Chapter 1: Life in the Western Hemisphere

1. Ice Age- long period of extreme cold on Earth.

2. Glacier- thick sheets of ice.

3. Migrate- movement of people to another land.

4. Theory- a possible explanation.

5. It is said that one theory on how early people migrated from Asia to the Americas was by walking across a land bridge.

6. What is one theory on why early people migrated from Asia to the Americas?

Hunters followed animals.

7. Some people think early people came to the Americas on foot. Others believe they came by boat. Still others think both theories are true. Which theory do you think is more reasonable? Why? (essay 4 lines)

I think early people came on foot and by boat. If they could

make some tools and weapons, they probably also could make


8. Why was hunting animals so important to early Americans?

Hunting is how early Americans got food during the Ice Age.

9. What was the determining factor on where early people lived?

They lived wherever food was found.

10. Artifact- an object that someone made in the past.

11. Archaeologist- one who studies artifacts of people.

12. Why did the early people need to find new food sources? What types of food did they find? (essay 3 lines)

The large animals of the Ice Age died out, so the people fished

and hunted smaller animals. They also gathered wild plants like

grains, root vegetables, berries, and nuts.

13. Why did the early people become hunter-gatherers?

They became hunter-gatherers when large Ice Age animals died


14. Agriculture had a major effect on the way of life on the early people. How?

They were able to settle in one place.

15. What were the three reasons why Mound Builders made mounds?

1. burial places for important chiefs

2. to honor animal spirits that were part of the Mound Builders’


3. place where religious or other ceremonies were held.

16. Ceremony- activity done for a special purpose or event.

17. What did the Mound Builders leave behind that tells us that they were well organized?

The fact that they were able to build such enormous structures.

18. By digging ditches in order to carry water from the streams to their crops, the Anasazi were able to become successful farmers in the desert.

19. What facts are true about the Anasazi?

1. They were first to use irrigation in what is now the United


2. They grew corn, squash, beans, and pumpkins.

3. They were known as the “Cliff Dwellers.”

20. Mesa- high, flat landform that rises steeply from the land around it.

21. Drought- a long period without rain.

22. How were the lives of the Mound Builders and the Anasazi the same and different? (essay 5 lines)

Same: They both were farmers, lived in permanent settlements,

and held religious ceremonies.

Different: The Anasazi lived in a desert and were the first to

use irrigation. The Mound Builders lived in an area with forests,

fertile soil, lakes, and rivers.

23. The Inuit traveled from Asia to America 2,500 years ago and stayed near the Arctic Ocean.

24. What three facts are true about the Inuit?

1. hunted walruses

2. developed the kayak

3. still build igloos

25. Civilization- culture with organized system of government, religion, and learning.

26. Maya were extremely successful at farming.

27. Surplus- more than is needed.

28. Why were the Maya able to start specializing in other areas instead of just farming?

Because of the surplus from being such successful farmers.

29. Specialize- do only one kind of job.

30. What led the Maya to excel in basket weaving, jewelry making, math, and other skills? (essay 4 lines)

They were so successful at farming that they had a food surplus.

As a result, not everyone needed to farm. Some people began

specializing in other skills.

31. An extremely accurate calendar was developed as a result of what?

The study of the movements of the sun, moon, stars, and planets.

32. Pyramid- a building shaped like a triangle.

33. How did the Aztecs get more land for farming?

1. created floating gardens

2. carved terraces into hillsides

3. developed irrigation systems

34. Empire- a group of land and people ruled by one leader.

35. What did the Aztecs gain by conquering other people in the Valley of Mexico?

They extended their borders to reach from the Atlantic to the

Pacific Ocean.

36.Tribute- payment demanded by rulers from the people they rule.

37. Slavery- the practice of holding people against their will.

38. How did the Aztecs and the Incas build their empires? (essay)

Both the Aztecs and the Inca conquered other people in battle.

39. Describe the civilizations of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca people. (essay 4 lines)

All had an organized government. The Maya developed a written

language. The Maya and Aztecs practiced complex religious

ceremonies. All developed new technology.