Brief Outline For Overhead During Offering….

1. Lordship Settles The Position Issue

2. Lordship Settles The Permission Issue

3. Lordship Settles The Profession Issue.

4. Lordship Settles The Possession Issue.

Malachi 3:8-12 (NKJV)
8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," Says the LORD of hosts;
12 "And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land," Says the LORD of hosts.

Lordship Settles The Possession Issue - Who owns ‘my’ possessions?

Outline for my “messagette” during Offering follows:

1. Lordship Settles The Position Issue

2. Lordship Settles The Permission Issue

3. Lordship Settles The Profession Issue.

4. Lordship Settles The Possession Issue.

Malachi 3:8-12 (NKJV)
8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," Says the LORD of hosts;
12 "And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land," Says the LORD of hosts.

  • The Possession Issue settles the giving and tithing issue!
  • If you have not settled the tithing issue with your finances, then you have not settled the Possession Issue of your life as it relates to the Lordship of Christ!
  • “Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” is not just a good catchy phrase! – It is also a Lordship Issue!

What Does God Own?

  • God Owns Me - I’m His servant
  • God Owns Everything I Have - He gave me my money, my things, my everything.

Dennis The Mennis Cartoon:

He and his family are leaving church. Dennis is holding his father’s hand. As they greet the pastor, with a questionable grin on his face, Dennis says to the pastor, “What are you going to do with the dollar my dad gave you?

Many treat God in the same way…

“God you’re all right………here’s a $5 bill.” - “Here’s a tip God …….

God is treated like the waitress. - Statistics show that 50% of professing Christians give more to waitresses each week than they do to their church!

What is the greatest test of Lordship? --- The greatest test is what you will do with your possessions?

That’s why God said, in Malachi 3:10 “prove me with your tithes and offerings.” He knows that the last thing you will give him is your money.

Many have given God most everything in their control. Many have given Him their words, their promises, their good intentions, their desires, but they have not totally given Him EVERYTHING!

Lordship Settles The Possession Issue - Who owns ‘my’ possessions?