KS1 PDMU Lesson 2 – Teacher Notes


During this lesson the children explore where money raised for BBC Children in Need goes. Pupils vote to decide which idea the class will put into action for BBC Children in Need. The lesson ends with pupils planning their chosen idea and then holding the event in the run-up to BBC Children in Need.

Learning Outcomes

Children will:

Explore what happens to the money that is raised for BBC Children in Need

Decide on the best fundraising idea for the class

Begin to plan their fundraising event

Related Resources

Teacher - PDMU Lesson 2 PowerPoint

You can print copies of these resources from the Teacher PowerPoint - no need for extra downloads!

Pupils - Editable Event Poster (slide 14)


Begin the lesson by sharing the learning outcomes (slide 3) and then warm up with the Circle Time games (slide 4). You can use a Pudsey bear, or teddy bear prop to facilitate the activities on slide 4.

Let the children know that there will be more Partner Talk today so remind them of the rules for being a perfect partner including listening, taking turns and eye contact. Again, you could partner up more-able pupils with less-able to provide further support.

Ask pupils to think about how much money the class could raise if everyone donated £1 each to dress up (slide 5)*. Remind pupils of what they learnt in Lesson 1, and how important every penny raised could be to a child just like them.

*You can edit the donation amount to make it appropriate for
your school.

Explain to pupils that today the class will vote for their very own BBC Children in Need fundraising activity, with the goal of raising as much money as possible for the charity and becoming Champions of Change.


Partner Task 1 – (Slides 6-12)

Looking at the photographs of the children (slide 6) develop a discussion about the kinds of things that children need.

Pose the question, how does BBC Children in Need spend the money we raise (slide 7)? Children talk with their Learning Partners for a few minutes then ‘Snap Back’ (turn to face the front) to share their ideas with the rest of the class.

Read through the ways that BBC Children in Need helps to make children’s lives better (slide 8) and talk about why these things are important. Reinforce that even the smallest amount of help matters and that EVERYONE can make a difference.

Use slide 9 to prompt discussion about the benefits that fundraising brings, not just to the people we are helping, but to the people doing the fundraising too.

Reveal the three most popular fundraising activities from the amazing ideas that everyone thought of in the last lesson. You can edit Slide 10 to display these on the interactive whiteboard. Using slide 11 explain that each child will now vote for the overall winner from idea one, two, or three by writing the number on a piece of paper and folding it over. Once children have done this, collect their papers in.

Holding the vote

A ‘hands-up’ vote means that everyone is able to see ideas judged as less popular, which may be difficult for some pupils. In addition, children will also know immediately which idea has won, which may present a challenge if the idea isn't completely realistic! A ‘sealed ballot’ vote instead allows you, as the teacher, to count the votes and report the 'official' results back to the class!


Whole Class Plenary

Use the prompt questions on the Teacher PowerPoint (slide 12) to lead a class discussion on planning your event. Encourage pupils to think carefully about the details of what needs to happen, and when. Allocate tasks, and make sure that everyone understands their roles; completing the suggested planning chart will help you and your pupils keep track of progress.

An editable poster is provided to help you publicise your event (slide 14)

It’s time to put your plans into action!

Remember, you can purchase merchandise items such as wristbands, key rings and Pudsey and Blush ears from the BBC Children in Need website. These can help facilitate your fundraising and get everyone in the fundraising spirit.

You can find more tools, tips and resources at bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/championsofchange