MacArthur High School
Welcome to Academic Support!
*Success for Every Student!*
Teacher: Miss Mignone
School Email:
School Twitter: @MissMignone
Teacher Website:
® Visit the website for useful ways to help study and prepare for exams and assignments.
Class Description:
® This class was created to support both your English and Social Studies classes. We will be learning different strategies that will help you reach success. Each day, a lesson will be given that supports the curriculum given in both your English and Social Studies classes.
® This class will be exceptionally useful for studying, reviewing, current events, test/quizzes/essay completion, review games, and help in completing your senior research papers.
® This class is not used as a study hall.
® 3 ring binder (with loose-leaf)
® pen, pencil, and highlighter
® agenda book (to record assignments)
® Must bring all assignments and materials from English and Social Studies Classes.
® Respect everyone around you.
® Be on time, be prepared, and abide by all rules in student handbook.
® Any work that is not submitted on time, will result in a deduction of points.
® Three missing/late assignments in English/Social Studies will result in a phone call home.
® Unfinished tests/quizzes are to be finished as a priority at the beginning of every class.
® Bring your required materials from English and Social Studies to class every day.
® Your hard work in Academic Support will benefit your grade in both your English and Social Studies Classes, as well!
J Thank you for your support and cooperation!
I look forward to a fun and successful school year!
*Please sign and return to Miss Mignone.
I have read and understand the course outline for Miss Mignone’s Academic Support Class, and I know what is expected of me as a student in her class. I have also read the classroom requirements and understand that there are consequences for not adhering to those rules.
*Student Signature: ______Date: ______
*Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Please complete contact information below.
Parent/Guardian Names: ______
Full name (Relationship to student)
Home Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Email Address: ______
Parent/Guardian Names: ______
Full name (Relationship to student)
Home Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Email Address: ______
Please leave any questions, concerns, or important information below.