Annual Survey of
Public Library Services
in Victoria
ISSN 1035-4832
March 2009
Published by Local Government Victoria
Department of Planning and Community Development
55 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
Statistics provided in the Annual Survey of Public Library Services are those submitted by all Public Library Services in Victoria. Data is collected and collated annually by Local Government Victoria, who remains committed to publishing the Annual Survey. The Survey can be downloaded from
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the published data. However, some errors and omissions in the submitted data may not have been detected.
Population data - The population figures used in each Annual Survey is the Estimated Residential Population (ERP) as provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The State Library of NSW kindly provide the NSW population figures for bordering library services.
Changes to Library Services
The Melbourne City Library began operation in May 2004. It is a is a joint venture of the Melbourne City Council and the CAE and is operated on behalf of the Joint Venture partners by the Yarra Melbourne Regional Library Corporation. Its governance is overseen by the Joint Venture Committee of Management. State Government library grants for Melbourne City Council are paid through the Yarra Melbourne Regional Library Corporation.
Copyright & Disclaimer
The materials presented in this report are for information purposes only. The information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessments of the matters discussed and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information and obtain independent advice before acting on any information contained in or in connection with this report.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, the Department of Planning and Community Development will not accept any liability for any loss or damage which may be incurred by any person acting in reliance upon the information.
Copyright © State of Victoria 2009
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process
except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
Public Library Services Statistics3
2Service Points5
4Collection – Print Material9
5Collection – Non-Print Material14
6Collection – Newspaper & Serials Subscriptions18
8Information Technology21
Supporting Notes from Public Library Services26
Summary of Statistics 1947-48 to present41
Annual Survey Questionnaire45
2007 – 2008
Public Library Services
Supporting Notes from Public Library Services
Bayside Library Service
6Children’s included in Adult Periodical collection
LOTE included in Adult Periodical collection
6.7 & 6.11 We weren't able to ascertain the loans at this stage.
8No data kept on number of wireless sessions
City of Boroondara Library Service
1Please note that the expenditure includes $20,000 for a Living Libraries grant which was not expended in 2007-8; it was received in June 2008 and carried over
2Note that all budget income and expenditure amounts are ex GST
3There doesn't appear to be any place for including online database subscriptions and database usage; these are including Boroondara's other operating costs as they are not capitalized.
4Note that a total of $14,739 was spent on newspaper subscriptions: this includes both LOTE and English but a $$ breakdown is not available. This has been included as Adult
5Please note that newspapers are not capitalized and are included in the financial details under other operating
Brimbank Libraries
44.21 Includes Junior Large Print. 4.36,4.37,4.38,4.39 Includes Local History and Not-For-Loan Genealogy collections. 4.26,4.27,4.28,4.29 Includes LOTE DVDs and LOTE CDs
4.46 Includes non-print material, excludes online resources
55.31 Includes partial e-book downloads
5.33 Includes periodical article downloads
66.3 Does not include newspaper loans
6.4 Includes LOTE newspaper expenditure
77.2 Includes all attendees of youth programs
Campaspe Regional Library
Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation
18.4 (Hours data is not a full year calculation. 8.3 Bookings numbers is a complete year).
24.3 Discard figure is total for all collections during 2007/08. Individual discard figures not available
310.2 grant figure provided via LGV spreadsheet does not agree with our grant income figure of $1,634,331. Using the LGV figure throws out our totals back to Annual Report
Central Highlands Regional Library
33.5 Updated library management system in May 2008 -figure may not be accurate
55.2.2 Other non print material - 24 Database subscriptions
88.5 Wireless available in 2 Branches but data not collected for 07/08
1010.5 Fees and charges includes: Fines, Damaged items, ILL charges, Lost cards and Book Club fees
Corangamite Regional Library Corporation
16.2 196 titles / 4,136 items (uncertain as to which figure to include for this question)
Darebin Libraries
22.22: Hours per week
33.4 Clearance of membership file. Currently unable to do this but are able to accurately measure members active in the previous three years.
4Expenditure: Does not include cost of downloading records and/or outsourced covering.
55.21 Includes online databases
5.24Does not include no of 'hits' and/or 'sessions' of online databases, which total 12,477.
5.25 Includes expenditure on databases.
99.9 This figure includes shelvers
1010.2 State Government Grants - Recurrent and Operating includes $30,000 Small Grants Program funding for the development of a online disability resources guide a Statewide project to be completed in 2008/2009.
10.3 Premiers Reading Challenge funding included
10.9 Library materials expenditure is included fully within the capital budget program.
East Gippsland Shire Library
22.17 Selection by volunteers, delivery by volunteers. Volunteers are coordinated by Gippsland Lakes Community Health
2.22 Hours undertaking home service, Library administration = 2 hrs per fortnight
2.22 Hours undertaking home service, Volunteers = 15 hrs per fortnight
88.4 Total number of hours for which all PCs are booked for use. No record available
8.6 Number of visits to library website - Unable to collect stats for visits to catalogue
Eastern Regional Libraries
44.36 Other print material includes items such as comics, microfiche, music scores, etc.
55.21 Other non print material includes cassettes, language kits, etc.
5.25 Other non-print material expenditure includes $101,424 for Online resources/databases.
66.11 Unable to provide number of loans of LOTE subscriptions - figure included with loans @ 6.3.
Frankston Library Service
22.7 Other sites do not currently have figures available of number of visits for 2007-08.
33.5 Upgrade to new version of Spydus - not data available
66.3 Loans for adult magazines - breakdowns not available for children's and youth category.
1010.7 This total amount includes Council capital works contribution of $807,437
10.8 and 10.14 Income & Expenditure variance due to depreciation added into expenditure results
Gannawarra Library Service
22.8 Mobile service contracted to and vehicle owned by Swan Hill Regional Library Service.
2.11 We are unable to provide these figures as the service is contracted out.
2.12 We are unable to provide these figures as the service is contracted out.
44.32 includes 134 donated genealogy items.
4.43 Total items discarded as unable to break down into item categories
55.21 Is Electronic database usage/online for Gulliver
5.25 Is cost of subscription to Gulliver
66.5 Children’s/Young Adult included in Adult - unable to break down.
77.2 & 7.4 We are unable to provide participation numbers.
7.1 & 7.3 Number recorded is actual programs conducted, not individual program sessions.
88.4 Time patron spends on Internet is not recorded
8.5 No wireless sessions
Geelong Regional Library Corporation
2Home Library Service provided by Do Care Geelong volunteers.
44.35 Expenditure does not include $ spent on On-line resources including Gulliver and Your Tutor.
55.25 expenditure for Gulliver databases and Your Tutor.
66.6 & 6.7 figures included in Adult 6.2 & 6.3.
Glen Eira Library & Information Service
44.5; 4.10; 4.15; 4.20; 4.25; 4.30; 4.35; 4.40 n/a - the total print material expenditure is included in 4.45
4.46: This data is not available
55.5; 5.10; 5.15; 5.20; 5.25 n/a - the total non-print materials expenditure is included in 5.30
66.1 All subscriptions are included here
6.2 All copies are included here
6.4; 6.8; 6.12 n/a - the total subscriptions expenditure is included in 6.16
77.1-7.4: Data on number of programs and number of participants has not been kept by adult/children.
1010.2: Core funding $612,931; Local priorities funding $32,260; Premier's Reading Challenge funding $37,621 as per DPCD agreements with Council
10.9: Includes expenditure amounts from totals in sections 4, 5 and 6 together with expenditure of Premier's Reading Challenge and Local Priorities funding
Glenelg Libraries
4Acquisitions over last 5 years include only the last 3 years (since July 2008) which is when Glenelg libraries was "born".
88.6 - 3 months from Apr, May June only.
Goldfields Library Corporation
1Macedon Ranges Shire Council has 4 libraries, but only 3 are part of the Goldfields Library Corporation. Hence we calculate population based on the 3 libraries (73.6%) of all Macedon Ranges Libraries.
2Changes to some libraries hours during the year. One replacement library and one refurbished library
5# Downloads is an estimate. Likely to be much higher than figure shown.
8Wireless at Bendigo Library was not available at that time
10Capital works includes all depreciable plant and equipment purchases. One vehicle was replaced.
Goulburn Valley Regional Library Corporation
5Figure for 5.25 is the annual cost of Gulliver.
Greater Dandenong Libraries
22.8-2.12 Greater Dandenong Mobile library ceased operation from December 2007
2.10 The number of mobile library visits is calculated by determining the percentage of the total loans transacted at the mobile library and extrapolating this percentage based on the visits that are counted for the branch libraries for the number of visits to the mobile library. Any person registered with the City of Greater Dandenong Libraries can use any service point; they are not restricted to using the service point at which they registered. It should be noted that mobile library registered users also use the static libraries; this statistic referees to the number of visits to the mobile library and each visitor may make multiple visits during the survey period.
33.5 Figure was calculated using borrower last activity for a 12 month period
44.11 Includes ESL & Lib Science.
4.34 Reference Items Not For Loan.
4.38 Other Print Material - Discards. We are unable to provide a breakdown of discards by category. The figure in this is field is for both Print and Non Print Material.
55.1,5.2,5.4,5.6,5.7,5.9,5.11,5.12,5.14,5.16,5.17,5.19,5.21,5.22,5.24 - Includes LOTE Audio Visual.
66.1,6.2,6.3,6.4 - includes children and young adult.
77.3 Includes Computer, Citizenship and Neighbourhood Literacy Centre Classes.
88.3 & 8.4 - Includes English Language and Literacy Access pc usage.
8.6 Number of hits on Libraries web pages on GreaterDandenong.com.
1010.4 Commonwealth funding (Communities4Children)
High Country Library Corporation
22.5 Outreach service visits local halls/other venues once per month at 5 locations. Material arrives with staff and is removed at the end of the session. Total hours per week = 1.4. Total visits = 518and are removed at the end of the session. Total hours per week = 1.4. Total visits = 518.
44.3 Total discards for 2007-2008. Figures not available for separate categories.
4.11 16,699 Goulburn Ovens TAFE items located at Wangaratta Library and available for loan at otherHCLC branches.
66.2 Includes children & young adult
6.3 Includes children & young adult
77.1 and 7.3 Estimate only
1010.2, 10.3, 10.4 Excludes GST
10.5 Only includes statutory fees & fines
10.7 Includes all user fees plus sale of service fee
Hobsons Bay Libraries
1Service Point Number 5 is Walker Close Community Centre - all hours chute drop off
4Section 4 - Adult non fiction includes corporate collection, adult literacy collection and language kits
Does not show break down of processing, cataloguing/ shelf ready costs
Total "shelf ready" costs for all items including AV is $136,585
5Downloads - did not have the capacity for this service
5.25 Average unit price as not separately itemised
88.6 Includes hits to each page
99.6 Includes Friends of Library and one other
10Copy income and meeting room hire included in User fees and charges
Hume Libraries
55.25 includes e-resources and online subscriptions
99.12 includes WorkCover
Kingston Information & Library Service
66.6-6.8 Children included with Adult figures
Latrobe City Library Service
22.2 Number of people in Dbase with Housebound profile
Maribyrnong Library Service
Melbourne Library Service
22.5-2.7 The Docklands Hub Library Access Point is open from 8.30 am to 5pm Mon-Fri. It commenced operation in May 2008 It is a pick-up and drop off point. There is no current information on visitor numbers relating specifically to library usage.
4Discards statistics are only available in print and non-print, we cannot provide by further subdivision.
5Discards statistics are only available in print and non-print, we cannot provide by further subdivision.
1010.3 State Government Grants - $150,000 2007 Living Libraries Grant for City Library redesign has not been included.
10.4 Other Grants - this amount ($572,400) covers the capital works income provided by City of Melbourne that is detailed below under 10.10 Capital Works Expenditure.
Melton Library & Information Service
22.2 Caroline Springs Library has only been in operation from Feb 2008.
2.5 Prior to Caroline Springs opening we operated an outreach program from a school library where we had a set of shelves stocked with Melton Library Services' books. We conducted a storytime and then books were borrowed. We visited once a week during the school term.
2.4 Number of visits for Caroline Springs is for half a year only as opened late Jan 08
33.5 This figure is an approximate number.
44.40 Other Print Material - Expenditure - Books that fall into this collection have been purchased from other collection budgets but do not fall into any particular category.
4.41 Total number of books exceeds budget allocation as many books purchased in 2006/07 but not processed into the system. Unable to differentiates when books were purchased due to change in Library management system with loss of all orders.
4.44 Loans for Caroline Springs Library are for 5 months only due to opening late Jan
55.9. No loan figures for CD-Roms as these are for Family History collection and are reference only.
6Magazine subscriptions - number of copies, expenditure for adult and children are all together
7Programs run in Melton for one year. CSP opened late Jan 08 .Programs started in Feb08
9Staff costs include extra staff on contract for setting up the Collection for new Caroline Springs Library. Caroline Springs staff employed from opening of Caroline Springs so only 6 months of wages.
10Capital works includes building of the new Caroline Springs Library
Mildura Rural City Council Library Service
11.2 May need to verify population figure.
44.36 This figure includes kits and the stack collection. Kits include print and non-print material, the stack collection includes many different formats print and non-print; adult and junior.
66.5 Statistical breakdown is not available for Junior/Teenage subscriptions. All are included in the adult figure.
88.4 Not available, booking system commenced December 2007.
1010.1 Included the purchase of Library materials in this amount.
Mitchell Shire Library & Information Service
1Mitchell Library provides sale of service to Macedon Ranges for the staffing & stocking of Romsey Library
2Romsey Library has been included in the Service point statistics
Monash Public Library Service
5Have entered no of online subs as 5.16 and 5.17, and expenditure on online subs as 5.25.
Have entered no of electronic database usages as 5.33 "Other downloads"
8The definition of 8.6 asks for no of hits (7,087,928) which is much higher than either total visits or number of specific visitors. We recorded 161,097 distinct hosts accessing our web pages during 2007/08. Neither figure would be an accurate indication of number of visits.
10Depreciation expense relates to depreciation generated for the Library Collection in 2007/08.
Moonee Valley Library Service
10Depreciation amount based on: buildings/books/audio
Moreland City Libraries
22.23 This is the weekly hours
44.46 Unable to provide this data
55.31-5.33 No downloads
5.25 Expenditure of $17,163 is for electronic databases. There are 11 databases and there were 3,244 user sessions
66.5-6.8 Children and young adult breakdown not available
88.3 Number of bookings figure not available
1010.1 The depreciation amount of $597,134 has not been included in "Income/contribution from Council" (10.1). Therefore, there is a discrepancy equal to this amount between "Total income" (10.8) and "Total expenditure" (10.14).
Mornington Peninsula Library
Murrindindi Library Service
1Collections: Acquisitions. These figures are too small to be effectively broken down into categories.
total no. items acquired 4,895
total no. items discarded 3,992
Port Phillip Library Service
2Hours spent on HLS are weekly by paid staff. Does not include volunteer hours delivering items
4Age of collection: number of items excludes non capital (serials)
Expenditure includes wages spent to make each copy shelf ready
9Figures reflect number of qualified staff NOT staff employed as librarians which remains 16 EFT
Stonnington Library & Information Service
22.22 refers to hours per week
44.10 & 4.20 Includes cost of children and teenage non- fiction, fiction and paperbacks
55.25 Includes cost of on-line subscriptions Gulliver etc
5.33 Electronic document retrieved
66.1 and 6.2 does not include newspapers
6.4 expenditure on all mags and newspapers - 6.8 and 6.12
1010.2 figure does not agree with Stonnington figures. Is GST the difference?
10.9 Includes $143,058 non labour component of capitalisation of library materials
Swan Hill Regional Library Service
11.2 Includes areas serviced in Buloke and Gannawarra Shires
1010.12 Only includes depreciation of bookstock
Upper Murray Regional Library
11.2 As per ABS
1.3 As per ABS
22.7No data available
2.15Does not include other service point visits
2.21 & 2.22 No data available
33.4 Members data updated June 2007
44.39 Donated paperback issues ( not catalogued )
55.11 Special collection for Albury Library
5.1 Includes CD Rom
66.1 Includes Junior
6.2 Includes Junior
8All PCs are multiple use except for 2 dedicated word processing PCs with no internet access
Wellington Shire Library
1Loans for #6.7 are included within the figure for #6.3
West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation
44.35 Includes expenditure on Gulliver and Bruce databases as well as print materials.
It was not clear where to put this expenditure in the Survey - it has previously had its own area.
66.1-6.4 Includes numbers and expenditure for magazines and newspapers only.
Annuals and yearbooks have been paid for and counted in 4 Collection - Print area.
Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation
22.8 Mobile library service purchased by the City of Manningham from Eastern Regional Library to service Wonga Park.
44.39 Wonga Park mobile loans, provided to City of Manningham by Eastern Regional Library, within WMRLC library area