(i) The following programmes are available for National Merit, Talented Sports Persons Scheme and Persons with Disabilities Scheme:

(1) Bachelor of Science Education: -

- Physical SEG 3 Years

- Economics GEE 3 Years

- Biological GBE 3 Years

- Sports Science GSS 3 Years

(2) Bachelor of Business Administration BBG 3 Years

(3) Bachelor of Developmental Studies DES 3 Years

(4) Bachelor of Quantitative Economics GQE 3 Years

(5) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery GUM 5 Years

(6) Bachelor of Agriculture GUA 3 Years

(7) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science GCS 3 Years

(8) Bachelor of Information and Communications

Technology GIT 3 Years

(9) Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering GSB 4 Years

ii) The following Programmes are available for District Quota admissions on government sponsorship:

(1) Bachelor of Science Education: -

- Physical SEG 3 Years

- Economics GEE 3 Years

- Biological GBE 3 Years

- Sports Science GSS 3 Years

(2) Bachelor of Science Education (Agriculture) SEA 3 Years

(3) Bachelor of Business Administration BBG 3 Years

(4) Bachelor of Developmental Studies DES 3 Years

(5) Bachelor of Quantitative Economics GQE 3 Years

(6) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery GUM 5 Years

(7) Bachelor of Agriculture GUA 3 Years

(8) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science GCS 3 Years

(9) Bachelor of Information and Communications

Technology GIT 3 Years

(10) Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering GSB 4 Years

(11) Bachelor of Arts Education GAE 3 Years

(12) Bachelor of Business Education GBD 3 Years

(13) Bachelor of Public Administration GPA 3 Years

(14) Bachelor of Science (Economics) GSE 3 Years




1. B. SCIENCE Two best done One better done General Paper

EDUCATION Mathematics, of Chemistry, Physics, Computer Studies

(Physical) Physics and Mathematics, Economics,

Chemistry Biology

2. B. SCIENCE Mathematics One better done General Paper

EDUCATION and Economics of Chemistry, Computer Studies

(Economics) Physics,

Biology, Geography

3. B. SCIENCE Biology and One better done General Paper

EDUCATION Chemistry of Economics, Sub-Maths or

(Biological) Physics, Computer Studies



4. B. SCIENCE Biology Two best done of General Paper

EDUCATION Physics, Sub-Maths or

(Sports Science) Chemistry, Computer Studies



5. B. BUSINESS Economics and One better done General Paper

ADMINISTRATION one better done of Mathematics, Sub-Maths or

of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Studies

Physics, Geography


6. B. DEVELOPMENT Two best done of Third best done General Paper

STUDIES All A’ Level Arts All A’ Level Sub-Maths or

Subjects Subjects Computer Studies

7. B. MEDICINE & Biology and One better done General Paper

B. SURGERY Chemistry of Maths, Physics Sub-Maths or

Computer Studies

8. B. QUANTITATIVE Mathematics One better done General Paper

ECONOMICS and Economics of Geography & Computer Studies


9. B. (AGRICULTURE) Two best done of One best done of General Paper

Biology, Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Sub-Maths or

Agriculture, Agriculture, Computer Studies Geography, Physics,


10. * B. BUSINESS Economics Two best done General Paper

EDUCATION of any A’Level Sub-Maths or

Subjects Computer Studies

11. *B. INFORMATION Two best done of Third best done of all General Paper

& COMMUNICATIONS All ‘A’ Level subjects A’ level subjects. Sub Maths or

TECHNOLOGY Computer Studies

12. **B. SCIENCE Mathematics One better done General Paper (BIOSYSTEMS and Physics of Chemistry, Computer Studies


Geom. & Mech. Drawing

Geom. & Bld. Drawing

13. ***BACHELOR Two best done of Third best done of General Paper

OF SCIENCE Biology, Geography, Biology, Geography, Sub Maths or

EDUCATION Agriculture and Agriculture and Computer Studies

(AGRICULTURE) Chemistry Chemistry

14. B. ARTS WITH Two best done of One best done of General Paper EDUCATION Economics, Economics Sub-Maths or

Geography, Geography, Computer Studies

Christian Religious Christian Religious

Education, History, Education, History,

Mathematics, Mathematics

Literature in English Literature in English

15. B. SCIENCE Mathematics One better done of General Paper

(Economics) and Economics Physics, Geography Computer Studies

16. B. PUBLIC Two best done of Third best done of all General Paper ADMINISTRATION all A’ Level subjects A’ level subjects Sub-Maths or

Computer Studies

17. B. SCIENCE Mathematics Two best done of General Paper

(COMPUTER Biology, Entrepreneurship, Sub-Maths or

SCIENCE) Physics, Chemistry Computer Studies

Geography, Agriculture,

Economics, Food & Nutrition,

Geom. & Bld. Drawing

Geom. & Mech. Drawing

18. B. SCIENCE Biology and One better done General Paper

(MIDWIFERY) Chemistry of Maths, Physics Sub-Maths or

Agriculture, Computer Studies

Food and Nutrition

19. ****DIPLOMA One best done of Two best done of General Paper

IN COMPUTER all A’ Level subjects all A’ Level subjects Sub-Maths or

SCIENCE Computer Studies

20. DIP. SECRETARIAL One best done of Two best done of all General Paper

& INFORMATION all A’ Level subjects A’ Level subjects Sub-Maths or

MANAGEMENT Computer Studies

21. DIP. DEVELOPMENT One best done of Two best done of all General Paper

STUDIES all A’ Level subjects A’ Level subjects Sub Maths or

Computer Studies

22. DIP. PHARMACY Chemistry Two best done of General Paper

Physics, Maths, Sub Maths or

Biology Computer Studies


1.  * In order to qualify for Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology and Bachelor of Business Education, the applicant should have scored a minimum of a Credit in O’Level Mathematics.

2.  ** In order to qualify for Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering the applicant should have scored at least Credits in Chemistry and Biology at ‘O’ Level.

3.  *** In order to qualify for Bachelor of Science Education (Agriculture) the applicant should have scored at least passes in English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology at ‘O’ Level.

4.  ****In order to qualify for Diploma in Computer Science, the applicant should have scored a minimum of a Credit in ‘O’ Level Mathematics and Physics.


PROGRAMME / 2016/2017 / 2015/2016 / 2014/2015
1 / Bachelor of Science Education
Economics / 40.1 / 45.4 / 44.0
Physics / 39.6 / 43.9 / 43.7
Biology / 36.8 / 42.6 / 38.7
Sports Education / 31.4 / 34.3 / 34.1
2 / Bachelor of Business Administration / 39.8 / 47.0 / 46.7
3 / Bachelor of Development Studies / 47.3 / 51.6 / 49.9
4 / Bachelor of Quantitative Economics / 44.5 / 47.9 / 47.6
5 / Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery / 42.5 / 52.3 / 47.8
6 / Bachelor of Agriculture / 37.0 / 46.7 / 40.2
7. / BSC (Computer Science) / 38.8 / 45.4 / 47.3
8. / Bachelor of Information and Information Technology / 47.1 / 51.6 / 50.3
9. / BSC. (Biosystems Engineering) / 41.4 / 47.1 / 47.4