Using Fireworks to create a DVD Logo

Year 7 ICT Database Project @ WBGS

Open Fireworks – Start – Programs – Macromedia

Create a new document of 200 pixels width and 200 pixels height. Click Ok.

This is the Fireworks suite where you can edit and manipulate graphics. The white box will be your logo.

Firstly you might want to get an image off the internet to use. Here’s how to do it…

So a search on Google images for DVD or something along those lines. Below is a picture I found which I will use in my logo.

Press the Print Screen key on your keyboard (this is next to F12). This takes a screen shot of what is on your screen.

Now go back to Fireworks and click File – New – Ok. This will create a new blank image.

Then go to Edit – Paste (or press Control-V). This will paste in your screen shot including the image you want to use.

You now need to Crop that image. The crop tool is circled in Red. Select the crop tool and click and drag around the image. As shown. Then double click on the image to crop it.

You now have your cropped image to use in your logo.

Now make sure the image is selected and go to Edit – Copy. The click onto your logo tab (circled in red)

Paste your image onto your logo background and you will probably need to resize it as below.

Now you can add some fancy text to your logo.

Click on the Font tool (circled in red) and add some text.

You can edit the font style and add some cool looking effects by using the Filters options.

Experiment and try some of the filters and see what you can come up with. You can turn the filters on and off by clicking on the tick on the filters window (circled in blue).

Now you’ve come up with a cool logo you need to save it.

Click on File – Save As

/ Change the Save In folder to your Database folder.
Name the file logo
Change the Save as type to PNG

You’ve now created a logo in Fireworks!