/ Newsletter
2017 September 28 / Number 15

Events coming up:
The school is closing on Friday -29 September (11:00am) and there’s No aftercare
School re-opens on the 9th of October - Monday
Contact Us
Tel: 011462 6768
Fax: 011462 5284
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Hello! Dumelang! Sanibona! Molo! Lotjhani! Avuxeni! Ndaa!
‘Diversity isnot about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness’ – Ola Joseph
As we celebrate the Heritage month, we need to remind ourselves who we are and how can we embrace the cultural diversity we have in this country. We’ve had a hectic but productive term and our pupils excelled in various areas of school.
I would like to wish my staff, pupils, donors, sponsors, Rev Shona, church volunteers and parents a happy holiday. We’re closing school this Friday (29 September) and will open on the 9th of October (Monday).
NB: our Facebook page is up and running.- Vuleka St Mark’s Northriding. Please ‘like’ us or comment.
For any queries, you can contact me on my school email –

Pupil News

Preparing pupils for success in education and to become contributing members of society – from the Vuleka School Strategic Plan 2016-2019
On the 26th of September,some of our Grade 7 pupils took part in the Phendulani book quiz which was hosted by the Roedean school and we were placed 3rd out of all schools that took part. Well done!!!

Positive Changes- these are some of the changes we have seen in our pupils this term:
  • Honesty:In the last few weeks, we have seen our pupils bringing in lost items, including money to the office.
  • Pride : more pupils are taking pride in their school work and uniforms
  • School Image:we have seen more pupils picking up litter without being asked. What a great culture to adopt!
Heritage Day
  • exposing all pupils to sport and cultural activities – from the Vuleka Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Our grades 6 and 7 pupils took part in the Heritage Day event which was hosted by our very own high school, SSB Vuleka (22 September). Our pupils gave great performances on stage and their concert manners were superb.

Other Events / Activities
Swimming Computers

Break Time – Games
Netball/Basketball Volleyball

Something to think about

Investing in your child’s education is never a wasted effort. Keep up the great work! Don’t forget to pay your school fees.
Mr Sanele Majola
Headmaster : Vuleka- St Mark’s School