
MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. facilities are maintained through external and internal safety reviews and detailed health and safety procedures that address safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials. Policies and procedures regarding health and safety conform to all legal, regulatory and accreditation health and safety requirements. The safety of clients, visitors, and staff is of paramount concern.


  1. Storage of Hazardous Materials
  1. Hazardous materials are stored based on their compatibility;
  2. Materials of the same hazard are stored together i.e. flammables with flammables and oxidizers with oxidizers;
  3. Hazardous substances are stored in an orderly manner with older products most accessible and the newer products least accessible;
  4. Good housekeeping is practiced in areas where hazardous products are stored;
  5. All hazardous materials are properly labeled including their exact contents, hazardous properties, date of receipt, and if appropriate, date of expiration;
  6. Hazardous substances are stored in original containers in which they were packaged at the manufacturing plant;
  7. If this is not practical, these products are transferred according to manufacturers' recommendations into containers that are constructed to withstand the effects of the product over the maximum storage time;
  8. Incompatible materials are not stored such that they may come in contact with each other;
  9. Hazardous materials must be stored out of the reach of children.
  1. Safe Handling and Disposal of Hazardous Materials
  2. An employee who becomes aware of any area contaminated by vomit, blood, or other bodily discharge promptly cleans and disinfects the area or immediately isolates the area and notifies the Safety Officer, or designee.
  3. When cleaning a contaminated area, employees:
  4. Wear gloves;
  5. Are especially careful not to allow their skin to come in contact with blood or bodily fluids;
  6. Use the ‘Spill Kits’ or detergents/soap and water with household bleach mixed one part bleach to ten parts water;
  7. Place all materials used for the cleaning in a plastic bag;
  8. Wash hands thoroughly after the cleaning; and
  9. Report the incident to the Safety Officer, or designee, who arranges for the proper disposal of the bag of materials.
  10. Employees who find what appear to be other hazardous materials, such as spilled biohazardous substances, notify the Safety Officer, or designee.
  11. If the Safety Officer, or designee, agrees that the situation calls for special handling, 911 is called.
  12. Employees attempting to deal with spills of significant amounts of copier toner, broken fluorescent tubes, fiberglass, or physically damaged non-flat-screen computer monitors use gloves and exercise special precaution so as not to inhale dangerous particles.
  13. The gloves and any brooms or other items in contact with such particles during the clean-up are bagged and disposed of as hazardous waste in compliance with directives of the fire department or other local authority.
  14. Biohazardous accidents anywhere on MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. property are reported, investigated, and reviewed as Critical Incidents.

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