Report from Denmark by Anna Németh

Being somewhere foreign country is always interesting. I was in Denmark for six weeks and I really enjoyed it.

We have started our trip on 16th February at the airport of Hungary. The travel was taken for 2 hours and it has included a transfer in Amsterdam. It was the first time when I have travelled by airplane and that was so amazing although I had a terrible earache at both of the landings. The view was beautiful and I have taken a plenty of pictures.
When we have arrived to Billund approximately at 6 o’clock pm, there was a woman who has waited for us. She was Inger Phillipsen, and she was our ’guardian’ in Denmark. She had rented a car and we have moved to Viborg where was the hostel we have lived. There we have got some informations and instructions from the place and then we ate some sandwiches, they have made for us.

On our first day in Viborg we were in the kitchen of the school and the following days were the same. There was a teacher with us, called Tina. She has teached us on that week and on our last week. She was so kind and patient. We have made some tipical food of Denmark and we used to talking in English and their rules in the kitchen. More or less the rules are the same as in Hungary. Like the clothes and using rooms and tools.

After the first week we were moved to our practical place. A guy, who has travelled with me from Hungary, and me worked in the same restaurant, but not in the same time. When I was in work, he had day off and when he was in the restaurant I was at home. At first I was afraid of to be alone with people, who are danish and can’t speak in hungarian. The first days was not so easy but everybody was so friendly and helpful. I could always making questions and they were never nervous or impatient.

I didn’t really like the danish cuisine, but I have learnt a lot about the work and the team. For example how to save time or how many work can I do on one day. In that restaurant the headchef and the chefs are amazing people. They know the kitchen, they know each other and they really love their work. I was so lucky that I could learnt from them. They were believe me and they could commit me works what I did alone. It was a big thing for me because here, at home on my practical place I have to demonstrate again and again.

Although we have gone in Denmark to get experiences in work, we must have freetime because an other country hides a lot of opportunities and entertainments, so we have done some trip, for example to Arhus. It is a bigger city near to Viborg, what was so ineteresting to be there. Later we were in a limestone cave, what is a gorgeous natural worth. In the near there were some lakes and sometimes we have walked them around to be stressed out.

Unfortunatelly the six weeks had spent so fast, and we had to came home at 1st April. The travelling was awesome again, and I have been really execited, that I could meet my family because we really missed each other.

I am sure that the time what I have spent there will be useful in my work at home, and I really hope, that I can be a better person and a better chef because of that. I can offer this project for people, who would like to try new things and see new places and develope themselves.