
Ms. Grasso

August 4, 2016

Dear Parent,

I would like to personally welcome you and your child to my Chemistry class. I hope the students will find this year both challenging and rewarding. The only way students can succeed in science is by being an active participant. Students are expected to participate in class everyday and complete the homework assignments each night. If you have any questions, please contact me, preferably by e-mail. I am looking forward to having a wonderful year and it is my desire that all students will be successful in this class.

Required Materials

Students are required to bring all materials every day to class.

§  Composition Notebook

§  Loose leaf paper

§  Pencils/Pens

§  Scientific/Graphing Calculator (recommended)


The grade for the semester will be determined based on the percentages listed below.

§  60% Assessments (Tests, Quizzes and Comprehensive Final)

§  20% Classwork/Notebook

§  10% Lab Activities

§  10% Homework

The grading scale is as follows

90 - 100% = A 80 - 89% = B 70 – 70% = C 60 – 69% = D below 60% = F

Grades will be rounded at the discretion of the instructor based on the student’s attitude and effort.


Student should expect homework several times a week. Homework will always be due at the start of the class period and the date the homework is due will be posted in class and on-line. Late homework will be penalized according to the unexcused late work policy.


Students should expect to study to prepare for tests/assessments in this class in addition to completing homework. Students should review their notes, definitions and review worksheets before the test.

Make Up Work for Excused Absences

If the student is absent it is his/her responsibility to find out what assignments have been missed. Students should e-mail me at or check my website at or check with another student to find out missing assignments. If you need additional help on material missed while you were absent please make arrangements to see me before or after school. If the student is absent of the day of the test, she/he will take the test the next day. If the student is absent for one day the day before the test (review day), she/he will take the test the next day with the rest of the class. If the student misses two or more days, the student and I will have a conference to discuss when assignments will be made up and when the test will be taken. Students who miss lab activities will be given a different assignment to replace the lab.

Unexcused Late Work

Any unexcused late homework, classwork, or labs will be penalized 20% of the total points for being one day late. The penalty will increase for each additional day late up to 50% of the total points for an assignment that is a week or more late. It is important that late assignments be complete. A half-completed assignment that is a week late will be worth 0 points! The last day to turn in unexcused late work is the day of the chapter test. After the chapter test, all missing assignments will be converted to a 0 and they can no longer be turned in for points.

Academic Dishonesty/Cheating

Students are expected to turn in assignments that represent their own work. Students are encouraged to help each other but this does not include allowing a student to copy your work or simply giving another student an answer. If a student is found copying an assignment, both students will receive a zero for that assignment. If this occurs again with the same students further actions will be taken. Cheating on a test will result in a zero on the test, parent notification, and referral to an administrator. Anyone using a phone during a test will receive a zero and their phone will be taken to an administrator.

Lab Safety

Chemistry is a laboratory science. Safety in the laboratory will be continuously stressed. Students are expected to wear their safety glasses at all times and follow any safety guidelines that I outline. Any student not wearing their safety glasses or not acting in a safe manner during a lab will be removed from the classroom and will receive a zero on the assignment. Students will be referred to an administrator if the problem persists.

Classroom Expectations

**Please be advised that I strictly enforce all school rules and policies!

1.  Attend class everyday. School board policy JE-R states that the student may not receive credit due to excessive absenteeism, pending appeal.

2.  Be on Time. Being tardy is disrespectful to the teacher and the other students. The third tardy a semester and each tardy thereafter will result in detention or other consequence. In addition, being tardy to class may result in lose of points for bellwork activities.

3.  Be in Class. Students are expected to be in class during instructional time. Hall passes will only be given for emergencies. No hall passes to lockers will be issued.

4.  Be Prepared to Learn. Students are expected to come to class with all required materials. Students should not have phones, music devices, video games, food or other distractions. Confiscation and/or parent contact may result if these items are in use during class.

5.  Wear appropriate clothing. No hats, midriffs, undergarments, attire advertising controlled substances or profane language may be worn/displayed. Please refer to the school’s dress code policy for further guidelines.

6.  Be Respectful. Students should treat everyone in the classroom with proper respect. In addition, students need to show respect for both school and peers property.

7.  Wear your ID at all times. All students are expected to wear their IDs at all times during the school day.

8.  Follow all safety rules during a lab. Students must wear safety glasses at all times during a lab and follow all safety procedures. Horseplay in the lab will not be tolerated.

Special Information for Parents

Grade information will be available through Synergy. This is a new system so please contact me if you have any questions about accessing grades.

Please review this letter with your student, sign and fill-out the Student and Parent Acknowledgement Form and return to me. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards, Ms. Grasso