
Ms. Livoti

AP 2D 2015

AP 2D Concentration Project 1: Planning and Preparing for a Sustained Investigation

You will receive a full project grade for completing the following tasks, culminating in a mentor meeting with Ms. Livoti. Complete each section of this planning page. Submit all required components at your mentor meeting (scheduled between Sept. 30-Oct 2).

  • Construct a Hypothesis: in this case your “hypothesis” is your concentration topic sentence/idea. Create a sentence that is your concentration idea.

My concentration theme is/ I am choosing to explore…


  • Do Background Research: Find and list at least one artist that inspires your theme, find and include a concrete artifact/reference that supports your theme.

Rather than starting from scratch in putting together a plan for answering your question, you want to be a savvy scientist using library and Internet research to help you find the best way to do things. Find out if anyone else has explored this theme/idea in a visual way.

Your Artist associated with your question: ______

*Use your sketchbook to attach/collage research evidence associated with your question- an article, an artwork, inspirational images etc.Bring your sketchbook to the mentor meeting.

  • Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment: create a sketch and/ortake reference photos of your initial idea. Put your initial idea into a visual form. Document this in your sketchbook.Bring your sketchbook to your mentor meeting!
  • Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion: reflect on your artwork, how can you continue this theme and keep finding new solutions or alternate hypotheses? In a paragraph form, explain how you could continue to explore this theme.

Sometimes “science experiments” don’t always produce the results you want and sometimes there is more than one solution to a problem. This is how you keep working with your concentration; you keep finding new solutions and exploring your initial idea in new ways.

I plan to continue investigating this theme by:


  • Communicate Your Results:After your mentor meeting,create a more final visual solution (your first concentration project) due Friday October 16th. This will be a critique/assessment day.

Contemporary artists create works that investigate the following themes:




The SelfLossFigures/People

The GazeDesireParadox


CompassionStories Culture



What else can create a body of work?

Decide what subject matter interests you the most: Landscape, Portraits, Still Life, Abstraction, Figurative works.

Think of an important topic or theme in your life, relevant to you! What makes your skin turn? Blood boil? Swoon? What takes yourbreath away? What catches your eye? What speaks to your SOUL? Ask yourself WHY such a thing affects you in this way. What must you share with others? What do you have a strong opinion about?

Think of current events, political and social issues, environmental issues, and how to express something about these ideas in a visual way.