

第一部分 單選題: 1-65題,共84分,由電腦閱卷,請用2B鉛筆作答

  1. Listening Test 20% (1-10題,每題2分)

Part 1: Best Response Questions

Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response.

1. (A)I agree. It had a boring plot and a weird ending.

(B)Yeah. The acting was really terrible, wasn’t it?

(C) That’s right. Not many people knew about the film.

(D)Well, music is a very important part of a movie.

2.(A)Sure, no problem. I will leave you alone.

(B)I’m busy, but I will make time for you.

(C)Sure. You know I am a good listener.

(D)OK. How many would you like to buy?

3.(A)It is much colder compared to ground level.

(B)There are a couple of cabins scattered about, and that’s it.

(C)Besides some forests, there are also a few rivers.

(D)There isn’t much to do besides rock climbing and hiking.

Part 2: Conversation Questions

Listen to each conversation and answer the question.

4.(A)She has many friends on the team.

(B)She has the ability to do well.

(C)She has known the coach for a long time.

(D)She has more experience than others.

5.(A)He owns restaurants around the world.

(B)He visits the man’s restaurant frequently.

(C)He writes about food and restaurants.

(D)He cooks for a very famous restaurant.

6.(A)Borrow money from someone else.

(B)Pay closer attention to his spending.

(C)Get a job with a higher pay.

(D)Give it to her to look after.

Part 3: Short Talk Questions

Listen to the following paragraph and answer the questions.

Paragraph A

7.(A) It sold out in just one week.

(B) It gained some popularity.

(C) It was first published in the U.S.

(D) Critics loved it for its originality.

8.(A) Give talks to audiences.

(B) Edit for newspapers.

(C) Act in plays.

(D) Start his own business.

Paragraph B

9.(A) He was named person of the year.

(B) He decided to stop working.

(C) He passed away.

(D) He left for another position.

10.(A) He is from Argentina.

(B) He was a friend of Pope Benedict.

(C) He lived in poverty his entire life.

(D) He was named Francis at birth.

  1. Vocabulary, Idioms & Phrases 12% (11-22題,每題1分)

11.The criminal confessed to the crime, as he knew the police had ______against him.


12.The wealthy man ______a huge collection of vases from different Chinese dynasties.


13.The goods are ready to be picked up from the ______and delivered to the client.


14.After a series of exhausting meetings and negotiations, we finally ______a deal.

(A) nailed down(B)built up(C)disposed of(D)broke into

15.As the world’s richest man for years, Bill Gates is considered the ______businessman.


16.The patient had a loss of ______in his right hand after the accident, but now he’s better.


17.The sun is the center of our solar system with all the planets ______around it.


18. With so many people yelling around him, James ______focus on his work and decided to take a short break.

(A) might very well(B)swept off his feet to(C)was hard-pressed to(D)was destined to

19. The boy invented a(n) ______device to collect rainwater for drinking. He won a medal for this smart and useful invention in the contest.

(A)paranormal(B) ingenious(C)surplus(D)enormous

20. The student committee passed a ______that the graduation ceremony will be held outdoors at night.

(A)throne(B) voyage(C)mortgage(D) resolution

21. The government official ______by power was caught accepting bribery from some businessmen.

(A)anticipated(B) marooned(C)sprinted(D) corrupted

22. The boss is furious now. You’ll only ______by arguing with him. Let’s wait for him to cool down before explaining everything.

(A)bring it to a close(B) take on a life of your own(C)add fuel to the flames(D) get on your own feet

  1. Cloze Test20% (23-42題,每題1分)

Computers have come a long way since the latter half of the 20th century.Interestingly, sci-fi movies sometimes give us clues about __23__ future computers will be like. For example, in the movie Iron Man, Tony Stark could verbally and visually interact with a mainframe, which seems to be more advanced than __24__ computers that we can imagine. Perhaps in another decade, we can simply speak to or gesture at a computer and then receive immediate responses from it just like what we have seen in Iron Man. Besides, the movie Avatar presents us the hologram, a cutting-edge special effect that __25__ us __25__. In the movie, Jake Sully sat in his wheelchair, observing the “Home Tree of Pandora”__26__ by this technology. In the future, students in the history class may find their classroom turned into a museum whenever the teacher needs examples of the Bronze Age. __27__, with the steady development in computer technology, our future generations are sure to have more devices which are much better than we have today.

23. (A) what(B) how(C) whatever(D) however

24. (A) anyone of(B) any of the(C) all the other(D) allof the

25. (A) keeps; out(B) puts; behind(C) carries; out(D) blows; away

26. (A) show(B) showing(C) shown(D) to show

27. (A) In the meantime(B) On the contrary(C) In other words(D) All in all

Born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, Anne Frank lived in Amsterdam with her family during World War II.__28__ feeling miserable; Anne felt that she was lucky enough to have lived with her family compared to those people whose families were __29__. Outside their hiding place, terrible things were happening every day. Poor and helpless Jews __30__out of their homes at any time; others went back home to find their possessions __31__. People everywhere were living __32__ fear and misery. Anne and her family had to stay in the small place, remaining as calm as possible and hopingthatthe war would come to an end in no time.

28. (A)Instead of(B)In addition to(C) As for(D) Thanks to

29. (A)rounded up(B)torn apart(C) laid aside(D) broken into

30. (A)were dragging(B)were being dragged(C) had dragged(D) should have been dragged

31. (A)disappear(B)vanishing(C) gone(D) robbed

32. (A)by(B) in(C) for(D) with

Humans have become the master of the world with the help of advanced science and technology. We now live a rather comfortable life but still strive to pursue an even more pleasant living environment. However, few of us ordinary people are aware of the fact that a serious problem has __33__ and that we are responsible for it--ecological imbalance. On the one hand, some species are in danger of extinction because of human activities, one of __34__ is bees. Our use of insecticides leads to the destruction of the natural habitat of bees and thus causes a steep decline in their population. __35__, some of our living customs bring about the loss of local biodiversity. For instance, we have long gotten used to planting only one crop in an area.

For some damage we have done to the Earth, we have already paid the price. Back in the 19th century, a potato blight __36__ around a million lives in Ireland because the specific potato species the Irish planted failed to survive the blight and caused famine. But for their agricultural practice and their ignorance of the importance of biodiversity, the Irish wouldn’t have suffered such great loss. If we want to avoid suffering even more severe consequences in the future, we need to __37__ the changes that our environment is experiencing, and try every possible means to help conserve the endangered species as well as biodiversity.

33. (A) rose(B) raised(C) arisen(D) aroused

34. (A) them(B) whom(C) which(D) those

35. (A) To date(B) At all costs(C) Best of all(D) On the other hand

36. (A) claimed(B) yielded(C) flourished(D) pollinated

37. (A) live on(B) be alert to(C) refer to(D) call for

Robert Frost, one of the greatest American poets of the 20th century, is the only poet__38__ 4 Pulitzer Prizes for poetry. His poems express a sense of common humanity and explore deep aspects of human experience. The Road Not Taken is a typical presentation of the universal qualities of __39__.

Frost was inspired to compose this poem from his experience of walking in the woods with his friend. He liked to choose routes at random. However, his friend tended to complain that they could have appreciated even lovelier scenery__40__for his prior choice.

In the poem, the speaker is faced with a choice of two roads diverging in a wood and then decided to take the less trodden one and the decision he makes has a long-term impact on his life. This poem reminds us that once we make a choice, we have to__41__ all the other alternatives. Also, every choice will lead us to a different series of other choices, making turning back impossible. Therefore, it will be __42__ any choice that has been made. After all, it’s you, you alone that make the final choice.

38. (A) having won(B) to have won(C) winning(D) to win

39. (A) making-decision(B) problem-causing(C) problem-solving(D) decision-making

40. (A) had it not been(B) if it were not(C) were it not (D) if there had not been

41. (A)lay off(B) let out(C)let go of(D) run out of

42. (A) useless to regret(B) useful toregret(C) of no use regretting(D) no useregretting (選錯的)

  1. Passage Completion8% (43-50題,每題1分) (大小寫不計)

(A)even / (B)if / (C)though / (D)where / (E)diversify
(AB) identify / (AC) namely / (AD) in this way / (AE)emergency / (BC) track

Comparedto 50 years ago, the automobiles of today are much more sophisticated, particularly with regard to computerization. Sensors can informdrivers about the operation of their vehicles. The newest frontier in automotive technology has more to do with the driver than the vehicle, __43__. Carmakers are investing heavily in the development of biometrics and the capacity to monitor a variety of human parameters, such as respiratory rate, heartbeat, sweat, drowsiness, and __44__ drunkenness.
It is at the facilities of sports car manufacturer, Ferrari, __45__researchers are undertaking one ambitious biometrics project. The company’s research team is working on a system that employs electrodes in seat headrests to keep __46__of brain waves. __47__, motorists’ stress levels can be monitored, and then the software can send out orders to reduce the potential for accidents. For instance, the car’s computer might send a signal to reduce engine power to give the driver more time to reactin a(n)__48__. Over at Ford, research and development departments are working on putting sensors in seatbelts and steering wheels to check drivers’ breathing and heart rates.
Currently, some biometric devices that use cameras or other sensors to __49__sleepy motorists are already being used in some vehicles, such as certain models of Lexus and Mercedes-Benz. When these cars detect drowsy drivers, a beep is set off or an icon of a coffee cup is triggered as a type of alert. More advanced systems that can determine__50__ people are too drunk to drive have been developed, but haven't been put in use yet. With the help of biometrics, the fact that driving will become much safer will hold true in the future.

  1. Discourse Structure 6% (51-56題,每題1分)

Ideas of beauty vary between cultures and societies. __51__ Fashion magazines, TV commercials, and signs bombard the public with thin-figured models. The few imperfections models may have are airbrushed away; stomachs are flatter, thighs are thinner, and all skin blemishes are removed. __52__

Recent photos of models before and after airbrushing have shocked viewers. Without Photoshop, they look pretty normal. Overly-airbrushed celebrity photos place the issue of digitally-enhanced images in the spotlight. __53__

A recent report, “The Impact of Media Images on Body Image and Behaviors,” revealed that on average, people see 3,000 images a day featuring heavily-airbrushed models whose beauty is not real. __54__ These images can cause problems such as eating disorders, depression, and low self-esteem.

It’s not only female adults and adolescents that suffer the negative effects. Children as young as grade school age often want thinner bodies after exposure to Barbie dolls and teen magazines. __55__ The result is higher sales in cosmetics and dieting products, but a drop in self-confidence.

Noticing the problem, in 2009 a UK political party backed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists started the Real Women campaign against advertising companies. Their demands included more honest advertisements and placing labels on airbrushed images, similar to health warnings on cigarettes. __56__

Beauty is only skin-deep. Having a positive body image and confidence is very important to one’s happiness, so embrace who you are. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

(A)Even men are falling into the same trap.

(B)Young girls are affected the worst.

(C)However, thanks to modern media, some beauty standards have become extremely rigid and sometimes unrealistic.

(D)Unfortunately, the stakes are much bigger than celebrity gossip.

(E)Airbrushed images gone wild create an unattainable beauty that can hurt people’s self-esteem.

(AB)Last, airbrushed ads targeting children under sixteen are no longer allowed.

  1. Reading Comprehension 18% (57-65,每題2分)

The term “anti-Semitism” is used to describe the hatred toward the Jews. The world seems to realize that anti-Semitism isn’t simply one more unfortunate example of hatred in the world, but is instead a phenomenon specific to the Jews.

The universal scope of anti-Semitism can be seen in the fact that Jews have been expelled from virtually every country in which they have resided. Jews were expelled from England in 1290, France in 1306 and 1394, Hungary in 1349 and 1360, Austria in 1421, from various places in Germany throughout the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, from Lithuania in 1445 and 1495, Spain in 1492, Portugal in 1497, and from Bohemia and Moravia in 1744-45. Between the 15th and 18th centuries, Jews were not permitted to enter Russia, and when they were finally admitted, they were restricted to one area, the Pale of Settlement.

Parallel to these atrocities in Europe were various levels of anti-Semitism at the hands of the Arabs. From Islam’s inception in the 7th century, the Jews living in Arab countries were constantly made to feel like second-class citizens. Violent outbreaks sporadically occurred throughout the following 1300 years and reached a climax during the years 1948 and 1967. During that period, almost all of the Jews living in Aden, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, over 500,000 in all, were forced to flee, fearing for their lives, in the wake of pogroms, assaults and massacres.

Even as far away as Ethiopia, where a small community of Jews was cut off from the rest of the Jewish people for over 2000 years, evidence of persecution from the neighboring peoples is found. There has even been evidence of anti-Semitism in Japan—a country where virtually no Jews ever lived!

57. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) The migration of the Jews in the century.

(B) Specific religious and beliefs practiced by the Jews.

(C) The rise and fall of the Jews’ life in history.

(D) The phenomenon of hatred towards to the Jews.

58. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) The popularity of the Jews has been on the decline throughout the century.

(B) Russia was the only country that showed its generosity to the Jews in the 15th century.

(C) The hatred toward to the Jews only occurs in Europe and Americas.

(D) The Jews has been treated with unfairness in Arab countries.

59. Which word has the closest meaning to the word “expelled” in the second paragraph?

(A) rejected(B) regained(C) praised(D) accepted

A drug that has already obliterated many of India’s vultures is now threatening eagles and vultures in Europe and Africa. Golden eagles may be among the species at risk.

India’s Gyps vultures began disappearing in the 1990s. They were succumbing to a painkiller called diclofenac, which was given to cattle. The drug lurked in the cattle carcasses that the vultures feasted on, got into the birds’ bloodstream and destroyed their kidneys. Now it seems diclofenac has the same effect on eagles, which also feed on cattle carcasses. In February 2012, two dead steppe eagles (Aquila nipalensis) turned up in a dump for cattle carcasses near Bikaner, in Rajasthan, India. Anil Sharma and his colleagues from the Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Izatnagar found telltale signs of kidney failure such as uric acid crystals. Kidney failure is typically seen in vultures that have died after eating cattle treated with diclofenac. Sharma also found traces of diclofenac in the eagles' tissues, at the same levels seen in killed vultures. This does not prove that diclofenac killed the eagles, says Sharma, but this is how the drug kills vultures. If the drug is to blame, it is bad news for steppe eagles because many of them winter in India and rely on cattle carcasses.

Steppe eagles may not be the only birds at risk. At least five of the eight species in the Gyps genus are susceptible to diclofenac. If the steppe eagle is susceptible, the rest of its genus Aquila could be too. There are 14 Aquila species including several more in south Asia, a few in Africa, and Europe's golden and Spanish imperial eagles. All feed on cattle carcasses. And all are now exposed. Diclofenac was registered for use in cattle in Italy and Spain in November 2013. It has been sold in Africa for veterinary use since 2007, and conservation organization BirdLife International says the drug is already affecting vulture populations there.