
Mobile Deployment Committee

Meeting Notes ― August 19, 2014

Attendees: Beth Myrer, Jason Kennedy, Joe Belnap, Ray Walker, Robert Johnson, Mike Harper

Absent: Chris Taylor, David Tobler, Denise Vandevanter, Landon Conover, Matt Bambrough

Whitney Wilkinson

Carry-Over Items from Prior Meetings

Action Item / Comments / Owner / Assigned / Projected / Completed
1 / PR for Phone Directory app / Ray Walker, Chris Taylor

New Agenda Items

Action Item / Comments / Owner / Assigned / Projected / Completed
1 / PR for Phone Directory app / Have marketing send an email - Jason
Post on UV Announce - Ray
Have HR send an announcement to all Faculty and Staff
Jason will post on the Faculty/Staff page / Ray Walker, Chris Taylor / Ray –UV announce
Jason on Faculty / staff page
2 / Test of Enhancement to existing UVU Mobile App / Add two icons to the app – canvas and email that would link directly to those apps.
Also discussed linking to 25 live for calendar updates –
Has to be easy because people will not look for it, and want it easy.
Discussion of digital Gallery – could be a student project / Robert Johnson / Invite Dave to next meeting to address 25 live
3 / Remuneration for development for outside Entities / Hold to next meeting
4 / Naming conventions / Hold to next meeting
5 / UVU Press / Will be opening an account, created by Marketing, and administered by Mike Harper.
Class use is done under the University app (which is free).
Mike will create a chart of app usage and designating where in the system different apps belong, and who is managing the app– will have style guide.
MicroSoft rep is now Keith Ward.
Discussion of Google Playstore, and Amazon Kindle Store.
Need to maintain ownership of Utah Valley University site – but will need other apps that are related but under UVU name.
Also need to work on getting another Mag Plus.
Robert will be involved in reviewing the app
Jason will create UVU Press account / Jason will create a UVU Press account and Mike will administer app
6 / Legal Implications / Hold to next meting
7 / Additional APPs and Mag Plus Accounts / UTA has taken over shuttles on campus – would be nice if they established an app for the new scheduling
8 / uvu.edu/mobile / Working with Brandon Pramley on creating a Web Page.
Discussion of what should be included (a structured competition for new apps, Base Camp Project, need to define the page
9 / Other / September Fest – Sept 3, 4:00-7:00, in the atrium of the Science Building – should be over 700 students - should have a presence, and to engage student – Mike and Ray will coordinate
Campus Map needs to updated / Mike and Ray will coordinate on Sept Fest
8 / Next meeting / September 16, 2014, 12:00-1:00, BA 004