IAG International General Assembly


11thFebruary 2012


Present: see list attached at end

1) Chairman’s welcome and Committee update

The Chairman welcomed all delegates, including those from candidate firm Pallett

Valo, who he asked to identify themselves. He also mentioned the four

other potential members shown on the Agenda, whom the Committee hoped to

recommend for ratification in October.

He gave a brief update of the Committee’s recent focuses of work regarding recruitment,future meetings, the website, specialist groups and member information.

Daden Hunt explained the importanceof the memberinformation provided via the

AMI form, thanked those members who had already submitted this information, and asked the 14 who had not to do so before a final deadline of 31st May, after which (as previously published) their website entries would be amended to show ‘no current information’. Nayra Prado Marrero explained her continuing contacts and researchtowardsestablishing pro bono as an avenue ofco-operation within IAG, and asked any delegates with experience or ideas to contact her. Arthur Bailey gave a quick review of the KSI relationship, which was proceeding well.

2) Minutes of Geneva Assembly, February 2012

The minutes from Geneva werereviewed, and approved without amendment.

3) Host Firm Presentation

The meeting heard a firm presentation from host firm SCWP Schindhelm, with information on Slovakia, its place within the EU and Eurozone, and with a brief introduction on their firm, primarily focussed on the Bratislava office.

Thomas Podlesak made an interesting and informative presentation on green energy.

4) Approval of 2011 Accounts

Treasurer Paolo Alinovi introduced the audited financial statements for 2011. He mentioned the continuing strong cash position, and explained that the Committee were

minded to invest some reserve cash in German bonds during 2012. He asked for any questions or comments.

Jose Alves Pereira suggested spending money on Business Development rather than keeping it in the bank. The Chairman responded that the Committee were trying to reduce the surplus, with Business Development the primary focus for extra attention, but that it was essential to make progress on this while avoiding wasting money by spending for the sake of it. The Asia/ Pacific/ Australasia focus of the Sydney assembly was regarded as the most effective form of business development IAG could currently pursue, and it was intended to invest a substantial amount in subsidising that. Stuart Haynes commented that, in terms of more obvious BD avenues such as advertising or PR, IAG’s entire accumulated surplus would be consumed within weeks, and this was a discussion which had been held several times within IAG. Christopher Whitamore reminded the Assembly that, although the surplus had been recognised for several years as unnecessarily high, it was important for IAG to maintain a strong surplus to cover forward commitments/ liabilities on Assembly arrangements, which sometimes extended in total up to 6 figures.

There being no further points raised on this topic, the Chairman called for a show of hands to approve the 2011 accounts, which were approved unanimously.

The Treasurer thanked Auditor Etienne Laurent for his continuing work, and announced that Etienne was standing as Auditor for the 2012 year, but would not continue beyond that: so that at next year’s GA it would be necessary to elect a new auditor. He invited volunteers or nominations for this role.

5) Committee and Auditor elections

The Chairman introduced the first contested election for the IAG Committee for some years, and welcomed the 4 excellent candidates for the single vacancy. He also thanked Nayra Prado Marrero and Daden Hunt for standing as Vice Chairman and Secretary respectively, and Wolfgang Zacherl for his 2nd term.

Chris Allegaert commented that it was unfortunately inevitable for 3 candidates to be unsuccessful on this occasion. He hoped they would maintain their interest and stand again in future. The Chairman endorsed this sentiment, which was heartily supported by the Assembly.

The election was held by secret ballot. Once counted, it was announced that Iben Lindhardt had been elected after a close ballot in which each candidate had gained significant support. It was also announced that Nayra Prado Marrero had been elected as Vice Chairman and for her second term, Daden Hunt had been elected as Secretary, and Wolfgang Zacherl elected for his second term. It was also confirmed that Etienne Laurent had been elected as Auditor for the 2012 year.

The Chairman thanked Katarina Hallin, stepping down as Vice Chairman after six years on the Committee, for all her work, and the Assembly showed their support by applause.

6) Membership matters

The Chairman again welcomed the representatives of candidate firm Pallett Valo. After asking them to leave the room briefly, he asked the assembly if there were any comments or questions regarding the firm. There were none. He then confirmed that the Committee recommended them to the Assembly for ratification, and asked for a show of hands. This was unanimously in favour of Pallett Valo’s ratification as members of IAG. The representatives of Pallet Valo were invited to rejoin the meeting, and congratulated on their becoming members.

7) Discussion groups

The Assembly split into 8 small groups to discuss a range of pre-set topics, on which each group was asked to present their thoughts briefly. Murray Gottheil, Natalie Peter, Rupert Neudorfer, John Ridgway, Jose Alves Pereira, Paolo Alinovi, Daden Hunt, and Stuart Haynes each presented on behalf of their groups. The Chairman thanked all contributors and presenters, and asked the latter to send a one-page summary of their discussion to the Admin office.

8) Future meetings

The Chairman introduced the forthcoming meetings.

Paolo Alinovi outlined the very attractive plans for Parma, 5-7 October 2012, which were warmly welcomed by the Assembly.

John Ridgway outlined the excellent progress already made by Argyle towards a strong presence in Sydney, 7-10 February 2013, of firms from the Asia/ Pacific/ Australasia region interested in joining IAG, and encouraged as many current IAG firms as possible to take advantage of this unique opportunity. The Chairman echoed this, and reminded delegates that this was a very important business development effort for IAG.

9) Any other business

The Chairman asked for any items of other business to be raised: none were. He

thanked all delegates for their participation and announced that the plenary

element of the meeting was closed.

10) Global risk and forensic technology investigations

Mike Wright of Begbies Traynor made a fascinating and amusing presentation focussed on a real case of his experience, which was warmly received by the delegates.

11) Specialist Groups

The meeting then broke into specialist groups. Sub meetings were held by the IBTG, Litigation, Employment/ Labour Law, and Tax groups.




Argyle Lawyers Pty LtdPeter Bobbin

Jon Ridgeway


Neudorfer Rechtsanwälte GmbHWolfgang Zacherl

Saxinger SchindhelmAlois Hutterer

Thomas Podlesak


ERYV SprlEtienne Laurent

Eric Laurent

Philippe & PartnersDenis Philippe


Host Firm

SCWP SchindhelmMonika Wetzlerova-Deisler

Martina Jankovská

Roman Solc


Ellebye LawyersIben Lindhardt

Henrik Bornebusch


BTG Global Risk PartnershipMike Wright

(Begbies Traynor)

Ormerod RutterColin McGrory

Kingston Sorel International (KSI)Martin Burchmore

Arthur Bailey

Birketts LLPDaden Hunt

James Austin

Michelmores LLPStephen Morse

Annelie Carver

Ward HadawayRobert Thompson


de faria & partnerThomas Roskens

Silke Giesa

Dr. Appelhagen und PartnerSteffen Helbing

Fingerhut RechtsanwälteRolf Ritzinger

Reiners Rogge RechtsanwälteClemens Rogge

Hanjo Hillmann

THORWARTAlexander Frey


Kalman Szilasi Sárkozy & PartnersAndrás Szilasi


Studio Alinovi Guiotto FerrariPaolo Alinovi

& Mattioli


Juricon Trust Company EstablishmentRupert Neudorfer


Schipper Noordam AdvocatenJan de Rooij


Alves Pereira, Teixeira de SousaJosé Alves Pereira

& Associates


Accace K.S. (KSI Members)Patricia Kasajová

Joint Host Firm

SCWP SchindhelmIvana Vingalíková

Patrícia Filadelfiová

Michal Marhefka


Fernando Scornik GersteinNayra Prado Morreno

Elvira Cuxart Fonolleda


Rosengrens Advokatbyrå ABKatarina Hallin


Staiger Schwald & Partner AGNatalie Peter


Aksan Law FirmH. Ozan Ogut


IP&C Consult Olga Serbul


Allegaert Berger & Vogel LLPChris Allegaert

Burns & Levinson LLPHarvey Burg

Liner Grode Stein YankelevitzRonald Kravitz

Sunshine Regenstreif & Taylor LLP

Spagnoletti & CoFrank Spagnoletti


Pallett Valo, LLCAnne Kennedy

Murray Gottheil

IAG Administration OfficeChristopher Whitamore