9.–14. 8. 2010

2010. 08. 09–14.


9.–14. УIII. 2010

First Circular

Dear Colleagues,

The International Committee of Fenno-Ugric Congresses (ICFUC) announced at its meeting in Joshkar-Ola, Mari El, held in August 2005, that the host to the next International Congress will be Hungary. At the recommendation of the Hungarian National Committee the honour of hosting the Congress has been conferred on the Department of Fenno-Ugric Linguistics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Thus the 11th International Congress for Fenno-Ugric Studies (CIFU 11) will be held with the title

Fenno-Ugric Peoples and Languages in the 21th century

Date: 9–14 August 2010

Venue: the PPCU Campus, Piliscsaba, Hungary

The congress will focus on the social, cultural and linguistic situation and perspectives of Uralic (Fenno-Ugric and Samoyedic) peoples. At the beginning of the 21th century, research on endangered minority languages and cultures is one of the most important scientific issues. At the same time, the congress is open to topics other than this; discussion of the traditional questions of Fenno-Ugric studies is, of course, welcome.

The congress will work in four major sections: 1. linguistics, 2. ethnology and folklore, 3. literature, 4. history, archaeology and anthropology. Presentations will be of four kinds: plenary papers given by invited speakers and referees, sections papers (20 mins), posters and symposia.

Papers can be given in English, German, Russian or any of the Uralic languages.

Prospective participants can register by filling in the registration form, which can be downloaded from the Congress web-site and sent back via e-mail.

The deadline for registration is 31 May 2008.

For section papers and posters, abstracts must be submitted either in English or in Russian. Information on the size and the format of abstracts is found on the Congress web-site.

The deadline for abstract submission is 31 January 2009.

Abstracts will be refereed anonymously, and their acceptance will be decided by the organising committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 30 September 2009.

Detailed information on the symposia is found on the Congress web-site.

The registration fee for the Congress is EUR 150, for non-participants EUR 50. Details of payment are found on the Congress web-site. The fee covers general congress costs, cultural events and receptions and the printing of the programme, the plenary sessions brochure, the abstracts and the congress volume. It does not cover accommodation, meals and the costs of the excursions.

Detailed information on accommodation, meals and the excursions will be included in the second circular.

You are kindly requested to make this circular known to all who may be interested.

In the hope of seeing you at the Congress, with kind regards the Organising Committee.

November 2007, Piliscsaba

Sándor Csúcs
chair / Gábor Zaicz
secretary / Nóra Falk
assistant secretary

Contact information:


phone:+36-26-375375/2909 or


postal address:PPKE Finnugor Tanszék, FU-11
H–2081 Piliscsaba, Egyetem u. 1.