Dear Colleagues,
Very much a private sector month for the Coalition, as we welcomeda total of 120 chief executives and senior managers to a Glasgow study tour, a packed SCDI business breakfast in Glasgow and a Dundee Chamber lunch in partnership with Senscot’s Tayside Network.
However campaigning work also continued in the senior echelons of the public sector, with this week seeing the Scottish Government’s Permanent Secretary’s annual Public Sector Forum with 150+ public sector CEOs, at which the Coalition ran a two hour workshop on alternative public service delivery. Many thanks to all of you who sent in case studies.
Coming up, on Monday I have a meeting with the Scotland editor of the FT,so, as ever good stories required! (by 11.30am if possible). Next Tuesday we are working with the Scottish Government Communications teamlooking at the language used to describe our movement. Please let me have your thoughts, objections, ideas and solutions by Monday 5pm.
Finally ….. S2S. Bookings are picking up fast for our annual trade fair, but as any trade fair is only as good as its attendees, please keep pushing this important event to your colleagues, private and public sector contacts and networks. An E-flyer is attached for distribution ... Riddoch is recording her BBC Radio Scotland Show at S2S, while Enterprise Minister Jim Mather promises us a whole hour to tour stands. Best news of all: there are reductions on 09/10 membership subscriptions if you book up by 13 March!
Best wishes

Antonia Swinson, Chief Executive
Future Coalition Diary Dates
A Community of Business: Programme Roll-out for 2008-2011
The Coalition's Community of Business programme of engagement with the private sector continues in partnership with Senscot and the Scottish Chambers of Commerce.
  • Tuesday 17 March 2009: Inverness
  • Wednesday 25March 2009: Renfrewshire
For more information on all “A Community of Business” events and activities, please contact Donna Ferguson on 0131 243 2653 or email
Pitching for Business with the Private Sector: MacRoberts Social Enterprise legal briefing
Places are still available for our second legal seminar on Wednesday 18 March 2009 for our members which focuses on building consortia with social enterprises and the private sector to win public sector contracts. Click here for information and booking details.
Thursday 12 March 2009, 12.00noon until 2.00pm: Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition’s Westminster Parliamentary Lunchtime Briefing, Jubilee Room, Westminster Hall
Our lunchtime briefing for Scottish MPs, hosted by John Barrett MP, will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing social enterprises in Scotland. Keynote speakers include Antonia Swinson, Laurie Russell and Gerry Higgins, and there will be ample opportunity for members to contribute their thoughts and talk about their businesses. We are offering a small number of bursaries toward travel costs. For more information contact Callum Chomczuk.
Thursday 23April 2009: S2S 09 Trade Fair, Edinburgh Corn Exchange
Exhibition stands are going fast for the 2009 S2S Trade Fair which is taking place at Edinburgh's Corn Exchange on Thursday 23 April.This year's themeis the Marketplace and the Trade Fair will provide the perfect arena for social enterprise organisations or those with an interest in the sector to meet, trade, exchange ideas and establish new relationships. For further information and booking visit or contact Elise MacDonald via email
Wednesday 29 April 2009: Cross Party Group on Economy
Leading Coalition members will address the Cross Party Group on Economy on April 29. If you wish to attend, please email. The Cross Party Group on the Economy will also meet on Wednesday 4 March 2009 between 1pm and 2 pm in the Scottish Parliament. The topic for discussion will be “trading through the downturn” if you wish to attend please
Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition News
S2S Panelists
Lesley Riddoch Productions are looking for panellists and audience members for a BBC Radio Scotland recording at S2S on 23 April from 3.30-4.30. Panelists are required from both social enterprise and private sector and refreshments are available for the audience. If you are interested please email
MSP Visits
Arranging visits for Members of the Scottish Parliament is an important part of our work – the very best way to communicate just what social enterprise can achieve. Please let our new Policy & Communications Officer, Callum Chomczuk, know if you would like to host or organise a visit – contact him on 0131 243 2654 or email . Sarah Boyack MSP visited the Soap Company in Edinburgh on Friday 13February 2009 and Liam McArthur MSP visited Orkney Soap Company on Monday 16 February 2009.
Coalition hosts tour of Glasgow social enterprises and Business Breakfast with SCDI
On Thursday 12 February 2009, the Coalition hosted a tour of two Glasgow-based social enterprises for business leaders in Scotland and a business breakfast, again in Glasgow, on Friday 27 February.
Want To Sell Your Goods and Services To The Private Sector?
The Scottish Council for the Development of Industry (SCDI) are keen to expand trade between social enterprises and their private sector members following this week’s very successful business breakfast, run in partnership with the Coalition. They have therefore kindly offered to put together a list of social enterprise suppliers which would be distributed to SCDI members and carried on both their website and ours. You may remember we have already put together a suppliers’ list of members’ goods and services at the request of the Scotland Office, and it would be good to add to it. If your business would like to participate, please email Kate with the subject title SCDI Suppliers Directory- in this table form.
Name / Location / Description of Goods and Services / Contact details/website
Parliamentary Update
Cross Party Group on Media and Culture
The Coalitionhosted a well attended meeting on Wednesday 4February 2009 in the Scottish Parliament on the therole of Cultural Social Enterprises. The meeting, chaired by Cathy Peattie MSP,heard from 5 speakers about how Social enterprises are unlocking cultural potential all over Scotland. Following this meeting, Cathy Peattie MSP has submitted a motion on cultural social enterprises. Please contact your local MSP and encourage them to sign it and click here to view motion S3M -03538
Parliamentary Motion
Following Sarah Boyack’s visit to the Soap Company in Edinburgh, she has lodged a parliamentary motion. The visit was highlighted in this article in the Scotsman on February 142009. Please contact your local MSP and encourage them to sign this motion and click here to view motion S3M-3445
Ministerial Reshuffle
The Scottish Government has had its first reshuffle since taking power in 2007. Linda Fabiani, Maureen Watt and Stewart Maxwell are out, and Alex Neil, Keith Brown and Roseanna Cunningham are in, while Mike Russell has been promoted. For more information click here
Political Party Conferences
The Scottish Labour party conference will take place in Dundee between 6-8 March 2009 where the Coalition are exhibiting and the Scottish Liberal Democrat party conference will take place in Perth 13-15 March 2009where the Coalition are sending an observer.
Parliamentary Questions
Lewis McDonald MSP has submitted a number of parliamentary questions relating to Social Enterprises. Answers are due on 12 March 2009
S3W-21470 To ask the Scottish Executive how much money has been allocated from the Scottish Investment Fund to assist third sector enterprises since 1 September 2008.
S3W-21471: To ask the Scottish Executive how many applications it has received from third sector enterprises for funding from the Scottish Investment Fund since 1 September 2008. S3W-21472: To ask the Scottish Executive which third sector enterprises based in Aberdeen have applied for funding from the Scottish Investment Fund since 1 September 2008.S3W-21473: To ask the Scottish Executive which third sector enterprises based in Aberdeen have been successful in applying for funding from the Scottish Investment Fund since 1 September 2008 and how much each group received.S3W-21474: To ask the Scottish Executive which Aberdeen-based third sector enterprises have been unsuccessful in applications for funding from the Scottish Investment Fund since 1 September 2008.
Childcare Vouchers
The Scottish Government is running a campaign to encourage more employers inScotland to offer their staff childcare vouchers. To find out more click here
First Minister Launches Business Club Scotland
The First Minister has launched Business Club Scotland, a partnership designed to maximise the business opportunities from major sporting and cultural events in Scotland, such as the Homecoming 2009, the Intercontinental Car Rally and the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
Policy Update
Evaluating the Success Factors for establishing a thriving social enterprise Through it’s membership of the Scottish Third Sector Research Forum the Coalition has secured a piece of extensive Government funded research into the drivers of success for social enterprises, with particular focus on BME community. For more information please click here
Policy DevelopmentAs part of our manifesto preparations ahead of the General Election next year, the Coalition will be engaging in a number of reserved policy issues over the next few months. The themes are likely to include (i) The Welfare State (ii) Taxation (iii) Liquidity (iv) Community Allowances. Full details have not been finalized, but if you wish to contribute to our manifesto development in these areas, please contact
Political Party manifesto preparation
The Coalition has started discussions with the major political parties in Scotland ahead of the 2011 Scottish Parliamentary election, with meetings ongoing between the Coalition and the Scottish Labour Party. To feed into these discussions email
Members’ News and Events
The Coalition is continuing to grow and now has over 100 members and associates, a very warm welcome to those that have joined this month
  • With People (Members) –
  • Fife Social Economy Partnership (Associates) –
  • Calman Trust (Members) –
  • ACOSVO (Associates) –
  • Employers for Childcare (Members) –
  • The Big Issue Scotland (Members) –
  • Claverhouse Group (Members) –
Media co-op's RED OIL hit our TV screens
Coalition members and leading cultural social enterprisemedia co-op new production RED OIL was broadcast Tuesday 10 February at 10pm on More4 'True Stories'.RED OIL is the story of conflict and intrigue over who gets the profits from the biggest oil reserves on the planet. Can a multinational oil corporation deliver Chavez’ socialist dream?
The Engine ShedGuide & Training PlacesThe Engine Shed has produced 'A Guide to the Engine Shed' describing the process it has gone through developing as a social enterprise and details the experience offeredtoindividuals with learning disabilities. Fora copy of the guide please
Bookdonors pays out £15,000 to charity stakeholdersBookdonors has just paid charity stakeholders £15,687 for books used during October to December 2008, bringing the total paid out since October 2005 to £77,677.
Grant for Out of the Blue from Scottish Investment FundEdinburgh-based Out of the Blue Arts and Education Trust, will receive a £175,000 grant and £245,000 loan towards a £737,000 refurbishment programme. Also benefitting from an award was Momentum Scotland. For more information please click here
3 March 2009: Fit for Purpose 09
‘Fit for Purpose 09’ will take place at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh. Key note speaker Shona Robison MSP. For more information click here
4-6 March 2009: Social Accounting Masterclass & Workshops, Edinburgh
A Social Accounting Masterclass will be held in Edinburgh on March 4 & 5 and a Social Auditor Workshop, also in Edinburgh on March 6. Details are available by contacting John Pearce on 01506 870477 or
5 March 2009: HISEZ Annual Conference
The Annual HISEZ Conference is an opportunity to come together and discuss the latest events and issues facing Social Enterprises. For further details:
10 March 2009: Community Recycling in a Zero Waste Scotland, Perth Concert Hall
This is the largest gathering of people committed to maximising the potential of the community recycling sector. For more information click here.
2 April 2009: CIEs 25th Anniversary Black & White Gala Dinner
Congratulation to CEiS who will in 2009 celebrate a quarter-century of business. The celebrations begin with a 25th Anniversary Black & White Gala Dinner on 2nd April, 2009, at the Old Fruitmarket in Glasgow. For more information click here
21 April 2009: Transitions Conference 2009 “Moving Out: Moving On - But Where To?”
Camphill Scotland in collaboration with the Scottish Government presents a one day conference exploring the challenges of the transition process for young people with special needs. For more information click here.
Sector News, Events & Resources
A new body representing Scotland’s councils for voluntary service (CVS) is to be created
CVSs have voted in favour of the move which aims to bring the organisations closer together to support common interests and to give the network greater negotiating powers.
National GO Awards 2009
Government Opportunities (GO) magazine would like to invite entries for its national Excellence in Public Procurement Awards 2009 which recognise excellence within procurement, and the benefits to the wider business and social community.
Third Sector enterprise fund
A New £12m fund to encourage Third Sector organisations to become more enterprising is now open.Organisations who apply to the Third Sector Enterprise Fund are expected to be at an earlier stage of enterprise development than applicants to the Scottish Investment Fund.
Scottish Enterprise Free Business Advice & Support
Scottish Enterprise has launched a new website which provides information and support to businesses including social enterprises, in response to the economic downturn. A series of free events Facing the Challenge - events to help you through the downturn has also been organised for various locations across Scotland. More here...
The Scottish Green List
Scottish Sustainable Development Forum has embarked on a search for people who deserve to be publicly recognised for their contribution to sustainable development. If you know someone that is doing their bit to make Scotland more sustainable, then they want to hear about them
All change at Social Investment ScotlandA big thank you to Scott Anderson who is retiring from Social Investment Scotland at the end of March and a warm welcome to Craig Campbell who issucceeding Scott as Chief Executive. Craig has a recent track record in not-for-profit funding and community banking at HBOS, where he helped set up Big Issue Invest, the Wester Hailes Community Banking Agreement and Grand Central Savings Bank in the Glasgow offices of the Big Issue.
New social enterprise body for WalesThe Welsh Assembly Government has announced a new umbrella body for social enterprise in Wales. The Social Enterprise Coalition Cymru was launched this month by Leighton Andrews, deputy minister for regeneration, as part of a social enterprise action plan for Wales.
VOICE 09At Voice 09 in Birmingham, Cabinet minister Liam Byrne predicted a new era of influence for social enterprises as he announced steps to harness the sector to help Britain get through the economic downturn. David Cameron opened the UK's landmark social enterpriseeventand spoke about the importance of social enterprise in rebuilding our economy and tackling social breakdown. For more information click here
NHS creating Social EnterprisesThe NHS has opened its first hospital cafe in what will become a chain of money-making enterprises. Aroma opened its doors at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI), and profits from the business will be ploughed back into patient care. For more information clickhere
UK Government have launched a new fund to support the voluntary sector£10m will be set aside for a UK Volunteer Brokerage scheme, to be run by the DWP, and is applicable to Scotland. The scheme allows people unemployed for at least six months the opportunity to volunteer and access work placements without their benefits being affected.
Remember you can always view our Events calendar here...
SocialEnterpriseAcademy training
The Academy will be delivering two courses at no cost to participants at venues right across Scotland during February and March:
(1)Financial Management workshops: A single day workshop aims to enhance and develop your confidence and understanding with the language and tools of finance. See here for more information.
(2)Writing Tenders for Public Sector Contracts: The 2-day course aims to provide you with a thorough grounding in the procurement process gearing you up to bid for and win public sector contracts. See here for more information.
4 March 2009: Marketing Your Organisation Online
Register for one or both non-technical half-day (morning and afternoon) management training seminars on internet marketing being run by Praxis Now in Glasgow on Wednesday 4th March. For more information see here
17 March 2009: Creating a Sustainable Third Sector: opportunities and challenges
This conference looks at the various challenges facing the third sector, Laurie Russell will be speaking about social enterprise. For more information click here.
For a range of information and resources visit the new Resources section on the website.
This is the Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition Update. If you would like to add colleagues to this mailing list please let us know.
To unsubscribe from this list please email us.
Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition
Thorn House
5 Rose Street
Tel: 0131 243 2650