Uniform Data System (UDS) Training

Promotional Information

Training Description

The Uniform Data System (UDS) in-person training is a full day program covering the preparation of the 2014 UDS Report. The training addresses each of the report’s tables, including a discussion of the changes that have been made and the definitions necessary to complete the Report. The UDS training is aimed at those who are responsible for gathering and reporting the data elements included in the UDS Report, as well as management and clinical staff who need to understand the definitions and concepts used.

Review and Submission Process Deadlines and Dates

Grantees, Look-alikes*, certain primary care clinics funded under the HRSA Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)*, and Nurse Managed Health Centers (NMHC)* will submit their UDS Report by February 15th and then work with their reviewer to correct any possible errors not identified electronically by the EHB so that they can finalize their report by March 31st. Once finalized, BPHC and BHW will not permit further corrections or amendments.

* Please note that similar to the Grantee process, reporting look-alikes, BHW primary care clinics, and NMHC programs go through the review process to correct and address possible data reporting errors.

BPHC and BHW continue to refine and improve the Electronic Handbook (EHB) interface for the UDS. A separate pre-recorded webinar and handouts will be available to familiarize participants with the reporting interface.


Tentative Agenda

NOTE: All times are subject to change based on time for questions.

8:00 – 8:30 Registration - Light breakfast served

8:30 – 8:45 Overview of the Training Program

Ø  Reporting Guidelines

Ø  Available Assistance

Ø  Changes for 2014 and Proposed Changes for 2015

8:45 – 10:15 Tables Instructions and Key Definitions

Ø  Patients by Zip Code

Ø  Tables 3A, 3B, 4: Patient Profile

Ø  Table 5: Staffing and Utilization Profile

Ø  Table 5A: Tenure

10:15 – 10:30 Break

10:30 – 12:30 Tables Instructions – continued

Ø  Table 6A: Selected Diagnosis and Services Rendered

Ø  Table 6B: Quality of Care Indicators

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch – provided

1:30 – 2:30 Tables Instructions – continued

Ø  Table 6B: Quality of Care Indicators

Ø  Table 7: Outcomes and Disparities Measures

2:30 – 2:45 Break

2:45 – 4:15 Tables Instructions – continued

Ø  Table 8A: Financial Costs

Ø  Table 9D: Service-Related Income

Ø  Table 9E: Other Income

4:15 – 4:30 Evaluation


Changes for CY 2014 and Proposed Changes for CY 2015 UDS Reporting

Table / 2014 / 2015 /
Zip, 3A,3B
4 / All health centers will identify Residents of Public Housing / Proposed: a new line will be added to
identify patients that are dually eligible
for Medicare and Medicaid
5 and 5A
6A / Number of patients with initial HIV positive diagnosis during the year
Look-alikes will complete this table / Transition to ICD-10 on October 1, 2015
6B / Prenatal care activity reported by all health centers, regardless of whether a prenatal program is in place at the health center
The two tobacco measures are now combined: Patients screened for tobacco use and if screened positive, received cessation services
Add two new measures:
·  New HIV cases with timely follow-up
·  Patients screened for depression and follow-up / Transition to ICD-10 on October 1, 2015
7 / Requirement to report perinatal care activity by all health centers, regardless of whether a prenatal program is in place at the health center
Diabetes measure simplified by reporting ‘Patients with Hba1c <8%,‘ which will include those <7% / Transition to ICD-10 on October 1, 2015
Proposed: health centers will no longer report diabetes Hemoglobin A1c (Hba1c) in three categories. All that will be reported will be less than 8 percent; Hba1c greater than or equal to Hba1c greater than 9 percent, which will include those with no test.
9D / Look-alikes will now complete managed care and retroactive payments, if applicable
EHR/PCMH Form / Reduced and streamlined