IPcts Wizard User Guide

IPcts Wizard

User guide


Introduction...... 2.1

Recommended User Hardware & Software2.2

Web Management Access...... 3.1

Getting Started 3.2

Navigation & Functions Buttons3.3

The Wizard Interface...... 4.1

Page Operation4.2

Data Entry4.3

Page Completion4.4

Amending Current Settings4.5

Wizard Completion...... 5.1

Generated Wizard Report5.2


Introduction 2.1

The AYCTelecom IPcts Wizard allows the User to perform simple and effective automated Configuration and Setup for the IPcts IP telephone system. This will enable the Installer to implement Gateways, Networking and Extensions without prior knowledge of the IPcts. To maximise the full potential of the IPcts is beyond the scope of this Wizard. Please contact an AYCTelecom Accredited Engineer for details.

The Purpose of this document is to fully explain all of the features of the Wizard to install a basic IPcts installation.

Recommended User Hardware& Software 2.2

The IPcts Wizard uses Web Browsing Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, DHTML. Please ensure you have the latest updates available for your browser and that Script languages are enabled.

Processor:Intel Pentium 600MHz or equivalent


Video:Supporting resolutions of 800 x 600 and above

O/S:Windows Platforms, Linux, Mac Platforms with compatible browsers

Web Management Access 3.1

Getting Started3.2

Upon successful Login to the IPcts Web Management System you will be presented with the welcome ‘Splash Screen’. To launch the IPcts Wizard, click on the AYCTelecom Wizard logo located at the centre of the screen.


The AYCTelecom Wizard will configure the IPcts from factory default settings and will overwrite any current settings. All previous configurations will be lost upon completion of the wizard.


Figure 1

The Button Logo is located here this will launch the AYCTelecom IPcts Wizard.

Navigation & Functions Buttons3.3

The following table details the Navigation & functions buttons used within the Wizard.

Returns to the Previous Page
Moves to the Next Page on the Wizard
Display Help Page Regarding Section
Close Help Page/ Error Page
Indicator of Step
Confirmation of Option
Save Page
Edit Entry
Delete Entry

The Wizard Interface 4.1

Page Operation4.2

First time to a Page

The Wizard is an option-by-option, page-by-page process. You cannot move to the next option in the Wizard until the current step has been entered correctly. Likewise, you cannot move to the next page until the criteria of the current page has been met.

Below in figure2 describes the first system page. The next step indicator provides details of which details are requires to which location.

Figure 2

The only entry allowed at this point is at the current indicator (1.1). The other options (1.2 through to 2.6 ) are greyed out and will only become available after all the precursive steps are complete.

Data Entry4.3

Completion of an Option

After entering details of an option, a tick will appear in the bottom right hand corner of the Data Entry Page.

Figure 3

To confirm the data entered, click the tick highlighted above. If this meets the criteria for this option, the next step will become active and ready for data. If the criterion is not meet, an error page will be launched detailing the requirement for successful entry.

Page Completion4.4

Completion of a Page

Once all required entries have been entered correctly, you will be prompted to save the currents settings.

Figure 4

This will then generate the System Status Panel detailing the current saved settings of the system.

Upon saving the page settings, you will then have the option to move to the next page.

Amending Current Settings 4.5

Editing & Deleting Entries

Certain pages within the Wizard will contain multiple entries, such as Gateways and Extensions. The System Status Panel will detail in table format the current entries.

Figure 5

On the right hand side of each entry are the edit and delete options. Clicking ‘Edit’ will load the page with the associated details of that entry. This will then prompt you to save the changed details. Click delete on an entry will delete the associated entry.

Wizard Completion 5.1

Generated Wizard Report5.2

After completion the last data entry page, you will be presented with a report detailing your IPcts settings. Please read the instructions careful, taking note in particular to creating an Administrator Account for the system.

Confirm the settings are correct and then click next to continue. At this stage, the system has not been altered. If you proceed to click ‘Commit’ all changes will be made live to the system. Clicking cancel will cancel all changed made using the wizard.

This will complete the Wizard providing a Basic install for the IPcts. If you wish to make advanced configuration and alter system behaviour, please consult AYCTelecom Documentation or contact an AYCTelecom Credited Engineer.

IPcts Wizard User Guide.doc