<Business name of client>

<Address of client>



Contact person


Dear Client,

in terms of the provision of investment services by Citibank Europe plc, regarding the business activities in the Czech Republic through its branch Citibank Europe plc, organizační složka ("Citibank"), it is our duty to inform you about the implementation of client categorization in accordance with the relevant European legislation, known as MiFID (European Parliament and Council 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments), which was transposed into Czech law by the Capital Market Act Nr. 256/2004 Coll., as amended, and further regulations governing the rules for investment services. This legislation, among others, refers to trading of investment instruments, including investment securities and book-entry securities or OTC derivatives as executed or procured by our bank, and their purpose is to provide our customers with a higher degree of protection and to increase the transparency in providing investment services.

The above legal regulation stipulates the obligation of Citibank to classify clients to whom investment services are provided into three categories: (1) Non-professional (Retail) Client, (2) Professional Client, and (3) Eligible Counterparty. The degree of protection and performance of duties, which providers of investment services have to provide towards a particular client depend on a specific category.

Based on the information on your company available to us, which are decisive for the classification in the respective category, we hereby classify your company into the category: Professional Client.

Simultaneously, we would like to inform you that under the conditions as stipulated by law, it is possible to ask for a change of the client classification. Such a change may, however, result in reduced protection of the customer or inability to provide the respective investment service.

Also we would like to remind you of the current General Business Conditions of Citibank and/or Local Conditions, which include a list of information documents containing information which must be notified to you by Citibank in connection with provision of investment services under applicable legal regulation or, respectively, include such information directly. These conditions and information documents are always available in the branches of Citibank and at the below mentioned Internet site of Citibank.

You can get more details at or at any branch of Citibank.

By providing contact information (e.g. e-mail address, phone number and contact person's name), Client agrees to provision of information in a manner allowing remote access (via and to provision of information in e-mail form. Client was / will be informed electronically about the internet address including the information, where it can find the relevant information.

The below signatures of the parties confirmthe agreement to collecting, processing and storing their personal data (including the transfer of the data to foreign countries) to provide the relevant banking and /or investment services. This consent is granted in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended, for a period necessary to realize its purpose.


For:For Citibank Europe plc


Job position: Under power of attorney