Andrea Dexter
September 23-24, 2017
4 Paws DogWorks(Richland WA) is proud to host an agility seminar featuring accomplished coach and competitor Andrea Dexter. Andrea believes that being successful in agility is very compatible with having FUN! She and her students have earned many titles in a variety of venues.
Andrea’s successes include:
NADAC Platinum Speed Star AKC High in Trial ATCH ADCH MACH NATCH-4 V-NATCH-4 2006 Columbia Cup Winner NATCH Token Winner 2006 NADAC championships TnGO Winner 2007 NADAC championships jumpers Winner 2008 NADAC championships hoopersTop 15 (out of 300+) in all events at USDAA World Cynosport games
Trust Your Timing
If you have the impression that your timing on course is sometimes off, then this workshop is
designed for you. We will address all aspects of timing including:
When to show changes of side (front, blind and rear), when to move onto new information for the dog (such as lateral pull, acceleration, deceleration) what to train so that timing is less critical (such as building commitment, using cues that are not time sensitive, using verbals) and finally what is preventing you personally from having perfect timing (lack of confidence in your training, feeling rushed,
distracted mindset, iffy visualization...)
Saturday Morning, 8am – Noon
8 spots, $125 each
Prerequisites: Competing at Open or above in jumpers type courses
Saturday Afternoon, 1pm – 5pm
8 spots, $125 each
Prerequisites: Ready to compete/competing at novice level
Audit Spot(each seminar): $50
There are a limited number of working spots. Please register early. Unlimited auditors.
Private lessons
Sunday 8 am -3 pm
50 minutes (can be shared)
$100 each
To register, complete the attached form and mail with payment to the address provided.
Andrea Dexter Seminar
Check Desired Seminar(s)
Advanced (Saturday AM)Dog Name: ______$125 per team
Novice (Saturday PM)Dog Name: ______$125 per team
Saturday AM Audit Spot $50
Saturday PM Audit Spot $50
Private Lesson Preferred Time: ______$100 each
TOTAL DUE: $ ______
NOTE: Working spots & Privates are not considered secure without payment
Mail this form and check (payable to 4 Paws DogWorks) to
4Paws DogWorks
ATTN: Dexter Seminar
PO Box 4514 West Richland, WA 99353
4 Paws DogWorks, LLC will endeavor to create as safe an environment as possible for the training of my dog and will endeavor to offer only sound, safe, and responsible training and training instructions. I am and will remain responsible for the actions of my dog at all times. I understand that attendance in dog training classes is not without risk to myself, members of my family, guests who may attend, or to my dog. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless 4 Paws DogWorks, LLC, itsinstructors, agents, employees and/or representatives of any and all claims, or claims by any member of my family, or accompanying guests of mine of injury, expense, costs or damages to myself, my dog or any handler sponsored by me both in class and out of class. In addition, I agree that I will indemnify 4 Paws DogWorks, LLC for any injury, expense, costs or damages to any dog handlers or dogs or to third parties arising out of my own actions or the actions of my dog. I have read the above-stated provisions, and agree to accept those responsibilities.
Signature: / Date: