Village of Grand Manan

Regular Council Meeting

Grand Manan Community Centre

January 9, 2012

Calling to Order

Mayor Dennis Greene called this meeting to order @ 7:30 pm


Mayor Dennis Greene, Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox, Councillors Maurice Green, Wayne Sturgeon, Stuart Green, Sherman Ross, Mark Ingersoll, Kirk Cheney and Phil Ells Jr. CAO Rob MacPherson, Clerk/Asst. Treasurer Melanie Frost, Treasurer/Asst. Clerk Alyssa Calder, Acting Corporal Terry Douthwright, Constable Ken Matheson, 3 members of the public and 2 GMTV workers.


Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox

Opening Remarks

-  Mayor Greene hoped everyone had a Merry and Joyous Christmas

-  Mayor Greene expressed how fantastic the Christmas Parade was and thanked Jane Cary and her volunteers for all their hard work

-  Caution when approaching private snow plowing. When plowing your own driveway ensure all snow is removed from the highway.

-  The cost of the Christmas dinner for Council and staff was $594.38 including taxes and gratitude

-  Mayor Greene reminded residents of the NHL Legends game on January 20, 2012 @ 6:00 pm. Please come and support your arena. This event will be attended by a lot of media, special players and guests.

-  The Budget for 2012 will be approved tonight and the tax rate will be down very little from 2011.

-  Mayor and Council thoughts go out to the Village of Rogersville, who had a major fire and lost their Municipal, Police and Fire Department buildings. They had five Fire Trucks, saving two. They also lost their records dating back to the last 40 years.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Councillor Kirk Cheney declared conflict of interest on item 11, Approval to Pay Invoices

Councillor Phil Ells Jr. declared conflict of interest on item 12.1, Closed Session, Airport Lease

Adoption of Minutes

Moved by Councillor Wayne Sturgeon, seconded by Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox to adopt the Minutes of December 6, 2011, and to adopt the Minutes of December 29, 2011 with correction

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-01

Additions to Agenda

Department of Transportation Letter

Motion to Adopt 2012 Budget

Moved by Councillor Wayne Sturgeon, seconded by Councillor Maurice Green to add Letter from Allen Kerr, Department of Transportation and Motion to Adopt 2012 Budget as items 9.3 & 9.4 New Business

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-02


Interim Corporal Terry Douthwright read report

New Business

Christmas Tree Burning

Councillor Wayne Sturgeon announced the Annual Christmas Tree Burning will be held Saturday January 27, 2012 @ 7:00 pm; storm date will be January 28, 2012

Wind Power Research

Moved by Councillor Stuart Green, seconded by Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox to have the CAO research how other Municipalities are dealing with residential wind power and report back to Council at the March 2012 Council Meeting

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-03

Letter from Allen Kerr, Department of Transportation

Mayor Greene read letter from Alan Kerr, Department of Transportation regarding traffic maintenance issues on Route 776

Motion to Accept 2012 Budget

Moved by Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Phil Ells Jr. that WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Grand Manan has deemed that the revenue generated by this rate is sufficient to meet its revenue requirement;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The sum of $2,069,784.50 be the total Budget of the Municipality, that the sum of $1,800,955.50 be the Warrant of the Municipality, and that the tax rate (s) for the Municipality be $1.1129 for Grand Manan Island, and $0.7500 for the Outer Islands.

The Council orders and directs the levying by the Minister of Local Government of said amount on real property liable to taxation under the Assessment Act within the Municipality of Grand Manan.

Adopted this 9th day of January by the Council of the Village of Grand Manan

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-04

Committee Reports

Fire Department Report

Councillor Phil Ells Jr. reported the past months activities of the Fire Department

Moved by Councillor Maurice Green, seconded by Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox to research billing Insurance Companies for Fire Department being called to vehicle accidents

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-05

Approval to Pay the Following Invoices

General Capital Fund

Moved by Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Maurice Green to pay the following invoices with the exception of the Invoice to Fitzgerald & Snow in the amount $14,968.00 until sign off from the Arena Committee

Gavan Gill Inc. Canteen Exhaust/stainless steel skirt $10,250.10

Fitzgerald & Snow Mezzanine infloor heating $18,940.00

Fitzgerald & Snow Mezzanine tile flooring $ 4,780.00

Fitzgerald & Snow Phase 2 Arena (partial payment) $14,968.00

Canteen Cabinets/roll up door

L.E. Whittaker Co. Ltd Fire Suppression system (canteen) $ 3,311.80

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-06

Moved by Councillor Maurice Green, seconded by Councillor Phil Ells Jr. that we move into Closed Session

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-07

This meeting adjourned into Closed Session at 8:20 pm

This meeting was called back to order at 8:45 pm

Closed Session

Airport Lease

Move ahead with previous motion to go to arbitration

Grand Manan Community Arena “Memorandum of Understanding”

Moved by Councillor Phil Ells Jr, seconded by Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox to table the Grand Manan Community Arena MOU until Regular Council Meeting in February

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-08

Next Meeting

Regular Council Meeting

Grand Manan Community Centre

February 6, 2012


Moved by Councillor Sturgeon to adjourn

Motion Unanimously Carried 12-09

This meeting was adjourned at 8:49 pm


