What We Mean … Discussions about Risk, Safety and other issues related to Persons with Disabilities


Preamble: We have gathered to discuss issues that we believe hinder persons with disabilities from living their lives to their greatest potential. We believe many of these issues are cultural, borne of historical practices that have too slowly moved persons with disabilities out of institutions and into communities without leaving behind institutional practices. Other issues result from laws and other rules, which while well intended, have resulted in practices that limit the choices available to persons with disabilities relative to their housing, employment, health, and general livelihood.

The purpose of this group – currently called “Risk & Choice” – is to develop new options for responding to the issues that inhibit choices for persons with disabilities. We know not today what these options might be or where they may lead us as individual persons, as providers, or as a group that cares about persons with disabilities. Nonetheless, we believe these issues merit deep and broad discussion in an effort to hopefully develop new and less cumbersome approaches to supporting expanded life choices for persons with disabilities.

Issues for Discussion:

  1. Risk: The possibility that something will go wrong. The representation that these negative possibilities must be addressed first and foremost – ahead of opportunities or choices – by a party on behalf of a person with disabilities.
  1. Liability: The value of the obligation that will be incurred by someone – a provider, a guardian – in the event something bad or harmful (at any degree) happens to a person with disabilities.
  1. Choice: The ability to choose from among real, tangible alternatives – such as ones that are similarly available to persons with abilities – of any significance to a person with a disability.
  1. Opportunity: a chance to pursue something to one’s benefit, for one’s own interests.
  1. Accountability: The ability to experience the consequences of one’s decisions. “Accountability” – a demonstration of what one is answerable for and to whom.