Senate Agenda

Associated Student Government

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Room F-1261:30-3:00 p.m.

I.Call to Order

II.Roll Call

III.Approval of Agenda

IV.Approval of Minutes

V.Public Forum (3 minutes per speaker, 15 minutes per topic)


  1. Senators
  2. Commissioners/Executive Branch Members
  3. Shared Governance Representatives
  4. Committee Chairs
  5. Court Members


  1. Executive
  2. Senator
  3. Committee
  4. Shared Governance
  5. Student Services Coordinator/ASG Advisor

VIII.Unfinished Business (3 minutes per speaker, 15 minutes per topic)

A.Welcome Back: August 24, 2016: Debrief

B.Club Rush: September 7, 2016

C.Latino Heritage Celebration: September 14, 2016 and September 28, 2016

D.ASG Student Leadership Retreat: Parliamentary/Brown Act Training on September 30, 2016 : $2575 for Speaker, Food, and Bus using Student Representation Fee

IX.New Business (3 minutes per speaker, 15 minutes per topic)

A.ASG Budget for 2016-2017

B.Club Rush Funding for $150 from Account ASG Supplies: #6310

C.Southern Regional Retreat Reminders



Dr. Kimo Morris Conference

The Executive Branch was invited to a Cal State Fullerton Sustainability conference featuring a SAC

Professor. The Executive branch will discuss the event and possible participation.

B. Executive / Legislative meeting Amendment

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on making an amendment to the Constitution to

combine the Executive and Legislative meetings into one.

A. ASG Office Snacks

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on providing snacks and drinks at for ASG members at

the ASG office.

C. Open Sign For ASG O*ce

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on the purchase of an open Sing for the ASG Office

D. ASG Supplies

The Executive Branch will di

Dr. Kimo Morris Conference

The Executive Branch was invited to a Cal State Fullerton Sustainability conference featuring a SAC

Professor. The Executive branch will discuss the event and possible participation.

B. Executive / Legislative meeting Amendment

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on making an amendment to the Constitution to

combine the Executive and Legislative meetings into one.

A. ASG Office Snacks

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on providing snacks and drinks at for ASG members at

the ASG office.

C. Open Sign For ASG O*ce

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on the purchase of an open Sing for the ASG Office

D. ASG Supplies

The Executive Branch will di

Dr. Kimo Morris Conference

The Executive Branch was invited to a Cal State Fullerton Sustainability conference featuring a SAC

Professor. The Executive branch will discuss the event and possible participation.

B. Executive / Legislative meeting Amendment

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on making an amendment to the Constitution to

combine the Executive and Legislative meetings into one.

A. ASG Office Snacks

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on providing snacks and drinks at for ASG members at

the ASG office.

C. Open Sign For ASG O*ce

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on the purchase of an open Sing for the ASG Office

D. ASG Supplies

The Executive Branch will di

Dr. Kimo Morris Conference

The Executive Branch was invited to a Cal State Fullerton Sustainability conference featuring a SAC

Professor. The Executive branch will discuss the event and possible participation.

B. Executive / Legislative meeting Amendment

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on making an amendment to the Constitution to

combine the Executive and Legislative meetings into one.

A. ASG Office Snacks

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on providing snacks and drinks at for ASG members at

the ASG office.

C. Open Sign For ASG O*ce

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on the purchase of an open Sing for the ASG Office

D. ASG Supplies

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on purchasing supplies for ASG Event

Dr. Kimo Morris Conference

The Executive Branch was invited to a Cal State Fullerton Sustainability conference featuring a SAC

Professor. The Executive branch will discuss the event and possible participation.

B. Executive / Legislative meeting Amendment

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on making an amendment to the Constitution to

combine the Executive and Legislative meetings into one.

A. ASG Office Snacks

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on providing snacks and drinks at for ASG members at

the ASG office.

C. Open Sign For ASG O*ce

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on the purchase of an open Sing for the ASG Office

D. ASG Supplies

The Executive Branch will discuss and possibly vote on purchasing supplies for ASG Event