Author Guidelines
Organization of manuscript
The first page must include:
- the title,
- name(s) of author(s),
- affiliation(s),
- short running head (no more than 60 characters incl. spaces)
- and detailed address for correspondence including e-mail.
Organization of the manuscript:
- Abstract (not exceeding one typed page) - should consist of the following sections:Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions;
- Key words - max. 10;
- Introduction;
- Material and methods;
- Results;
- Discussion;
- Acknowledgements (if any);
- References;
- Tables (with legends);
- Figures;
- Legends to figures.
In a short communication, Results and Discussion should be written jointly. Organization of a review article is free.
In References section of article please use following citation style (exactly as it is given):
AMA Citation Style
American Medical Association Manual of Style, 9
- Items are listednumerically in the order they are cited in the text, not alphabetically.
- If you are using a typewriter and cannot useitalics, then useunderlining.
- Authors: use initials of first and second names with no spaces. Include up tosixauthors. If there are more than six, include the firstthree, followed byet al. If no author is given, start with the title.
- Books: include the edition statement (ex:3rd ed.orRev ed.) between thetitleandplaceif it is not the first edition.
- Place: use abbreviations of states,notpostal codes.
- Journals: abbreviate titles as shown inIndex Medicus. If the journal doesnotpaginate continuously through the volume, include the month (and day).Please note:references should include DOI numbers of the cited papers (if applicable) – it will enable the references to be linked out directly to proper websites.
- Websites: include the name of the webpage, the name of the entirewebsite, the fulldateof the page (if available), and thedate you looked at it.
- The rules concerning atitle within a titlearenotdisplayed here for purposes of clarity. See the printed version of the manual for details.
- For documents and situations not listed here, see the printed version of the manual. A similar styleguide is theUniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals
Examples of reference style used in the journal for specific types of citing:
Author(s) / Date / Title of Book / Title of Article / Title of Periodical
Volume / Pages / Place of Publication / Publisher / Other Information
1.Okuda M, Okuda D.Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future.
New York: Pocket Books; 1993.
Journal or Magazine Article(with volume numbers)
2.Redon J, Cifkova R, Laurent S et al. Mechanisms of hypertension
in the cardiometabolic syndrome.J Hypertens2009;27:441–451.
doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32831e13e5.
Newspaper, Magazine or Journal Article(without volume numbers)
3.Di Rado A. Trekking through college: classes explore modern
society using the world of Star trek.Los Angeles Times. March
15, 1995:A3.
Encyclopedia Article
4.Sturgeon T. Science fiction. In: Lorimer LT, editorial director;
Cummings C, ed-in-chief; Leish KW, managing ed.The Encyclopedia
Americana. Vol 24. International ed. Danbury, Conn: Grolier
Incorporated; 1995:390-392.
Book Article or Chapter
5.James NE. Two sides of paradise: the Eden myth according to Kirk
and Spock. In: Palumbo D, ed.Spectrum of the Fantastic.Westport,
Conn: Greenwood; 1988:219-223.
ERIC Document
6.Fuss-Reineck M.Sibling Communication in Star Trek: The Next
Generation: Conflicts Between Brothers.Miami, Fla: Annual Meeting
of the Speech Communication Association; 1993. ERIC Document
Reproduction Service ED364932.
7.Lynch T. DSN trials and tribble-ations review. Psi Phi: Bradley's
Science Fiction Club Web site. 1996. Available at:
/503r.htm. Accessed October 8, 1997.
Journal Article on the Internet
8.McCoy LH. Respiratory changes in Vulcans during ponfarr.J Extr
Med[serial online]. 1999;47:237-247. Available at:
Accessed April 7,
Technical requirements
Illustrations (line drawings and halftones) - either single or mounted in the form of plates, can be 85 mm, 125 mm, or 175 mm wide and cannot exceed the size of 175 x 250 mm. The authors are requested to plan their illustrations in such a way that the printed area is economically used. Numbers, inscriptions and abbreviations on the figures must be about 3 mm high. In case of micrographs, magnification (e.g. x 65 000) should be given in the legend. Calibration bars can also be used.
For the best quality of ilustrations please provide images in one of commonly used formats e.g. *.tiff , *.png, *.pdf (preferred resolution 300dpi).
Color illustrations can be published only at author's cost and the cost estimate will be sent to the author after submission of the manuscript.
Tables should be numbered consecutively in arabic numerals and each table must be typed on a separate page. The authors are requested to mark the places in the text, where a given table or figure should appear in print.
Legends must begin on a new page and should be as concise as necessary for a self-sufficient explanation of the illustrations. The author is obligated to cover the cost of publication of color page of the manuscript.
PDF file of each paper is supplied free of charge.
Author’s statement
The manuscript must be accompanied by the author's statement that it has not been published (or submitted to publication) elsewhere.
All collaborators who have made significant and substantial contributions to a study are considered coauthors. The nature and level of contribution of all authors of accepted manuscripts must be indicated, i.e. conception, design, execution and interpretation of the data being published, wrote the paper. An author may list more than one contribution, and more than one author may have contributed to the same aspect of the work. Other contributions to the work, such as providing of reagents or analytic tools, should be listed in the Acknowledgements. Ghostwriting and guest-authorship are forbidden. In case of detecting ghost written manuscripts, actions will be taken involving both the submitting authors and the participants involved.The corresponding author must have obtained permission from all authors for the submission of each version of the paper and for any change in authorship. Submission of a paper that has not been approved by all authors may result in immediate rejection.
Charges for manuscript publication
Please note that the cost of publication of accepted manuscript is € 330 (or 1200 PLN) plus the cost of publication of colour pages: € 250 (or 900 PLN) per one printed A4 page regardless of the number of images per one printed page).