In the name of God

Memorandum of Understanding


the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Ministry of...... of the ......

On Cooperation in the Fields of Science, Research and Technology

The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Ministry of ...... of the ...... (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”),

Recognizing the significance of science, research and technology for successful national economic development,

Acknowledging that international cooperation in the fields of science, research and technology strengthens the friendly relations between the two countries and fosters the development of Science, Research and technology for the mutual benefit of the two countries,

Desiring to encourage and promote cooperation in different fields of science, research and technology,

Strengthening the development of the existing cooperative relations between the two countries and enhance the level of cooperation in the field of higher education,

In accordance with the agreement between the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the government of the..... cooperation in the field of ………….…., dated …………….…;

Have reached the following understanding:

Article 1


This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the “MoU”) aims to promote and develop cooperation between the Parties in areas of common interest in the field of science, research and technology, on the basis of the principles of reciprocity and mutual benefit.

Article 2

Basic Principles

1.  This MoU will be carried out in accordance with the respective laws and regulations of the two countries, and within the framework of the respective educational policies and procedures of the Parties.

2.  This MoU is not intended to create any legally binding rights or obligations.

Article 3

Areas of Cooperation

The Parties will cooperate in the following areas:

a)  Sharing policies and technologies in the fields of science, research and technology;

b)  Jointly hosting events such as seminars and workshops related to science, research and technology;

c)  Participating in conferences and events related to science, research and technology hosted by the other country;

d)  Implementing exchanges between the research and development (R&D) institutes of the two countries in the fields of science, research and technology and conducting joint research projects;

e)  Exchanging human resources through education and training programs;

f)  Promoting direct collaboration among research institutes, education institutes, enterprises, science and technology parks of both countries;

g)  Exchanging of knowledge and experiences regarding the establishment, running and managing of science and technology parks and incubators;

h)  Supporting of establishment of knowledge-based companies in science and technology parks in both countries, and the development of Knowledge-Based Products' export; any other cooperative activities that may be jointly decided upon by the Parties.

Article 4

Implementation and Funding

1.  Details of the substance, scope and implementation of cooperative activities and/or programs carried out under this MoU may be set out in more specific arrangements concluded between selected institutions in the two countries.

2.  The implementation of the activities and/or programs under this MoU is subject to the availability of human, material and financial resources of the Parties.

3.  Unless otherwise provided for in an implementing arrangement, each Party will bear its own costs arising from the cooperative activities under this MoU.

4.  Both Parties will make their utmost efforts to facilitate the educational cooperative activities and/or programs conducted under this MoU, and to ensure and protect the security of visiting participants from the other country (e.g., teachers, students, researchers, and experts).

5.  The Parties will establish a Joint Committee for policy dialogue to determine cooperative programs and to monitor and follow up on the implementation of this MoU. This Committee will meet once per year, alternately in Iran, and ..., on dates which are jointly determined through diplomatic channels. The meetings will be convened and operated by representatives of two Parties. The monitoring of the communications and provisions is exercised respectively by the Center for International Scientific Cooperation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Islamic Republic of Iran, and ……………………. Of the ...... of the ......

Article 5

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality

1.  Any intellectual property rights generated under the authority of either Party will be protected in accordance with the related laws and regulations of each country and any relevant international agreements to which the two countries are parties.

2.  Neither Party may disclose or disseminate information provided by the other Party during the cooperative activities under this MoU unless the providing Party consents to the disclosure in writing.

3.  The provisions of this Article will remain in effect not withstanding the termination of this MoU.

Article 6

Settlement of Disputes

Disputes arising out of interpretation or implementation of this MoU will be settled amicably through consultations or negotiations between both Parties through diplomatic channels.

Article 7


This MoU may be amended by mutual written agreement of the Parties through diplomatic channels. Any such amendments will come into effect on a date jointly decided upon by the Parties, and will form an integral part of this MoU.

Article 8

Entry into Effect, Duration and Termination

1.  This MoU will enter into effect on the date of signature by both Parties. It will be valid for a period of three (3) years and will remain in effect thereafter for successive periods of one (1) year, unless either Party informs the other Party of its decision to terminate it, by means of a written notification, at least six (6) months prior to its expiration date.

2.  The termination of this MoU will not affect the validity or duration of any implementing programs, activities or projects made under this MoU that are underway and not yet completed at the time of termination, unless otherwise jointly decided by the Parties.

This MoU was done in the city of ……….. on ……..… of the Hijra solar calendar, corresponding to ……., in two original copies in the Persian, ....and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

For the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran / For the Ministry …………
of the ……………………
…………………………………………… / ………………….