FEBRUARY 6, 2014

7:00 p.m. Mayor Judy Talbot called the regular council meeting to order at the City Council Chambers. The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence honoring all individuals that have or are protecting our freedom. Minutes taken by Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer DeJongh.

Council members present: Floyd Hickethier, Mark Nodolf, Bonnie Selmer, Steve Turany & Rusty Sammon. Absent: Glen Logan.

Guests present: Kevin Ouim & Kayla Peche.

Motion Sammon, seconded Selmer to accept the agenda as printed. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Motion Selmer, Seconded Hickethier to approve the regular council meeting minutes of January 23, 2014. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Nodolf reported on Finance Committee Mtg. held earlier. Committee agreed to grant Police Chief Brian Hurt 3 weeks vacation on his date of hire and 3 weeks or whatever is agreed to on his anniversary date thereafter. In his case this method will be used instead of the accrual method that is spelled out in the full-time employee handbook. More information is being sought from the PSC regarding Steve Turany’s frozen water lateral.

Motion Selmer, Seconded Hickethier to approve a Class B Beer & Liquor License application submitted by Pippi Spletter for the Stacker Café at 609 Bridge St. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Mayor Talbot recognized and congratulated employee Gerald Roth on completing his journeyman electric lineworker apprenticeship program.

Motion Nodolf, Seconded Sammon to approve a participation agreement with Central States for continued Health & Welfare benefits for contract period 1/1/2014 -12/31/2014. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Motion Nodolf, Seconded Hickethier to table selecting a company to provide engineering services for 2014 CDBG-PF project. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Consideration of Energis invoices related to substation work. Motion Nodolf, Seconded Hickethier to approve Resolution #14-1 denying a December, 2012 Invoice for $48,063.67 and a January, 2013 invoice for $56,201.80 because such work was not publicly bid or authorized by the City. Carried 5 ayes, Logan absent.

Motion Hickethier, Seconded Turany to approve the following poll workers for a two year term 2014-2015: Sandra Kadlec*, Donna Yohnk, Marge Helgerson*, Sharon Walters, Angela Boulding, Kathryn Adrian, Jill Wolfe & Jeff Petrin. * indicates Chief Election Inspector. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Motion Nodolf, Seconded Selmer to approve bills totaling $75,188.16. Roll Call Vote Carried 5 ayes, Logan absent.

Upcoming Events:

o  Father/Daughter Dance at the school on Feb. 7th.

o  Candle-Light Ski/Snow Shoe & Sledding Party at Brunet Island State Park on Feb. 8th.

Motion Hickethier, Seconded Selmer to adjourn. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Adjourned at 7:34 p.m.


Date Approved


Judy Talbot, Mayor David DeJongh, Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer