Wednesday October 11, 2017

6:15pm @ MacLeod Library

Present: Kate Glass, Tammy Cole, Deb Hunt, Stephanie Sunderland, Aarin Collins, Kyla Fingas, Sherry Kindlein, Michelle Newton

Absent: Sheryl Bromm, Lynette Norman, Leona Gerard, Kerry Coleman

  1. Call Meeting to Order

(Kate Glass- Current Chair)


  1. Adopt Agenda

Stephanie adopted, Aarin seconded.

  1. Nomination and election of ALL members

(9 voting members total)

-Sherry Kindleinhas been on the board for 15+ years

-Kerry Coleman has been on the board for 6 years

-Kate Glass has been on the board for 3 years

-Stephanie Sunderland has been on the board for 1 year

Kate Glass- 2nd year of term

Stephanie Sunderland- 2nd year of term

Kerry Coleman- 2nd year of term

Sheryl Bromm- new- 1st year of term

Kyla Fingas- new- 1st year of term

Michelle Newton- new- 1st year of term

Aarin Collins- new- 1st year of term

Lynette Norman- new- 1st year of term

Leona Gerard- new- 1st year of term

Sherry Kindlein- non voting member

  1. Nomination and election of officers


Kate will remain as Chair for the 2nd year of her term.

b)Vice Chair

Stephanie nominatedAarin to be Vice Chair. Kyla second. All in favour. Carried.


Michelle nominatedStephanie to be Secretary. Aarin second. All in favour. Carried.

  1. SCC Annual Report

(Kate Glass)


  1. Principal’s Report

(Tammy Cole)


  1. Meeting Adjourned

(Non-officer voting member)

Michelle adjourned at 6:45pm


In 2016/2017, MacLeod Elementary SCC had a great year. We had a very successful year and would like to continue our successes in the 2017/2018 school year. We have combined the SCC and the PPP this year so this report will look at both the SCC and previous PPP.

Here is a list of SCC and PPP sponsored events for the 2016/2017 school year:

  1. Hot lunch held for students each month
  2. Popcorn machine purchased
  3. Popcorn days held monthly
  4. Back to School BBQ
  5. Winter Family Fun Night
  6. Halloween Dance
  7. Helped purchase performers for the student body
  8. Used donated funds to help purchase new playground equipment
  9. Helped staff remove bushes in centre of parking lot to ensure student safety
  10. Assisted in purchasing One School, One Book
  11. Purchase milk for milk program
  12. Assisted with Bike Rodeo

All of these would not be possible without the numerous volunteers that we have at MacLeod Elementary School. Thank you to all that have helped out throughout the years


Ending balance of PPP/SCC account is $ 4302.94

Start school year with $1500 from School division- this gets used first.

School Community Council AGM

October 11, 2017

Principal’s Report:

Student Enrollment for 2017-2018

Pre K / K / Gr. 1 / Gr. 2 / Gr. 3 / Gr. 4 / Gr. 5 / Total
16 / 46 / 42 / 54 / 54 / 44 / 49 / 305


Class / Teacher
Pre Kindergarten/RTi / Lana McCormac
Kindergarten / Megan McMullen
Grade 1 / Melissa Thiessen
Grade 1 / Nancy McGonigal
Grade 2 / Jessica Heier
Grade 2 / Kim Lawless
Grade 2 / Sandra Bratton
Grade 3 / Michelle Unruh/Lisa Taylor
Grade 3 / Heather McTavish
Grade 4 / Karly Fregin
Grade 4 / Leah Stevens
Grade 5 / Deb Hunt
Grade 5 / Tamala Jones
Arts Ed. / Sandra Poole
Nayme Ferguson
Social Studies / Laurie Bradley
LST / Lana Birnie
Rti / Karen Berglund
Admin Assistant / Alice Abrahmson
Admin Assistant / Debra Driver
Librarian / Erin Skulmoski

Educational Assistant Support

Terri Paskel / Gr.2 (AM)Pre-K (PM)
Sherri Toms / Gr. 2 and Gr. 4
Shelley Garret / Pre K

Visibility Walls

Student Attendance

  • To become a focus of school division
  • Student grades are impacted after being absent for 10% of classes/days or more (that is an average of 2 days per month)
  • Chronic Absenteeism is defined as being absent from school for 10% of school days; Severe Chronic Absenteeism is defined as being absent from school for 20% of school days
  • Interventions:

DataROARS Behaviour Matrix, Phonological Awareness, Reading & Math

SIPSchool Improvement Plans - Priorities

Seven Virtues Development

School Clubs

CommunicationClass Dojo Notes & Calendars

Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 16SLT Leadership begins

Oct. 18SCC Taco Salad Hot Lunch

Oct. 23Square Dance Paul

Oct. 30SCC Meeting @ 6:15 in the Library

  • Go through the Safe School Charter & the Constitution

Oct. 31InteryMintery – 2 performances

Oct. 31School Dance 1:00 – 2:00 Pre K, K, Gr 1 & 2

2:00 – 3:00 Gr. 3, 4 & 5

Nov. 7SCC Workshop – Redvers @ 7:00

Principal must attend and participation from SCC Members is highly


Nov. 24Report Cards go out

Nov. 29 & 30 Student Led Conferences