Hollesley Parish Council

Meeting on Thursday 2nd October 2014at 7.30 pm, Village Hall, Hollesley

Parish Councillors are summoned to attend, Public and Press are invited


Reports – Police Report,County Councillor Andrew Reid, District Councillor Jane Marson

  1. Apologies for Absence
  1. To receive Members’ Declarations of Interest
  1. To receive and sign Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 11th September 2014
  1. Clerk's Report
  • General Report of activities
  1. Correspondence Received
  • Suffolk coastal district council, Consultation on the removal of payphone o/s the post office, the street, Hollesley.
  • Suffolk Coastal District Council – Pre Application planning advice
  • G Whiffin, Norton virus payment, requires refund. £64.99



S Loader Clerk Sept 2014 wages £288.00

S Loader Phone charges £5.00

Zurich Insurance £839.75 liability insurance

D Barnard Litter Picking £40

G Gore Litter Picking £80

SALC 6 Months payroll service £50.40


Suffolk Coastal District Council 2nd Precept instalment £13600.00

  1. Planning

a)Applications received at time of notice

DC/14/3026/TPO Mr G Stagg, 20 Mallard Way, Hollesley, IP12 3QJ. Fell 1 oak tree with leaning main stems over site access and frontage.To view plans at 7.15pm

DC/14/3092/FUL Mr R Davey, 3 Boyton Road, Hollesley, IP12 3LD. Proposed extension and alterations (existing conservatory and stable block to be demolished)To view plans at 7.15pm

b)Planning permission granted

DC/14/2099/ful Mr Charleston- 1 Melton Road, Hollesley. Alterations, extensions and detached garage to form a playroom/hobby room

DC/14/1891/ful Mrs Cutler – Highfield, Fox Hill, New single storey private dwelling

c) Planning permission refused

None recorded

d) Planning permission withdrawn

None recorded

7. Pavillion – To discuss the proposal from Hollesley Football club to demolish old pavilion and re build – Hollesley Football club asking for financial contribution for the rebuild.

8.Red Lodge Go slow sign / Hollesley Village sign repair. Update

9. Allotments – Update on water connection.

10.Matters to report.

(not to be used in decision making)

Sally Loader Parish Clerk - Notice displayed 29thth September 2014

Clerk report:

Sent Replies to Nick Bingham regards football goals

Mr & Mrs Tobin accepting terminate allotment

Replied to dog bin complaints oak hill

Contacted Suffolk punch regards sign, no reply as yet

Contacted highways regards no stop sign on swallows close. Reponse was to contact developers, un adopted road.

Contacted : Anglian water: sewage smell duck corner. need to be more specific with post code

Contacted Kim Davison at the prison, bushes have been done about 6 weeks ago. Not there responsibility. Need to be more specific.

Popped into BDO Southampton. Resolved all queries. Report no risk assessment had been minuted.

Contacted village voices re dog fouling on oak hill garages, speeding report from police. Parish plan consultation Reported speeding tractors.


Hilary Hanslip reply: queries regards planning