Get Involved! Be a part of the Program! Help us reach our Goal!

Mustang Families,

It’s that time of year again and program ad sales are underway! This is a great opportunity to support your player, the team AND the Touchdown Club.

Where can you find ad sponsors?

Do you eat out for breakfast, lunch or dinner?

Visited the doctor, dentist, orthodontist or any other specialist recently?

Have you purchased a car or been to a dealership?

Purchased or rented a home or know someone who is a realtor?

Know someone who owns a business?

Been to the gym?

Where do you shop for groceries, clothes or specialty items?

Where do you go for your banking needs?

Even your own employer might be a good place to start.

Just drop off an ad form, with your players name on it, at places you visit. It’s really that simple. If you need help or a business has a question please email, call me or give them my contact information. I am here to help.

What’s really exciting about this is that 50% of each advertisement sold will be applied toward your membership contribution! Yes, that’s right. If a player sells a $100.00 business card ad, $50.00 will be applied to your membership contribution! Now that’s a great deal! The amount applied is limited to the requested membership contribution. See the registration packet or website for further details.

Back by popular demand, we are offering again this year the option for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends - anyone! It’s called “Player Dedications”. It’s an opportunity for you to have a special message printed in the program for your player. It must be 25 words or less, cost is $50.00 per dedication, and is open to all levels.

All ad forms can be found on our website . Click on the “Boosters” tab, then “Fundraising”, then “Ad Sales”. Or you can send me an email and I will send the forms to you directly.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact me.


Jael Burge

THHS Game Program Coordinator
