**Completed and signed Physical and Rank one information MUST be completed before the 1st day of the 17-18 school year**


●Skyward email/phone- make sure this is accurate and up to date!!

●Rank one contact Information- make sure this is accurate and up to date!!

●Remind app- students and parents

●Athletic webiste contains games, schedules, directions, and updated informatiton


●Students are expected to keep passing grades in all classes.

According to the FMS Athletic Handbook under Eligibility:

"1. All athletes must pass each class each six-week reporting period to be eligible for the next six-weeks reporting period. Students may regain eligibility after the third week if they are passing all classes (UIL). Failure to pass all classes could result in the student's removal from athletics.

●We do constant grade checks throughout each six weeks. If your student has a failing grade they will have reminders. We will do our best to help communicate with teachers, suggest proper tutorials, etc.


●Parent note for injuries are good for 2-3 days. After the 3rd day we will need a doctor note.If missed school must bring a Parent note and or Doctor and give to Ms. Vigil (Attendance Office)

●If you miss practice - email coaches, try to schedule orthodontist appts outside of practice

Strike system

●Each sport has a specific strike system that will be sent home with your student if they make a certain team. Please go over it together and return the signed portion. (3 strikes you’re out)


●Workout clothes and Uniforms should NOT be taken home. We do wash them every day on campus.

●NO jewelry during the athletic period, practice, or games. Do not get piercings during the school year. You will be REQUIRED to remove them for athletics, even if your sport is not in season.


●There will be a tryout period for each sport. Your student must be passing classes to tryout. Each athlete that makes a team will have equal practice time, but playing time is at the discretion of the coach. The athletes should come to the coach to discuss any questions of how to improve. Parents may schedule a conference with the coach.


●If an athlete displays bad behavior or disrespect; she will receive a consequence at the discretion of the coach. Each situation is very different, and depending on the actual events that occur, we will handle each as we see fit.

●Major offenses are subject to removal from athletics. Examples: stealing, fighting, 3 strikes, office referral, failing grades at 6 weeks


I have read and understand the Girls Athletic Information letter for the 17-18 school year with my athlete.


Print NamePrint Name


Parent SignatureStudent Signature