Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) Roadmapping Workshop

IACMI Roadmapping Workshop

Preliminary Agenda:May10-11, 2016

Location: Doubletree, 5801 Southfield Expressway, Detroit, MI 48228

WORKSHOP DAY 1 — Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Time / Activity
8:30 AM / Arrive at “Michigan” Meeting Room
9:00 AM — 10:00 AM / Opening Remarks
  • Welcome Remarks (Craig Blue)
  • Workshop Background, Summary of Visuals & Goals for IACMI (Uday Vaidya)
  • Review of Phase 1 Roadmap(Uday Vaidya)
  • Workshop Process & Logistics (Ross Brindle)
  • Summary of Survey Results (Jared Kosters)

10:00 AM — 10:30 AM / BREAK / Transition to Day 1 Breakout Groups
  • Multi-Material Joining (Room “Greenfield”)
  • Crashworthiness & Repair (Room “Ontario”)
  • Standardization & Certification (Room “Erie”)
Day 1
Session Topic / Technical Leads / Facilitators
Multimaterial Joining / Claus Daniel
Oak Ridge National Laboratory / Jared Kosters
Lindsay Pack
Steve Duren
Adhesive and Sealant Council
Marc Benevento
Industrial Market Insight
Larry Drzal
Crashworthiness & Repair / Khaled Shahwan
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) / Greg Hildeman
Sarah Lichtner
Standardization & Certification / Suzanne Cole
American Chemistry Council / Ross Brindle
Changwon Suh
Rose Ryntz
International Automotive Components


WORKSHOP DAY 1 — Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Time / Activity
10:30 AM — 12:00 PM / Session #1: Identify and Prioritize Technical Gaps & Barriers
  • Opening Presentation (15 min) —Technical Lead[s]
  • Focus Question: What are the primary barriers and technical gaps that must be overcome to achieve IACMI’s five-year technical goals?
  • 25% reduction in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) cost
  • 50% reduction in CFRP embodied energy
  • 80% recyclability of fiber-reinforced composites

12:00 PM — 1:00 PM / Lunch (Provided)
1:00 PM — 2:30 PM / Session #2: Identify and Prioritize R&D Technical Activities
  • What research and development activities are needed to overcome the technical gaps and barriers?

2:30 PM — 2:45 PM / BREAK
2:45 PM — 3:30 PM / Session #3: Define Target Timelines for R&D Technical Activities
  • What is the timeline for addressing these R&D activities in terms of IACMI budget periods 2, 3, 4, and 5?

3:30 PM — 4:00 PM / BREAK / Transition to Summary Session
4:00 PM — 5:00 PM / Summary Session
  • Breakout Session Report-Outs and Discussion
  • Recap of Day 1
  • Instructions for Day 2

5:00 PM / End of Day 1


WORKSHOP DAY 2 – Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Time / Activity
8:00 AM / Arrive at “Michigan” Meeting Room
8:30 AM / Begin at Day 2 Pre-assignedSmall Groups
Day 2
Session Topic / Technical Leads
Large-Scale Composite Manufacturing / Jim deVries
JdV Lightweight Strategies
Ray Boeman
8:30 AM — 10:00 AM / Session #4: Large-Scale Composite Manufacturing — Identify Technical Barriers and R&D Technical Activities
  • Opening Presentation (15 min) —Technical Lead[s]
Each table will address one of IACMI’s three technology areas with respect to Large-Scale Composite Manufacturing:
  • Vehicles
  • Wind Turbines
  • Compressed Gas Storage (CGS)
Focus Questions:
  • What are the primary barriers and technical gaps that must be overcome to achieve IACMI’s five-year technical goals?
  1. 25% reduction in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) cost
  2. 50% reduction in CFRP embodied energy
  3. 80% recyclability of fiber-reinforced composites
  • What research and development activities are needed to overcome the technical gaps and barriers?

10:00 AM — 10:30 AM / BREAK
10:30 AM — 11:30 AM / Summary Session
  • Small Group Report-Outs and Discussion

11:30 AM — 12:30 PM / IACMI Sustainability: Defining the Value Proposition
  • What products and services can IACMI deliver that will drive long-term sustainability of the Institute?

12:30 PM — 1:00 PM / Lunch (Provided)
1:00 PM / Adjourn


Subtopic Focus Areas

Detroit, MIPage 1 of 4May10–11, 2016

Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) Roadmapping Workshop

Day 1

Multimaterial Joining

  • Thermoset-to-thermoplastic,Composite-to-metal, Joining technologies with rapid, reliable joint strength
  • Joint characteristics
  • Interior versus Exterior components
  • Mechanical, Adhesive, ultrasonic, resistance and other emerging methods
  • Challenges with high fiber weight fraction composites
  • Joint inspections
  • Fiber sizing, surface treatment, etc.

Crashworthiness & Repair

  • Reliable prediction of composite crashworthiness
  • Modeling & simulation codes/status for crash
  • Crash challenges/limitations for OEMs
  • Inputs to crash modeling
  • Composites design in pedestrian safety (e.g., for NHTSA)
  • Side impacts and role of composites
  • Repair and inspection methodology and economics of repair
  • Repair in automotive, wind, CGS – comparisons to aerospace and other sectors

Standardization & Certification

  • How to certify composite components, sub-assemblies and full assemblies
  • Will established S&C increase adoption of composites in auto, wind and CGS?
  • Role of carbon fiber and how to standardize components: hybrids, metal-composites, glass/carbon, recycled, repaired structures, etc.
  • Scale up from coupon-level ASTM/ISO/DIN properties to sub-assembly, full assembly components
  • Joints for static and dynamic performance, long term durability, environmental response
  • S&C for auto, wind and CGS sectors
  • Role of organizations such as ACC, UL

Day 2

Large-Scale Manufacturing


  • Class A finish
  • Automation
  • Sub-assemblies
  • Components
  • Tooling

Wind Turbines

  • Segmented blades
  • Scalability
  • Hybrid Carbon-Glass
  • In-field manufacturing, tooling

Compressed Gas Storage (CGS)

  • Braided versus Filament Winding
  • Vehicle classes for composite tanks

All Large-Scale ManufacturingSessions

  • Scale up from small-intermediate to full-scale manufacturing
  • Translation ofFraunhofer model to IACMI
  • Role of international partnerships
  • Strategic capital investments and facilities

Detroit, MIPage 1 of 4May10–11, 2016