China Academy of Social Sciences

Rule of Law Conference, November 4-5th, 2016


November 3, 2016 (Thursday)

18:00Welcome Dinner for foreign participants (LaoHuJi Restaurant, 2ndfloor of the Hotel)

Rules on the Time Limits for Speeches, Presentations and

Comments during the Conference:

1. Maximum 20 minutes for each keynote speech and 15 minutes for each presentation;

2. Maximum 5 minutes for each comment or speech during discussions;

3.A chairperson may make such adjustments to the above time limits as he or she sees appropriate in light of actual situation

November 4, 2016 (Friday)

08:45 Registration

Venue: CASS Law Institute (No.15, Shatan Beijie)

09:00-09:30Opening Ceremony

Chairperson:Prof.Mo Jihong, Deputy Director of CASS Law Institute

Speeches (8minutes for each speech)

Speaker 1:Prof. Zhang Wenxian, Vice Chairman, China Law Society

Speaker 2:Prof. César Landa, PontificiaUniversidadCatólica DelPerú, Former President of Constitution Court of the Republic of Peru

Speaker3:Prof. Ulla Liukkunen,Director of the FinnishCenter of Chinese Law and Chinese Legal Culture at HelsinkiUniversity

Speaker 4:Prof. Li Lin, CASS Member and Director of CASS Law Institute

09:30-09:45Tea Break

09:45-12:00Session1: Keynote Speeches

Chairperson:Prof.Mo Jihong, Deputy Director of CASS Law Institute

Speaker 1: Prof. Sun Xianzhong, CASS Law Institute

Topic: Several Issues concerning the Codification of Civil Law in China

Speaker 2: Prof. César Landa, Pontificia, Universidad Católica DelPerú

Topic: International Standards in the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Speaker 3: Prof. Ying Songnian,Lifetime tenured Professor,China University of Politics and Law

Topic:The Development and Prospect of Chinese Administrative Law

Speaker4: Prof. Arturo Oropeza García, National Autonomous University of México

Topic:The Rule of law in Mexico and China: A comparative perspective

Speaker 5: Prof. Heinz-Dietrich Steinmeyer, University of Muenster, Germany

Topic: Legal Reform and Development of Rule of Law: A Comparative View on German Labour and Social Law

Comments and Discussion

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:15Session2: Rule of Law Model and Rule of Law Culture

Moderators: Prof. Zhou Hanhua, Assistant Director of CASS Law Institute

Prof. Franciszek Longchamps de Berier, JagiellonianUniversity in Cracow, Poland

Speaker 1: Prof. Simon Evans, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), University of Melbourne

Topic:Rule of Law Culture and Fundamental Rights Protection

Speaker 2: Prof. Ignazio Castellucci, University of Trento, Italy

Topic:Three patterns of legal reform: the Roman Empire, France, andChina

Speaker 3: Prof. Hitoshi Ohnishi, Tohoku University, Japan

Topic:Rule of law and social culture--why do the majority of people abide by law without enforcement in Japan?

Speaker 4: Cássius GuimarãesChai, Professor of UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO MARANHÃO,Brazil

Topic:Legal Reform and Challenges to Reflexive Balancing under a Democratic Rule of Law - remarks on Brazilian experience

Speaker 5: Prof. Zhang Sheng, CASS Law Institute

Topic: The Tang Code: Unity of Legislative Techniques and Ideas of State Governance

Comments and Discussion

15:15-15:30 Tea Break

15:30-17:30 Session3:Legal Reform and the Development of Rule of Law

Moderators: Prof. Chen Jie, CASS Law Institute

Prof.Ignazio Castellucci, University of Trento, Italy

Speaker 1: Prof. Ulla Liukkunen,HelsinkiUniversity

Topic: Posting of workers as a challenge to European Union law and national labour law systems

Speaker 2: Kim Min Ho, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

Topic:Standard Principle of Intelligent Information Society

Speaker 3: Associate ProfessorAttila Kun, KároliGáspárUniversity of the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE)

Topic:Hungarian labour law reform in a "rule of law" context

Speaker 4: Prof. Kim Hyun Kyung, Seoul National Univ. of Science & Technology, Korea

Topic:Study on the Reform and Development of South Korea’s Personal Identification Number System

Speaker 5: Prof.Mo Yuchuan, RenminUniversityof China

Topic:Development ofEmergency Response Law and Emergency Response Legal System in China

Comments and Discussion

17:40 Dinner

November 5 (Saturday)

9:00-10:30Session4:Rule of Law Tradition and Its Development

Moderators: Prof. Liu Renwen, CASS Law Institute

Prof. Hitoshi Ohnishi, TohokuUniversity

Speaker 1: Prof.Tamio Nakamura,Director of the Institute of Comparative Law,Waseda University, Japan

Topic:Conflicting tradition of constitutionalism in Japanese legal history

Speaker 2: Prof. Franciszek Longchamps de Berier, JagiellonianUniversity in Cracow, Poland

Topic: Legal Data Bases and the Way of Thinking about Law in the Era of Decodification

Speaker 3: Prof. Li Honglei, CASS Law Institute

Topic: The Decline of Self-regulation

Speaker 4: Prof. Danilo de Araujo, Sao Paulo Law School, Brazil

Topic:Groups of Companies: Institutional Challenges and Regulatory Strategies

Speaker 5: AssociateProfessorPiotr Grzebyk,University of Warsaw

Topic:The Rule of Law and its social dimensions in economically integrated Europe

Comments and Discussion

10:30-10:45 Tea Break

10:45-12:15Session5:Legal Reform and Prospect of Rule of Law

Moderators: Prof. Xiong Qiuhong, CASS Law Institute

Prof.Tamio Nakamura,Director of the Institute of Comparative Law,Waseda University, Japan

Speaker 1: Prof. Jiang Huiling, Director of Institute of Applied Law, Supreme Court of PRC

Topic:Prospect of Judicial Reform in China

Speaker 2: Prof.Tomasz Giaro, Dean of School of Law, University of Warsaw, Poland

Topic:Law reforms in Eastern Europe during the 19th century

Speaker 3: Prof. Wang Minyuan, CASS Law Institute

Topic:Latest Developments in Human Rights Protection in Chinese Criminal Procedure

Speaker 4: Associate ProfessorMartine Valois, Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal

Topic:System Differentiation and the Rule of Law: Preserving the Function of Law in the Legal System

Speaker 5: Mr. SevalnevViacheslav, Senior Researcher, Institute of the Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Topic:Anti-corruption strategy in the Russian Federation

Comments and Discussion

12:15-12:40 Closing Ceremony

Chairperson: Prof. Xie Zengyi, Director of Research Administration and Foreign Affairs Department, CASS Law Institute


1. Prof. Simon Evans, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), University of Melbourne

2. Prof.Tomasz Giaro, Dean of School of Law, University of Warsaw,Poland

3. Prof. Mo Jihong, Deputy Director, CASS Law Institute

13:00 Lunch