Hussey School News

April 2017

From The Principal’s Desk

Hello Hussey Families,

I’d like to thank the PTO for all their work to put on the Hussey school dance. Students and parents had a wonderful time dancing and enjoying the light show. Our students were very well behaved and we should all be very proud of them!

Just a reminder, May 1st – May 5th is staff and teacher appreciation week. It’s a wonderful opportunity for parents, students and community members to celebrate the hard work that teachers put forth in our schools and community. I know I am honored to work with the dedicated and talented staff at Hussey School. Every day teachers make connections with students, provide rigorous instruction, model problem solving strategies and support the numerous interventions that make students successful at Hussey School.

Please join me in celebrating our fantastic staff at Hussey School. A quick note of thanks is always appreciated and means even more when it’s written by a parent or student.

Kindergarten Registration

Parents, if you are registering your child for the 2017-2018 school year please contact Hussey School at 626-2461. To enroll in kindergarten, your child must live in the Hussey School district and have turned five years old by 10/15/17. Screening dates are scheduled for Thursday, May18th and Friday May 19th. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns.

Troy A. Alexander,


Hussey PTO

The PTO continues to be amazingly supportive of our school community. Thanks to their hard work, focus, and dedication, our students have had the opportunity to be involved in the following events:

·  Back to School BBQ

·  Fall Fun Fest

·  Fall and Spring Scholastic Book Fairs

·  Box Top Holiday Shop

·  Hussey Family Dance

·  Field Day

·  6th Grade Celebration

·  MAD Science

·  Various Field Trips


April vacation begins on the 17th and many of you may plan to update your child’s spring clothing at that time.

Here are a few guidelines:

•PLEASE, no high heels (that includes high-heeled sneakers or clogs) – they are dangerous both inside and on the playground.

•If you are looking at sandals as school shoes, please be certain that they are secure on your child’s feet. They

need to have a heel strap and, preferably, covered toes for safety reasons.

•WHEN it is warm enough for shorts, please make sure that they are long enough to be comfortable and not revealing.

•All shirts should cover student’s midriffs.

•Tank tops and halter tops are not appropriate for school, particularly those with “spaghetti” straps


We are nearing the end of MEA testing at Hussey School!!! The sixth graders will be wrapping up their portion of the testing cycle on Friday, April7th, and the fifth graders will be completing the Science portion of the MEA once we return from April vacation. This will be a paper and pencil test, so the impact will be minimal on the other students in the building. Once we have completed EVERYTHING the ENTIRE Hussey Community will be celebrating!!! The kindergarteners, first and second graders were incredible flexible thinkers throughout this time. I would also like to thank the PTO for all of their support. They provided additional snacks and other supplies to help our students be and feel successful!!

I am looking forward to resuming regular guidance programming: from individual to small groups and of course classroom guidance.

As always, if you have concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me either through email: . or by calling 626-2461.




The weather is getting nicer, which means kids can go outside and PLAY!! Please remember TICKS are active as well! Please check kids or have them check themselves after playing outside. Ticks love warm places, so check heads, underarms, private areas, and belly buttons. Please continue to keep kids home if they are sick. Encourage handwashing with soap, coughing into elbow, eating healthy, and getting plenty of sleep. The week before vacation I will be going into the 4th grades for a hygiene class and into the 5th & 6th grades for a puberty class. As always, please call with questions/concerns.

Ashley Stevenson, RN, BSN

School Nurse