Dressage Victoria Committee Positions
February 2017
The Board of Equestrian Victoria is seeking nominations from EV membership for 5 vacant positions on the Dressage Victoria Committee. These positions are for a two year term and nominations are sought from members who have relevant skills and experience to fulfil the Vision Statement.
Dressage Victoria Vision Statement:
Promote and strategically develop a vibrant, sustainable and inclusive dressage community from entry level to international level whilst respecting the welfare of the horse.
- Welfare of the Horse
- Participation
- Finance management
- Education
- Squads and Teams
- Event Management & Calendar
Members who have an active involvement in Victorian Dressage and a commitment to apply some of the following skills to meeting the Dressage Victoria vision and goals are asked to send nominations and CV to EV Dressage Coordinator Rebecca Willis at by Friday 17th February.
The skills we seek include, but not limited to:
- technical dressage knowledge
- financial
- sponsorship & marketing
- interest in the AOR
- event management
- volunteer management
- pathways - grass roots recruitment and development to HP
- member retention
- PR/Communications/Networks
- risk management
The DV Committee meets bi-monthly and works as a team to support our major events and the development of Dressage in Victoria. We also provide support to the Australian Dressage Committee in the development of Dressage nationally.
Michael Bragge
Dressage Victoria
Nomination for Election to the
Equestrian Victoria Dressage Committee
I, / of(Full Name) / (Address)
(Telephone) / (E-mail Address)
(EV Member No.)
wish to nominate for election to the Equestrian Dressage committee.
I have read the EV Constitution and Discipline Committee By-Laws and understand the commitment in time and contribution I will be expected to make. I also confirm that I meet the other requirements laid out by ASIC.
Signed Date:
All nominations must be accompanied by two EV voting members’ endorsement:
I______endorse the nomination.
Signed: ______
(EV Member No.)
I______endorse the nomination.
Signed: ______
(EV Member No.)
Please send this form and completed resume to the EV Office before 17th February 2017
The Returning Officer
EV OfficePost:PO Box 616Werribee Vic 3030
Fax:03 9974 0577 Email:
Résumé Template (for hand-writing or typing)
for use by Nominees for the Election to Dressage Victoria
Note: It is best to use the MS Word template available from enter the information into the respective fields (which will expand to allow for the amount of text) and then print the form for signing and posting with the nomination form.
Full Name
Address / Street No. & NameSuburb/City / Postcode
Date of Birth /
Place of Birth
/ Suburb/City / StateTel. No. / Fax No.
Mobile / E-mail
Training & Education
“Sport Governance” Skills and Experience / (Membership of committees, sub-committees, etc.)
Sport Knowledge and Involvement / (Achievements and standard as participant: rider, official, event manager/operative, volunteer at events or in projects, etc.)
Business and Related Skills and Experience
Other Relevant Information
How much time are you willing to dedicate to Committee duties? (E.g. Review of documents; participation in projects; etc.) / (Average hours per week)
Date / Signature