LLC "Laisan" Policy of

Driving and Travel Management

The Management of LLC “Laisan” is fully aware that one of the key prerequisites for safe production activity is the compliance with the rules of traffic order and safety reflected in this Policy.

The main provisions followed by the Company in the area of driving and travel management can be summarized as follows:

Name / Criterion / Procedure of execution
1. Drivers
1.1.Competence and selection / Procedure for identification and selection of highly qualified drivers of automobiles and special-purpose vehicles. / The drivers are selected on the basis of medical indications, available confirming documents, previous experience and recommendations.
1.2. Driving licenses / Availability of appropriate driving permits and absence of serious driving discipline offences in the past. / All details of a driver, including his record of service, are registered.
The enquiries are made selectively to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and to the previous place of employment. Employer's letters of recommendations are examined.
1.3. Training of drivers / Procedure for hiring of new drivers, testing of new and existing drivers' knowledge and their understanding of driving requirements established in the Company. / The ability to operate vehicles is checked. The probation period is determined. Internal qualifying, regular and special briefings are carried out.
1.4. Professional development of drivers / The programs used in the company for continuous improvement of driving skills. / Periodical retraining in ROSTO organizations (Russian Defence Sports and Techniques Organization)
2. Vehicles
2.1. Selection of vehicles / Assessment of conformity of the vehicles, selected to carry out specific operations, to the tasks set. Compulsory use of equipment/safety devices for vehicles of different types / The inspection is carried out according to the indicators of loading capacity, maneuverability, and cross-country capacity, including necessary equipment:
- fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing equipment and materials
- a first aid kit
- a warning triangle
- safety belts
- individual protection equipment
- towing cable
2.2. Maintenance of vehicles / Company requirements to current checks and maintenance of vehicles. / Technical maintenance and inspection of vehicles are carried out on a regular basis.
3. Travel Management
3.1 Procedure of travel management / Process of safe driving planning before a haul (travel management) Official assessment of this plan. / Process of travel planning:
- identification of a need to leave for a haul
- determination of a route and potential dangers
- pre-haul control of driver
- pre-haul briefing
- control of driver in traffic
- after-haul control
3.2 Prevention of alcohol and drug consumption / Examination and check of drivers carrying passengers and company property for consumption of alcohol and drugs / Process of driver’s examination
- pre-haul instrumental medical control
- after-haul instrumental medical control
- record-keeping
- disciplinary penalties for offences
3.3 Contractors, subcontractors / Compliance with the procedure of travel management used in the Company by contractors and subcontractors / All above criteria and procedures of execution during the use and operation of vehicles are set forth in the services contractors concluded with the contractors. Familiarization of contractors with internal documents related to labor protection, safety engineering, environment protection and travel management.
3.4. Emergency actions / Plan and procedure of measures taken in emergency situations that may occur on the road. / Plan of actions in possible emergency situations:
- render the first aid if necessary
- immediately inform the competent and authorized agencies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Management and Natural Disasters Response (EMERCOM)
- immediately inform the Management of the Company
- immediately inform the Customer
- collection of forces and means for liquidation of emergency situation
- elimination of emergency situation