
English in Daily Life (ESLBO)

Teacher: Course Code:

School Phone: (416) 395-3240 Office: rm. 212


This course expands students’ essential English communication skills and cultural knowledge and introduces the language of classroom studies. Students will develop oral classroom skills and reading strategies, expand their vocabulary and use more complex sentence patterns. Students will also learn how to use some school and community resources.


Understand and use some key subject-specific vocabulary in social and classroom discussions to indicate different levels of formality;

Respond to a range of short fiction and non-fiction texts, using a variety of strategies and reasons;

Demonstrate knowledge of English vocabulary related to classroom studies;

Use a variety of simple sentence patterns and basic conventions of standard Canadian English with some accuracy in written work;

Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of facts about Canadian culture, geography and history;

Participate in some school and community activities (10 volunteer hours required;

demonstrate comprehension of key information from media works.


Assessment of Student achievement is based on the following 4 strands:

Listening and Speaking 20%

Reading 15% Writing 15%

Social and Cultural Competence 20%

& Media Literacy

Examination & Culminating activity 30%

Total 100%

Calculation of Final Mark:

70% Term + 30% Final summative assessments = 100%

Levels of Achievement:

Level 1 (50-59%) Level 2 (60-69%) Level 3 (70-79%) Level 4 (80-100%)

Level 3 is defined as the Provincial standard. A student achieving at level 3 should be well prepared for work in the next grade level or the next course.

Reporting of Learning Skills:

The learning skills that will be assessed are:

Works Independently



Work Habits


These will be reported on the Provincial Report Card by using the following categories:

Excellent (E)Good (G)Satisfactory (S)Needs improvement (N)


The four strands of the E.S.L. Curriculum (Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing, Social and Cultural Competence & Media Literacy) will be addressed in the following areas:

1. Verbal / Oral Presentations, dialogue, speaking, dramatizations, conversational, vocabulary building, common tenses, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, common idioms, some two-worded verbs and interrogative and negative constructions
2. Media / View, read and listen to media works (e.g. school announcements, television and radio news, newspaper news, advertisements, short geography documentaries on Canada, CD ROMS, online databases with information on and images of Canada)
3. Non-Fiction / ESL adapted graphic organizers, materials for pleasure and study (literature group), subject specific sources (e.g. math posters, natural science series, abridged biographies)
4. Fiction / ESL adapted texts (literature)
5. Writing / May include: short journal entries, notes, dialogues, narratives, autobiographies, reports, personal responses and letters; compose short paragraphs; apply: common tenses and verb phrases, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, spelling, proper nouns, commas, quotation marks
6. Social and Cultural
Competence / Describe 3 levels of government in Canada, and the electoral process for each; identify main political parties in Canada; compare regions of Canada with respect to major economic activities; compare and contrast traditions of various cultures (e.g. gender roles, schooling, family structure, languages); current events (t.v., newspaper, magazines); participate in school activities, special events, sports or clubs (10 hours)
7. Culminating Unit / Final Culminating Assignment

Note: most lessons will include all four strands in an integrated way.

Each unit will incorporate overall and specific expectations, measured to reflect a student's knowledge and understanding, thinking and inquiry, application and communication skills. The Final Evaluation/Culminating Unit will account for 30% of the overall course mark, and evaluations throughout the semester will equal 70%.


Canadian Newspaper StoriesCanadian Concepts, Books 3&4

Grammar Connections 2Meiko and Fifth Treasure

A Beginning Look at CanadaNaomi’s Road

The Canadian Oxford Picture Dictionary Dictionary Intermediate Workbook

Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

The individual teacher may supplement with other short stories, magazine articles, etc.