Superintendent Memo- December 14, 2009

TO: School Board Members

FROM: Paul K. Johnson, Superintendent

SUBJECT: December 14, 2009 School Board Meeting

DATE: December 10, 2009

I. Call to Order

II.  Roll Call

III.  Additions to Agenda/Removal of Items from the Consent Agenda

It is at this time that items may be added to or deleted from the agenda. Also, items may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed elsewhere on the agenda. Action on the remaining items on the Consent Agenda will be handled at the time when it appears on the agenda (Item #V).

IV.  Reports

A.  Superintendent’s Report

1.  Construction Update

Background Information: Darin Scherr will give a brief update on our current construction projects.

2.  Audit Report

Background Information: Nora Sperle of Eide Bailly will present the results of the audit of the school district finances.

3.  Sunrise Attendance Boundary Report

Background Information: Dr. Johnson will present a report summarizing the discussion to date on the attendance boundaries of Sunrise Elementary School.

B.  Board Response to Presentations:

Background Information: This item is included on the agenda on a routine basis so that Board members and administration may have a chance to respond to presentations and inquiries that were made at previous board meetings.

V.  Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda has been developed for our use in order to speed up the process of conducting our meetings. Many items of a routine nature can be handled as one item rather than spending additional time on each individual item. Therefore, in the board packet is a series of items that are listed on the Consent Agenda. Any board member may remove an item from the Consent Agenda simply by asking that it be removed for further discussion. However, once all board members have agreed to leave the item on the Consent Agenda, there should be no discussion concerning each individual item; any discussion should concern the motion to approve all items on the Consent Agenda. Items appearing on the Consent Agenda, along with their recommendations, are as follows:

A.  Minutes (November 23, 2009)

Background Information: The minutes of the November 23, 2009 School Board meeting are in the packet.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the minutes of November 23, 2009 School Board meeting be approved.

B.  Educational Technology Council Grants

Background Information: Additional grant proposals need approval by the Board.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the enclosed grant proposals be approved.

C.  Resignation

Background Information: A resignation has been submitted by Dr. Paul K. Johnson, Superintendent.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the resignation of Dr. Johnson be approved so that a new search may commence.

D.  Federal Programs Authorized Representative

Background Information: At one time, the superintendent was named as authorized representative of all federal programs. Several years ago we changed this because others were much more knowledgeable about the programs and it seemed reasonable to name those responsible for the programs as Authorized Representatives. We are now asking that the superintendent also be named as authorized representatives of each federal program. We are finding out that with the Stimulus funding, often approval may be needed on short notice even when a program representative is not available. In your packet is a list of federal programs for which the superintendent should be an additional authorized signature.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Bismarck Superintendent of Schools, Paul K. Johnson, be named as an additional authorized representative for the federal programs on the enclosed list.

VI.  Public Appearances

VII.  Unfinished Business

A.  Sunrise Attendance Boundaries

Background Information: Much review and discussion has taken place about the attendance boundaries for Sunrise Elementary. The activities to date are summarized in my report. In your packet for this item are the hand out from the November 23 meeting, a set of sample motions pertaining to the attendance boundaries, and attendance boundary scenarios 1&2 modified to assume transitioning 6th graders and siblings over one year and transfer students over time. We only illustrate this for Northridge because of the need to reduce by a certain number of students to drop the lease at Corpus Christi.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board set the attendance boundaries for Sunrise Elementary School.

VIII.  New Business

A.  Change Orders
Background Information: Several change orders have been reviewed by the Career Academy Construction Review Committee. Most are relatively minor except for the removal of the rock uncovered during excavation. The need and timing to remove the rock has been discussed at previous meetings.
Recommendation: It is recommended by the Construction Review Committee that the change orders outlined in the included memo be approved.

B.  Career Academy Rock Removal Bids
Background Information: The enclosed memo includes the bids received for removing the rock from the Career Academy site.
Recommendation: It is recommended that a contract be awarded to Sand Creek Corporation for the low bid of $40,793.00.

C.  Jeanette Myhre Casework Bids
Background Information: Casework bids were received for casework for this summer’s work at Jeanette Myhre. The enclosed memo includes the bids.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Myhre casework be awarded to TMI Storage Systems at the low bid of $45,444.

D.  New Course Approval
Background Information: A new course has been proposed for the new Career Academy and endorsed by the Secondary Administrators. It is called Aviation II and is described in the enclosed memo. This course would be included in those courses available to students registering for the Fall 2010 semester.
Recommendation: It is recommended that Aviation II be approved.

E.  Authorize Destruction of Records
Background Information: We are allowed to destroy some records after so many years. Once a year we request permission to destroy outdated records.
Recommendation: It is recommended that authorization be given to destroy the records per the recommendation in the memo presented by Business Manager Ed Gerhardt.

F.  Superintendent Formative Evaluation
Background Information: Each year by December 15 the Superintendent’s formative evaluation is due.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the Superintendent’s formative evaluation.

G.  Approval of Audit Report
Background Information: You have heard the report of the auditors regarding their opinion of the financial records of the school district.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the 2008-09 Audit be approved.

IX.  Discussion

A.  Superintendent Search

Background Information: Some initial effort has been put into identifying superintendent search firms. The Board may want to discuss the process.

B.  2010-11 Budget Calendar

Background Information: In your packet is a draft budget calendar for 2010-2011.

X. General Information

A. NSBA Convention, Chicago, April 9-12, 2010

XI. Adjournment Subject to Call

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