Chapter 2
The Internet: Gateway to World of Resources

Chapter Outline / Key Terms / Study Questions /
2.1 The World Goes Online / What types of devices do people use to access the Internet?
What percentage of undergraduates own cell phones? Have a profile on a social networking site? Own a laptop?
Cutting-Edge Internet / What are some cutting-edge uses of the Internet?
The Future of the Internet / What is collaborative e-mail and how might it be used?
How might nanotechnology and the Internet be used in health care?
2.2 What Are the Internet and World Wide Web? / What is the difference between the Internet and the Web?
What Is the Internet? / Internet / What is the Internet?
Is it a physical or virtual thing?
How does data move around the Internet?
What Is the Web? / Web (World Wide Web or WWW)
web page
website / What is the Web and how does it relate to the Internet?
What is the difference between a web page and a website?
Why is the Web sometimes referred to as the wild, wild West?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.2.1 / If anyone can post content to the Web, who manages the Web and in what ways?
Web 2.0 / Web 2.0 / What is the defining trend of Web 2.0?
Web 3.0 / Web 3.0
Semantic Web / Why is Web 3.0 called the Semantic Web?
How are relationships between pieces of data utilized in Web 3.0?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.2.3 / How is Web 2.0 changing our world?
2.3 Joining the Digital World / Approximately what percentage of the world's population is now "online?" How does that compare to the percentage in 1995?
What continent has the greatest penetration (percent of population) of Internet usage?
Hardware to Make the Connection / What are the different methods for connecting to the Internet?
What types of hardware are needed?
Paying for the Privilege: Internet Service Providers / Internet service provider (ISP) / What do customers get from their ISPs in exchange for the fees they pay?
What extra services do ISPs usually provide?
How Browsers View What’s Online / browser / What is the basic function of a browser?
How do browsers operate on mobile devices?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.3.1 / download
upload / Why choose one Internet connection method over another?
2.4 Navigating and Searching the Web / How are pages organized on the Web?
IPs and URLs: What’s in an Address? / Internet Protocol (IP) address
uniform resource locator (URL)
web address
domain name
top-level domain (TLD) / What is identified by an IP address?
Who keeps track of IP addresses?
What is a URL and what are the different parts that comprise it?
What are some of the more common top-level domain suffixes and what do they mean?
Browsing Web Pages / hyperlink
home page / What does a hyperlink do?
What is hypertext?
What function does a home page serve?
Searching for Content Online / search engine
search directory / What are some of the more popular search engines?
How are search engines financed?
How are the new wave of search engines (Microsoft Bing, Google Squared) different from earlier versions?
Searches That Succeed / keywords
metasearch engine / How are keywords used by search engines?
How can you refine your searches to achieve more targeted results?
How do metasearch engines work?
Specialized Search Sites / What are some examples of specialized search sites?
Are they free? If not, how do they charge you?
The Role of Plug-ins and Players / plug-in
streaming video / What do plug-ins and players do, and how do you get them?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.4.1 / How do servers interpret URLs?
2.5 The Vast Sea of Online Content / copyright / Why is it important to learn to evaluate the quality of the content you find online?
Why should you be aware of what online content is copyrighted?
Evaluating Web Content / What factors should you consider in determining the quality of the information from a particular online source?
What are the three Ws to consider when evaluating content on the Web?
Intellectual Property / intellectual property
peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing program / What is intellectual property and what can you do with it when you find it online?
What copyright issues are raised by P2P file sharing programs?
Summarize the divergent opinions on copyright law in the digital age.
The Invisible Web (aka Deep Web) / invisible Web
deep Web / What is the invisible Web, or deep Web?
How can you get to information stored in the deep Web?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.5.1 / What is copyright?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.5.2 / crawler
data integration / How and why is the deep Web hidden from us?
2.6 E-Commerce / e-commerce / What is e-commerce?
What are some everyday examples?
B2C E-Commerce / business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce / What steps are involved in the B2C online shopping process?
B2B E-Commerce / business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce / What are the two different models of B2B e-commerce discussed in Chapter 2?
How is money made in each model?
C2C E-Commerce / consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce / What are two of the more prominent examples of C2C e-commerce sites?
How do the host companies make money?
E-Commerce and Consumer Safety / What are some steps you can take to protect your information when engaging in e-commerce?
Spotlight on the Future Podcast: The Future of Online Advertising / How is the Internet "shattering" advertising?
If not with advertising, how can online content be monetized?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.6.1 / What are the differences among the three kinds of e-commerce?
2.7 Connecting in Cyberspace / What are the ways people can use the Internet to connect with one another?
Email / email
email program
email client
email address / When was the first email sent?
What are some of the more popular email programs in use today?
What is an email client?
What are some examples of email clients?
How are services such as MobileMe different from standard email clients and programs?
Internet Voice Services / Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
web conferencing / What is involved in VoIP?
How is VoIP used in web conferencing?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.7.1 / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (POP3) / How are email messages sent and received?
Take the Next Step: Activity 2.7.2 / How does VoIP work?

Our Digital World: Introduction to Computing Chapter 2 Study Notes

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