Lecture 8: Introduction to Bones


·  Location and basic structure

o  Found throughout adult body

o  Ear and epiglottis

o  Articular cartilage and coastal cartilage

o  Intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis

·  Where do you find each type of cartilage?

o  Is abundant in embryo

o  Is surrounded by perichondrium

o  Consists primarily of water

o  Resilient tissue springs back to original shape.


·  Hyaline cartilage (glassy)

o  Most abundant cartilage

o  Provides support through flexibility

·  Elastic cartilage

o  Contains many elastic fibers

o  Able to tolerate repeated bending

·  Fibrocartilage

o  Resists strong compression and strong tension

o  An intermediate between hyaline and elastic cartilage.

Growth of Cartilage

·  Appositional growth

o  Chondroblasts in surrounding

o  Perichondrium produce new cartilage

·  Interstitial growth

o  Chondrocytes within cartilage divide and secrete new matrix

Tissue in Bone

·  Bones contain several types of tissues

·  Dominated by bone connective tissue

·  Contains nervous tissue and blood connective tissue

·  Contain cartilage in articular cartilages

·  Contains epithelial lining blood vessels

Functions of Bone

·  Support – provides hard framework

·  Movement – skeletal muscles use bones as levers

·  Protections from underlying organs

·  Mineral storage – reservoir for important minerals

·  Blood-cell formation – bone contains red marrow.


·  Long bones – longer than wide, a shaft plus ends

·  Short bones – roughly cube-shaped

·  Flat bones – thin and flattened, usually curved

·  Irregular bones – various shapes, do not fit into other categories

·  Give an example of each type of bones

Gross Anatomy of Bones

·  Compact bone – dense outer layer of bone

·  Spongy (cancellous) bone – internal network of bones

Structure Typical of Long Bones

·  Diaphysis – “shaft” of bone

·  Epiphysis – ends of a bone

·  Blood vessels – well vascularized

·  Medullary cavity – hollow cavity filled yellow marrow

·  Membranes

o  Periosteum, perforating fibers (Sharpery’s fiber), and endosteum

Structure Typical of Flat Bones

·  Flat bones, short bones, and irregular bones

·  Contain bone marrow but no marrow cavity

·  Diploe

o  Internal spongy bone of flat bones

Bone Design and Stress

·  Anatomy of a bone reflects stresses

·  Compression and tension greatest at external surfaces

Bone Markings

·  Pg 132, study, study, study

Chemical Composition of Bones

·  35% organic components

o  Composed of cells, fibers, and organic substance

o  Collagen – abundant

·  65% inorganic mineral salts

o  Primarily calcium phosphate

o  Resists compression

Bone Development

·  Ossification (osteogenesis) – bone tissue formation

o  Membrane bones formed directly from mesenchyme

·  Intramembraneous ossification

o  Other bone – develop initially from hyaline

·  Endochondral Ossification

Endochondral Ossification

·  All bones except some bones of the skull and clavicles

·  Bones are modeled in hyaline cartilage

·  Begins forming late in the 2nd month of embryonic development

·  Continues forming until early adult hood.

Anatomy of Epiphyseal Growth Areas

·  Older chondrocytes signal surrounding matrix to calcify

·  Older chondrocytes then die and disintegrate

o  Leaves long trabeculae (spicules) of calcified cartilage on diaphysis side

o  Trabeculae are partly eroded by osteoblasts.

·  Osteoblasts then cover trabeculae with bone tissue

·  Trabeculae finally eaten away from their tips by osteoblasts.

Lecture 9: Introduction to Bones (continued)

Anatomy of Epiphyseal Growth Areas

·  In epiphyseal plates of growing bones

o  Cartilage is organized for quick, efficient growth

o  Cartilage cells form tall stacks

o  Chondroblasts at the top of stacks divide quickly

·  Pushes the epiphysis away from the diaphysis

·  Lengthens the entire long bone

·  Older chondrocytes signal surrounding matrix to calcify

·  Older chondrocytes then die and disintegrate

o  Trabeculae are partly eroded by osteoclasts.

o  Osteoblasts then cover trabeculae with bone tissue

o  Trabeculae finally eaten away from their tips by osteoclasts.

Postnatal Growth of Endochondral Bones

·  During childhood and adolescence

o  Bones lengthen entirely by growth of the epiphyseal plates.

o  Cartilage is replaced with bone connective tissue as quickly as it grows.

o  Epiphyseal plate maintains constant thickness

o  Whole bone lengthens

Hormonal Regulation of Bone Growth

·  Growth hormone – produced by the pituitary gland.

o  Stimulates epiphyseal plates.

·  Thyroid hormone – ensures that the skeleton retains proper proportions

·  Sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone)

o  Promotes bone growth

o  Later induces closure of epiphyseal plates.

Postnatal Growth of Endochondral Bones

·  As adolescence draws to an end

o  Chondroblasts divide less often

o  Epiphyseal plate becomes thinner

§  Cartilage stops growing

§  Replaced by bone tissue

o  Long bones stop lengthening when diaphysis and epiphysis fuse.

Bone Remodeling

·  Bone is dynamic living tissue

·  500mg of calcium may enter or leave the adult skeleton each day.

·  Cancellous bone of the skeleton is replaced every 3-4 years.

·  Compact bone is replaced every 10 years.

Postnatal Growth of Endochondral Bones

·  Growing bones widen as they lengthen

·  Osteoblasts – add bone tissue to the external surface of the diaphysis

·  Osteoclasts – remove bone from the internal surface of the diaphysis.

·  Appositional growth – growth of a bone by addition of bone tissue to it’s surface.

Bone Remodeling

·  Bone deposit and removal

o  Occurs at periosteal and endosteal surfaces.

§  Peri – around

§  Endo – in

·  Bone Remodeling

o  Bone deposition – accomplished by osteoblasts

o  Reabsorption – accomplished by the osteoclasts.


·  Against cell with many nuclei

·  Crawls along bone surfaces

·  Breaks down bone tissue

o  Secretes concentrated HCl

o  Lysosomal enzymes are released.

Repair of Bone Fractures

·  Simple and compound fractures

·  Treatment by reduction

o  Closed reduction – without use of surgery.

o  Open reduction – includes surgery and they use traction.

Fracture Classifications

·  Simple – still remain under the skin.

·  Compound – protrudes skin

·  Overcompression will break bones.


·  Hematoma

·  Fibrocartilginous

o  Blood vessels come into heal bone hyaline cartilage reforms.

·  Osteoblasts start to reform the bone and start forming

·  Last part…

Types of Fractures

·  Comminuted – old bones fractures into more than 2 parts.

·  Compressed – under pressure which cracks open bones, especially with osteoporosis.

·  Spiral – twist bone with a lot of force.

·  Epiphyseal – epiphyseal plate no more fresh cells, dying.

·  Depressed – flat bones goes deep and goes down into tissue.

o  Hit head the skull would go in instead of out.

·  Green stick – seen in children

Disorders of Bones

·  Osteoporosis

o  Characterized by low bone mass

o  Bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposition

o  Occurs most often in women after menopause.

o  Common in women

§  Menopause – after bone tissue formation slows down and weakens

o  Men less common

§  Less active males don’t use the bones so they get weak, lose fluid and then they don’t calcify as much, use them and then they get stronger.

·  Osteomalacia

o  Occurs in adults

o  Bones are inadequately mineralized

·  Rickets

o  Occurs in children-analogous to osteomalacia

o  Malformed bones

·  Paget’s disease

o  Characterized by excessive rate of bone deposition

·  Osteosarcoma

o  A form of bone cancer.

Lecture 10: The Skeleton

Skeleton consists of

·  Bones, cartilage, joints, and ligaments

·  Composed of 206 named bones grouped into two divisions

o  Axial skeleton (80)

o  Appendicular (126)

Axial Skeleton

·  Formed from 80 named bones

·  Consists of the skull, vertebral column, and bony thorax

Bone Markings

·  Projections that provide attachment for muscles and ligaments

·  Projections that help form joints

·  Depression and openings for passage of nerves


·  Formed by the cranial facial bones


·  Serves to

o  Enclose the brain

o  Provide attachment sites for some head and neck muscles.

The Face

·  Facial bones serves to

o  Form framework of the face

o  Form cavities for the sense organs of sight, taste, and smell

o  Provide openings for the passage of air and food

o  Hold the teeth in place

o  Anchor muscles of the face.

Skull Geography

·  Facial bones form anterior aspect

·  Cranium is divided into cranial vault and the base

·  Internally, prominent bony ridges

Skull contains smaller cavities

·  Middle and inner ear cavity – in lateral aspect of the cranial base

·  Nasal cavity – lies in and posterior to the nose

·  Orbits – house the eyeballs

·  Air-filled sinuses – occur in several bones around the nasal cavity.

The Skull contains approximately 85 named openings

·  Foramina, canals, fissures

·  Provide openings for important structures

o  Spinal cord

o  Blood vessels serving brain

o  12 pairs of cranial nerves

Cranial Bones

·  Paired bones include

o  Temporal bases

o  Parietal bases

·  Unpaired bones

o  Frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid

Frontal Bones

·  Forms the forehead and roofs of the orbits

·  Forms supercilliary arches

·  Internally it contributes to the anterior cranial fossa

·  Contains frontal sinuses

Parietal Bones

·  Parietal bone form superior and lateral parts of the skull

·  Four sutures of the cranium

o  Coronal suture – runs in the coronal plane

§  Located where parietal bones meet the frontal bones

o  Squamous suture – occurs where each parietal bone meets a temporal bone inferiorly

o  Sagittal suture – occurs where right and left parietal bones meet superiorly

o  Lambdoid suture – occurs when the parietal bones meet the occipital bone posteriorly

Sutural Bones

·  Small bones that occur within sutures

·  Irregular in shape, size, and location

·  Not all people have sutural bones

Occipital Bones

·  Forms the posterior portion of the cranium and cranial base

·  Articulates with the temporal bones and parietal bones

·  Forms the posterior cranial fossa.

·  Foramen magnum located at its basale

·  Features and Structures

o  Occipital condyles

o  Hypoglossal foramen

o  External occipital protuberance

o  Superior nuchal lines

o  Inferior nuchal lines

Temporal Bones

·  Lie inferior to the parietal bones

·  Form the inferior and lateral portion of the skull

·  Term “temporal”

o  Comes from Latin word for time

·  Specific regions of temporal bones

o  Squamous

o  Temporal

o  Petrous

o  Mastoid process

The Sphenoid Bone

·  Spans the width of the cranial floor

·  Resemble a butterfly or bat

·  Consists of a body and three pairs of processes

·  Contains 5 important openings

Ethmoid Bones

·  Lies between nasal and sphenoid bones

·  Forms most of the medial bony region between the nasal cavity and orbits

Facial Bones

·  Unpaired Bones

o  Mandible, vomer

·  Paird bones

o  Maxillae, zymphatic bones, nasal bones, lacrimal bones, palantine bones, inferior nasal conchae


·  The lower jawbone is the largest and strongest facial bone

·  Composed of 2 main parts

o  Horizontal body

o  2 upright rami

Maxillary Bones

·  Articulate with all of the facial bones except the mandible

·  Contains maxillary sinuses – largest paranasal sinuses

·  Forms part of the inferior formal fissures

Other Bones

·  Zymphatic bones – form lateral wall of orbits

·  Nasal bones – form bridge of nose

·  Lacrimal bones – complete the posterior part of the hand palate

·  Vomer – forms the inferior part of the nasal septum

·  Inferior nasal conchae – thin, curved bones that project medially from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity

Sinuses – to reduce weight.

Lecture 11: The Axial Skeleton (continued)

Paranasal Sinuses

·  Air-filled sinuses are located within

o  Frontal bone

o  Ethmoid bones

o  Sphenoid bones

o  Maxillary bones

·  Lined with mucous membranes

·  Serve to lighten the skull

The Hyoid Bone

·  Lies inferior to the mandible

·  The only bone with no direct articulation with any other bone

·  Acts as a movable base for the tongue

Vertebral Column

·  Formed from 26 bones in the adult

·  Transmits weight of trunk to the lower limbs

·  Surrounds and protects the spinal cord

·  Serves as attachment sites for muscles of the neck and back

·  Held in place by ligaments

·  Anterior and posterior longitudal ligaments

o  Ligamentum flavum

Intervertebral Discs

·  Cushion – like pads between vertebrae

·  Acts as shock absorbers

·  Compose about 25% of height of the vertebral column

o  Composed of

·  Nucleus pulpous and annulus fibrosis

·  The gelatinous inner sphere of intervertebral discs

·  Enables spine to absorb compressive stresses

Annulus Fibrosis

·  An outer collar of ligaments and fibrocartilage

·  Contains the nucleus pulpous

·  Functions to bind vertebrae together to resist tension on the spine, and absorb compression forces.

Herniated Disc

·  May be caused by trauma to the spine

·  Aging is also a contributing factor

·  Nucleus pulpous loses cushioning properties

·  Annulus fibrosis weakens

Regions and Normal Curvatures

·  Vertebral column is about 70cm (28 inches)

·  Vertebral column is divided into 5 major regions

o  Cervical vertebrae

§  7 vertebrae of the neck region

o  Thoracic vertebrae

§  12 vertebrae of the thoracic region

o  Lumbar vertebrae

§  5 vertebrae of the lower back

o  Sacrum

§  Inferior to the lumbar vertebrae

§  Articulates with coxal bones

o  Coccyx

§  Most inferior region of the vertebral column

·  4 distinct curvatures give vertebral column an S-shape

o  Cervical and lumbar curvature

§  Are concave posteriorly “(“

o  Thoracic and sacral curvatures

§  Are convex posteriorly “)”

o  Curvatures increase the resilience of the spine

Go to page 171 table 7.2 and the first 4 rows.

Specific Regions of the Spine perform specific functions