The Reading Room allows school supporters to earn money for your school when they shop online at Barnes & Noble. First, they must start at the Box Tops Reading Room at When they click on the Shop Now link, the school supporter will be sent to the Barnes & Noble website. Shop and check out as he or she normally would, and Barnes & Noble will automatically donate up to 6 eBoxTops to your school with every $10 qualifying purchase you make.

How does it work?

The Box Tops for Education Reading Room works exactly the same way as the Box Tops for Education Marketplace.

To shop at the Reading Room, first sign up online and designate a school to support. Once you’ve signed up, simply start your online shopping at the Reading Room, and you can earn up to 6 eBoxTops for your school with every $10 qualifying purchase you make. Finally, they have to be sure that "cookies" are enabled on their Internet browser. The use of cookies is necessary to accurately track purchases from participating stores. If their Internet browser is set to disable or reject cookies, we will not be able to track and confirm purchases or make the proper donation to your school. By default, cookies are enabled in major Internet browsers, including Microsoft® Internet Explorer, Mozilla® Firefox and AOL®. For more information about cookies, consult the "Help" function of your Internet browser.

What is the difference between the Box Tops Reading Room and the Box Tops Marketplace?

The Reading Room works exactly the same as the Box Tops Marketplace. The Reading Room section includes additional information on reading and makes it easier to shop online at Barnes & Noble specifically.

Your school will earn the same donation if you shop at Barnes & Noble through the Box Tops Reading Room or the Box Tops Marketplace. If your school supporter shop Barnes & Noble through the Reading Room, earnings will appear in the Reading Room section of your earnings report. If they shop Barnes & Noble through the Marketplace, earnings will appear in the Marketplace section of your earnings report

Are there any types of purchases that won't result in a donation to my school?

When you start your Barnes & Noble online shopping at the Reading Room, your school will be credited 6 eBoxTops (60¢) for every $10 you spend on new books, magazines and textbooks; your school will be credited 3 eBoxTops (30¢) for every $10 you spend on all other items. Donations to your school are most often calculated excluding charges associated with sales taxes, shipping costs, packaging or handling fees, gift-wrapping services, governmental fees and certain other charges. If you have questions regarding the restrictions, visit the Some restrictions may apply" at the Box Tops Reading Room for a full description. Additionally, once your school exceeds its yearly maximum of $20,000, purchases will no longer result in a donation for that year.